Parent Teacher Organization

Lincoln Elementary School

233 Seem Street

Emmaus, PA 18049

PTO Meeting Minutes

November 5, 2013 at 7pm

Present: Jackie Attinello, Jenn Henry, Danielle Schurman, Jen Elston, Lexi Williams, Darlene Sanderson, Brandi Blose, Megan Snyder, Larua Elmore, Jen Anders, Sherilyn Scheetz, Judd Hark, Jen Marangos, Beth Sharpless

Excused: Amy Munson

Presentation by Seth Flanders (Friends of the Emmaus Public Library)

·  Looking to expand the Children’s Wing of the Library. Already have some monies to go toward that, but need to raise a lot more

·  The library works on a very small budget of about $300,000 annually and it supports the community of Emmaus, Upper Milford and part of Macungie

·  Meetings are the 1st Thursday of every month

·  Book sale the first Friday in December

·  Donations of books and monies are always welcome

·  Friends of the Library newsletter distributed

Presidents Welcome and ice breaker-names into container for drawing at a later time.

October meeting minutes approval by Jennifer Marangos and Megan Snyder

Treasurer’s Report

·  YTD income 1138/YTD expenses $1569: Balance; $10738.34

·  Kids stuff books are a better profit this year

·  Paw’s Place request for monies for event. $400 approved unanimously

Old Business

·  EPIC-no update

·  President’s visit to area PTO’s: the other groups were open to doing an event cooperatively, possibly a kick ball game b/t schools

New Business

·  Fall Book Fair

o  Monday and Wednesday is books and breakfast for grandparents or designee to visit

o  Family fun night is November 19

o  Sign up sheet sent around

o  Spring book fair will be April 7-10 during the Spring Conferences

·  Paw’s Place (December 7)

o  Will try to make a profit this year

o  Things there this year will be: Christmas City Photos, Spirit Wear, Bake sale, Little Shoppers, a “store” where kids can purchase gifts and then wrap them, gift baskets from each grade to be raffled off

o  This year it will be a whole new and improved event

·  Barnes and Noble night (December 12, 6-8)

o  Features of this event are story reading by faculty, art show, chorus/chimes concert, book mark craft, gift wrapping table

o  Teachers to make a wish list of books desired for their classroom

o  Sign up for gift wrapping sent around

Committee Updates

·  Fundraising

o  Pie fundraiser, Market Day, Life and Style pick up on Monday, November 18th at 3:30 pm. Please contact Alyssa Folkes if available to help with the pick up.

o  Feather Fundraiser details to be changed a little:cost for a feather will be $0.25 and one teacher from each grade will be chosen to “compete” to get to wear the feathered hat

o  Looking at cinch bags to add to spirit wear merchandise

o  Armetta’s hoagie coupons in Spring, 5Below coupons will be at Paw’s Place, starting restaurant nights up again

·  Communications

o  No updates

Principal’s Update

·  Suggested calling new students’ parents to welcome them

·  Ideas incentives for PTO chair people-preferred seating at the play maybe

Faculty input

·  “Thank you” to the PTO for supporting the faculty

Open Discussion

·  Request to have a girl scout leader at Family Fun night to help recruit new leaders-for Dr. Attinello to decide

Drawing for IPod shuffle donated by Jen Elston-received by Beth Sharpless

Next Meeting is December 3rd at 4pm