Durham & District Riding Club

Newsletter – February 2009

Hello everyone

The last two weeks have seen the 2nd AGM of the club which was quite well attended. It was nice to meet some new people and catch up with others we hadn’t seen for a while. We had a visitor, Gus Dowson of the World Horse Welfare organisation, who tried out his new talk since the organisation launched under it’s new name (previously ILPH). The proceeds of the raffle were donated to the organisation to help with their work. We hope to have a visit from WHW with their Right Weight roadshow which the Pennells at Redworth have offered to host. So, if you have any worries about your horse’s weight in the Spring please keep watching the website for dates and details. The committee also met during this time and have LOADS of events planned for you – right up to the summer months.



Saturday 14th - Beach Ride starting from car park in Seaton Carew between 10am and 11 am. Hot soup and rolls provided. Non-members welcome. Cost: £3. Please contact Vikkie (07957 123 844) for more details and to let her know if you are going, so we know how much soup to bring!

Wednesday 18th – Evening Indoor Rally at the Centurion, Hunwick, with Michelle Dowson – for adults & juniors, starting at 6:30.

Sunday 22nd - Dressage Clinic with Sonja Hessel at Baxter Wood Farm - One-hour semi-private lessons, from 10am. Sonja will be judging our new summer dressage league, so come along and get some inside information about what she will be looking for! Cost: £25 each. Please contact Vikkie(07957 123 844) for more information, or to book your place.

Monday 23 February - Introduction to Pilates for Riders,with Ellen Hargreaves. One-hour introductory session for up to 8 people, in Leamside. You will need to bring a large bath towel (or yoga mat) and a small towel. For more information, or to book your place, contact Vikkie (07957 123 844).FULL

Tuesday 24th - Hoofcare Talk by Farrier Tony Storey(AWCF). Salutation, Dryburn View, Durham DH1 5AP Tony will cover:

  • daily hoofcare, how to recognise and treat problems, and when to call a farrier or vet
  • types of shoes, pads, and what they are used for
  • shoes v barefoot
  • laminitis - prevention, recognition and treatment - in readiness for the spring grass

and Tony will answer our questions afterwards.

Cost (including refreshments): Members - adults £5, juniors £3; non-members - adults £7, juniors £4. Starts 7:30pm; venue to be confirmed. Please let Sandy know if you would like to attend, so we know how many to cater for (07769 513 551).

Saturday 28 February - Show Jumping with Jamie Atkinson at his Langley Park yard. 1-hour lessons for groups of 4 in outdoor arena, from 2pm. Cost (adults and juniors) members £20; non-members £25. For more information, or to book your place, please contact Sandy on 07769 513 551. Places must be paid for in advance.


Sunday 1 March - Morning rally at Runnymede, Redworth with Pam Broom, from 10:30. Flatwork with some optional jumps. Please contact Sandy (07769 513 551) to book your place, and download a booking form here.

Thursday 5 March - Committee Meeting & bar meal - Salutation, Durham. All are welcome, so please come along and tell us what events you would like us to organise. From 7:30pm

Saturday 14th - Beach Ride starting from car park in Seaton Carew between 10am and 11am. Hot soup and rolls provided. Non-members welcome. Cost £3. Please contact Vikkie (07957 123 844) for more details and to let her know if you are going, so we know how much soup to bring!

Thursday 19th - Evening Indoor Rally at Ivesley EC - from 7pm. Flatwork and jumping. Cost: Members - adults £10, juniors £7; non-members - adults £15, juniors £11. Please contact Sandy (07769 513 551) to book your place, and download a booking form here.

Sunday 29th March - Return visit to the gallops at Todd Hall Farm, Redworth, DL2 2XG, from 10:30am. Cost: £5 per horse. Contact Michelle (07854 309984) to book your place. See Amanda's review of our last visit on the 'news' page.


Sunday 5th April – Flatwork or Jumping Rally at Fieldhouse Equestrian, Howden-le-Wear. Horses can be loaned from Rebecca for £10 – they will be brushed, tacked up and ready to go. If you haven’t ridden at Fieldhouse EC please contact Rebecca to book a horse – 01388 205805. It would be preferable if you booked an assessment lesson first with Rebecca or Tanya. Please note: Rebecca is keeping this date free in her diary especially for our club so we need to know by mid-March whether you will be attending. Please contact Pam on 0191 3781029 or e-mail . Access for lorries and trailers is via a good concrete road.

Sunday 12 April - Dressage Competition, Baxter Wood Farm - for Club members only.

This is a 'taster' session/trial run for our summer dressage league, so come along and have a try! Classes will be:

  • walk & trot test - DDRC W&T 1 - download from April page of the website, or contact Vikkie
  • preliminary test - British Dressage Prelim 4 (2002)
  • novice test - British Dressage Novice 21 (2002)

for juniors, adults and for veteran horses.

We want to encourage everyone to come along and have a try, so don't worry if you haven't competed before, or don't have formal dress - come and join us and just have fun.

Cost: £10 per class.

If you're interested in taking part, or would like to come along to help, please contact Vikkie(07057 123 844).

Saturday 25th - Visit to Dales Pony Stud,Todd Hall Farm, Redworth, DL2 2XG. Tour of the stud farm and meet the new foals. From 10:30 am to approximately 12:00. Contact Michelle for more information, or see stud website.


Sunday 3 May - Visit to Learning to Listen Open Day, Ilton, North Yorkshire- day of demonstrations by horse whisperer/natural horsemanship expert Sarah Kreuzer and her team. The cost will be around £5 (to be confirmed) plus a contribution to your driver's fuel costs. For more information, see the Learning to Listen website. If you'd like to go, please contactPatricia (07946 869 824).

Saturday 9 May - Cross Country Training at Hedley West -organised by British Riding Clubs Area 2. More information to follow soon.

Sunday 10 May - Summer Dressage League Competition, Baxter Wood Farm, Durham - first competition in our new summer league (for Club members only). Classes will include:

  • walk & trot test
  • prelim test
  • novice test

More details to follow. For information, if you would like to take part or to help as a steward, please contact Vikkie (07957 123 844)

Sunday 31 May - Annual Charity Dressage competition- proceeds will go to Riding for the Disabled. Watch this space for more details.


Saturday 13th - Day Trip to Bramham Horse Trials- Coach trip to watch the cross-country competition, for members and friends. Details to be confirmed nearer the time, but book your diaries now!

Sunday 14th - Summer Dressage League Competition, Baxter Wood Farm, Durham (club members only)

Sunday 28th - British Riding Clubs Area 2 Horse Trials - more information to follow soon.


Sunday 12 July - Summer Dressage League Competition, Baxter Wood Farm, Durham (club members only)


Sunday 9th - Summer Dressage League Competition, Baxter Wood Farm, Durham(club members only)

Please note – the website also contains details of BRC competitions but unfortunately I am unable to copy and paste to this newsletter due to IT gremlins. If you wish to compete in any BRC competition please contact Vikkie Wilkinson.