17 April 2015

Decoding Words

Learner Profile/

Contextual Factors 2 Girls, 3 Boys

Goal(s)Provide authentic and pleasurable, reading and writing experiences

Common Core

StandardsRF.1.3.b Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words

ObjectivesAfter using the decoding sliders, TSW spell at least 5 words correctly that I orally present to them.

Time Frame30-40 Minutes

Prior Student

KnowledgeWhat the word decoding means


AssessmentA final analysis reflective paper/essay.


Assessment TSWcomplete a spelling test where they need to spell five words correctly.


  • Decoding sliders
  • Written questions
  • Pencil


  • Myself

Key Language Demand and/or Function / Academic Language / Practice / Support
Inform / Decode / TSW decode words using the decoding sliders / I will show them how to use the sliders, and how to decode.





  1. An introduction/motivation(5 Minutes)
  • Review decoding skills with the students

Ask the students if they know what it means to decode, if so have them explain what it means.

Explain to them that decoding means sounding out the letters individually to figure out the whole word.

Go over decoding sounds with the students using the notecards.

  • Take notes on which letters students struggle with and if they struggle when it comes to more than one letter to decode.
  1. Developmental/Universal Core (24 Minutes)
  • This is a game that I made for us to play, it is called decoding sliders.
  • Show the students how to use the decoding sliders on their own.
  • After having shown the students how to use the sliders have them work on decoding individually

Each student will get a slider with multiple words in it and they will take turns decoding the word that is next in their slider. They will decode each word while I listen and take notes on what words/sounds they struggle to decode.

When each student finishes their set of slider words have the students switch with the other student to decode different words

Once both of the students have had a chance to decode both sets of words on their own, decode the words as a group.

  • Give the students the decoding worksheet

Explain to the students that I will be telling them the words that they just decoded orally and they will write them on their spelling quiz.

Use your decoding skills that we just worked on to spell your words correctly

Before we start, lets review what decoding is. Who can tell me what decoding means?

  • If the spelling test is completed with a time left over. Have the students on a white board practice decoding words that we have not practiced throughout the lesson. (This will not be graded, just to have more information of where they are at)

Use one syllable words, such as:

  • Day
  • World
  • Tip
  • Elf
  • Heart
  • Life
  • Love
  • Book
  • Cash
  • Cup

  • If there is enough time left we will decode words from the book we read last week, which was How Things Move.

Ask the students to go through and decode words in the book together, we will pick at least one word a page to decode.

  • Example: Top (t-o-p)
  1. Closure (1 Minute)
  • Today we worked on decoding words, as we continue to work together we will frequently be working on these skills. When these words get easy for you we will move on to more difficult words to become better at our decoding skills.

AssessmentTSW take a spelling test where they have to decode the words to spell them correctly. They must spell at least five words correctly.


Theoretical Every Child, Every Day

ReasoningGradual Release of Responsibility: I will show the students how to use the decoding sliders, then we will do it together, and then they will decode individually.


Management/Walking from classroom to classroom or to my station.

SafetyKeep the students on task, if they are struggling to stay on task I will have them take a short brain break and do jumping jacks to get settled down again.

Name: ______

Decoding Words

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

6. ______

7. ______

8. ______

9. ______

10. ______

Alicia Olson

EDUC 319

17April 2015


Today my lesson went well! I think the students really enjoy using the decoding sliders. I had two students that I already had for this lesson again. Although this was the case they still seemed to enjoy the lesson.

The interaction part of my lesson went well with the students. They enjoyed that they were able to hold the decoding sliders and were able to kind of take control of their own learning. Another part of the lesson that they enjoyed was when we practiced decoding words that I said aloud to them and they had to spell on the white board (was just like their assessment-but just for fun). They enjoyed this part of the lesson because they were able to use the white boards. Also, I think because this was the second time I had taught them the lesson they were ready new words.

One thing that I would change if I were to do this lesson again is to also do two syllable words. Because the standard was specific to one syllable words, that is what I stuck with. They began to get good at one syllable words so I would want to do two syllable words to challenge them.

2/2 students met my objective. One of the students met it with only receiving one wrong and the other barely met it by receiving 5 wrong. I would use this data to evaluate which words the students got wrong and see why. Most of the words Ava got wrong were they words where two letters sounded like one. I would then do another lesson to work on what the students struggled with.