The technology of soil fastening and operation of transport constructions on weak bases/E. Korchagin,M. Sahnenko, G. Stepanyan/ River transport (XXIst century).2013 – № 4 (63). – p. 66.
Describes the technology of fastening base’s weak soils by silt-cement piles using principle of dry mixing of water-saturated natural soil with dry binder (cement). Analyses researches of silt-cement pile’s carriyng capacity and fastened area. Shows the results of monitoring of port Temryuk berthes’exploitation and makes previously calculations which allows to consider the possibility of increasing berths’ categories.
Key words:silt-cement piles, soil-cement composite, fastening of base’s weak soils, silt soils, method DSM (Deep Soil Mixing), pile’s carriyng capacity, stamp tests, pile’s pitch, technology of armouring weak soils.
Contacts: ,
Effectiveness of ships’ movement on lowered speed/Y.Bibikov/River transport (XXIst century).2013 – № 4 (63). – p. 69.
Shows examples of increasing exploitation effectivness of river touristic fleet on popular routes by decreasing its speed of movement and as the result reducing fuel charges.Substantiates practicability of modernization of ship poject № R51.
Key words:passenger ship, effectiveness, speed of movement, fuel economy.
Using DDAM-analisys for calculation hydraulic works’ respond on dynamic loads / I. Meschihin, E. Sosyenushkin/River transport (XXIst century).2013 – № 4 (63). – p. 73.
Covers some problems of calculation featuresof hydraulic works’ metal structures during seismic loads activity and water environment influence. Makes special accent on verification dynamic model method and determination of itseffectivefrequencycomposition.
Key words:mathematical modelling, rotary valves, virtual weightsmethod, finite element method,seismic stability.
Shipping safety and effectivness: problems and solutions/V. Mineev, G. Veselov, S. Ionov/River transport (XXIst century).2013 – № 4 (63). – p. 79.
Substantiates necessity of improving ship’ssteerability. Shows the correlation to define ship prow thruster device’s power, results of optimization of this parameter.
Key words:ship’ssteerability, ship’s prow thruster device
Scientifically substantiated proposals to normative documentations of Russian Federation in field of prevention environment pollution by ship’s ballast water / N. Sustretova, E. Cheban, V. Etin/ River transport (XXIst century).2013 – № 4 (63). – p. 80.
Shows the results of analisys of efficaciousnormative-legal and normative-technical documentsin field of prevention environment pollution by ship’s ballast water. Offers author’s changes to acting legislation of Russian Federation
including Technical regulation of inland water transport object’s safety and Rules of Russian River Register for the purpose to harmonize these documents with each other and international agreements.
Key words: ballast water, normative documentations, pollution prevention.
The problem of calculation of solid bulk cargoweight by ship’s draught /A. Telegin, A. Nichiporuk, V. Shabrov /River transport (XXIst century).2013 – № 4 (63). – p. 83.
Substantiates necessity of improving method of calculation of solid bulk cargo weight by ship’s draught, gives corresponding recommendations.
Key words: cargo weight, ship’s draught.
Forming shipping companies’ dividend policy/E. Khrapova, B. Kychanov/River transport (XXIst century).2013 – № 4 (63). – p. 86.
Describes essence and elements of dividend policy ofjoint stock companies, procedure of its creation and choosing optimal variant of realizationwith due regard of providing necessity company’s economic growth and observance of interests ofshareholders and investors.
Key words:dividend policy, dividend payout ratio, coefficient of economic growth, majority shareholders, sctructure od shares’owners.
The review of technical educational devices for training crew members of inland vessels/M. Ivanov/River transport (XXIst century).2013 – № 4 (63). – p. 90.
Gives historical review of creation technical educational devices for training crew members of inland water transport. Describes main samples of devices and makes their classification.
Key words:technical training devices, navigational simulators, professional training, crew members of inland water transport.