1.The naming system we use today, which was created by Linnaeus, is called binomial nomenclature.

2.The six kingdoms of living things are: Plants, Animals, Archaebacteria, Fungi, Protist, and Monera.

3.Any collection of objects can be classified using a binomial key.

4.Viruses are not represented in the six-kingdom system because they are not living cells.

5.Viruses are larger than bacterial cells.


(Remember, scientific name is written as Genus species)

Common name / Scientific name / Family
Mallard / Anas platyrhynchos / Anatidae
Canada Goose / Branta canadensis / Anatidae
Common Loon / Gavia ímmer / Gaviidae
Blue-winged Teal / Anas discors / Anatidae
Gray Jay / Perisoreus canadénsis / Corvidae

6.According to Table 2.1, which two birds have the most in common?

a. / Mallard and Common Loon
b. / Canada Goose and Gray Jay
c. / Mallard and Blue-winged Teal
d. / Canada Goose and Blue-winged Teal

7.According to Table 2.1, which two birds have the least in common.

a. / Mallard and Common Loon
b. / Canada Goose and Blue-winged Teal
c. / Mallard and Blue-winged Teal
d. / Mallard and Canada Goose

8.If two individuals are from the same species, they must be able to:

a. / Produce fertile offspring together / c. / Communicate
b. / Form long, lasting romantic bonds / d. / Produce the same mating calls

9.Which Kingdom contains mostly unicellular, prokaryotic organisms?

a. / Eubacteria / c. / Plantae
b. / Protista / d. / Animalia

10.Which of the following diseases is not caused by a virus?

a. / SARS / c. / smallpox
b. / influenza / d. / tuberculosis

11.Which of the following statements concerning viruses and human health is false?

a. / in many diseases caused by viruses, the virus attacks cells as it reproduces
b. / most viral infections are difficult to treat, but they can be finally destroyed by antibiotics
c. / some viruses can remain dormant in the body for years before disease symptoms appear
d. / many viral diseases can be controlled through vaccinations

12.Which cell type is the preferred first host of the influenza virus?

a. / nerve cells / c. / muscle cells
b. / cells lining the throat / d. / white blood cells

13.Which of the labels above are pointing to a sample of Staphylococcus?

a. / A / c. / C
b. / B / d. / D

14.Which of the labels above are pointing to a sample of Streptobacillus?

a. / A / c. / C
b. / B / d. / D

15.The most common form of reproduction in bacteria is

a. / conjugation / c. / transformation
b. / binary fission / d. / sexual reproduction

16.The major groups of Archaebacteria include all of the following except

a. / nitrophiles / c. / methanogens
b. / thermophiles / d. / halophiles


17.Kingdom, Phylum, ______, Order, Family, ______, Species.

18.A virus that infects and destroys bacterial cells is known as a(n) ______.

19.During the ______viral genetic material replicates with the bacterium.

20.A ______is a small piece of circular DNA found in a bacterium.


22.Briefly describe the difference between the lytic and lysogenic viral life cycles.[2 marks]


23.A group of organs having related structures or functions is known as a(n)

a. / Tissue / c. / organ system
b. / organ group / d. / organism

24.Which of the following organs is not a part of the digestive system?

a. / Intestines / c. / kidneys
b. / Liver / d. / pancreas

29.The order in which food processing occurs in most organisms, including humans, is

a. / ingestion, absorption, digestion, egestion / c. / ingestion, digestion, absorption, egestion
b. / ingestion, egestion, digestion, absorption / d. / absorption, ingestion, digestion, egestion

30.Which of the following digestive secretions is released into the mouth?

a. / Amylase / c. / Lipase
b. / Pepsin / d. / Trypsin

31.Which of the following is the pathway taken by food through the digestive tube?

a. / esophagus, liver, pancreas, stomach, small intestine, large intestine
b. / esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine
c. / esophagus, stomach, large intestine, small intestine
d. / esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, small intestine. large intestine

32.The pathway taken by air entering the lungs is

a. / nasal cavity, trachea, bronchi
b. / nasal cavity, esophagus, bronchi
c. / nasal cavity, trachea, esophagus, bronchi
d. / nasal cavity, esophagus, trachea, bronchi

33.The muscles involved in the process of breathing are the

a. / intercostals / c. / Lungs
b. / diaphragm / d. / a and b only

34.During the process of exhaling, the

a. / diaphragm relaxes, and the intercostal muscles relax
b. / diaphragm contracts, and the intercostal muscles relax
c. / diaphragm relaxes, and the intercostal muscles contract
d. / diaphragm contracts, and the intercostal muscles contract

36.Which of the following is not a function of the human circulatory system?

a. / maintenance of body temperature
b. / cause emotions
c. / circulation of hormones
d. / all of the above are circulatory system functions

37.The impulses that stimulate the heartbeat originate in the

a. / sinoatrial node / c. / systole
b. / atrioventricular node / d. / diastole

38.Chose the correct order of blood vessels used as blood leaves the heart for a systemic circuit.

a. / veins, venules, capillaries, arterioles, arteries
b. / arterioles, arteries, capillaries, venules, veins
c. / arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins
d. / arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins, venules


Match the organ system with its major function.

a. / digestive / e. / excretory
b. / circulatory / f. / locomotion
c. / respiratory / g. / endocrine
d. / reproductive / h. / nervous

40.removal of wastes43.chemical regulation of body activities

41.transportation of nutrients, gases, and wastes44.movement of the body

42.breakdown of food45.gas exchange

Match each of the blood components with its function.

a. / plasma / e. / leukocyte, lymphocyte (white blood cell)
b. / erythrocyte (red blood cell) / f. / platelet

46.fights infection or provides immunity48.initiates blood clotting

47.acts as solvent for materials to be transported49.carries oxygen