OnSSI Project Registration Discount Program

EducationStimulus Package Project Registration Form

15% Education Discount Project Registration – Ocularis ES and EVS (only)

50% Education Discount Project Registration – Ocularis DS and DVMS (only)


Education DiscountProject Registration is one of the advantages reserved for OnSSI’s Certified Channel Partners (CCP) and Distribution Partners (DP). In most cases, when a CCP or DP introduces an OnSSI solution to an end user, the CCP and/or DP will be entitled to a special discount on their net price (at OnSSI’s sole discretion). This special discount price is a pass-through for all channels intended to benefit the end-user cost only.

Education Discount Project Registrations are valid for a specific period from the date of registration. All orders pertaining to the registered project, and referencing the project #, will be eligible to receive the specified discount for the following specific time periods:

  • 50% off of MSRP on Ocularis DS and NetDVMS, both new and existing systems (Base and Recorder Cameras Licenses and SUP only).
  • 15% off of MSRP on Ocularis ES and NetEVS, both new and existing systems (Base and Recorder Camera Licenses and SUP only).
  • Educational facilities with a current OnSSI SUP can register their facilities under this program and receive the applicable discount for their SUP renewals.

All orders pertaining to a registered project must reference the project # and will be eligible to receive the discount for the following periods:

  • Ocularis ES and NetEVS - one (1) year from date of registration
  • Ocularis DS and NetDVMS – for orders delivered through the end of the 3rd Quarter 2010 (September 30, 2010).

How to Qualify

You must first fill out and submit this Project Registration Form.

The minimum order size for this package is $1000 (after discount).

Please note, this special, limited-time stimulus package is being offered on the Ocularis Base, NetDVMS and the Ocularis Recorder Camera Licenses, not to any other add-on components.

Rules of Engagement

In order to apply for an Education Discount Project Registration, the following rules must be followed:

  • Education Discounts must be confirmed by the End-User/Educational Facility in writing. (see note below)
  • End User must be a recognized institution whose primary purpose is educational. Discount will not apply ifthe end-user is not a listed, certified educational facility.
  • Education Discount Project Registration Forms must be completed in their entirety.

It is important to note that the Education Discount Project Registration does not provide the CCP a position of advantage over other CCPs that may, in any way, affect the end user’s rights for fair and legal business conduct. The Education Discount Project may be registered by multiple CCP’s, as the specific % discount off MSRP is a pass-through forall fulfillment channels directly, and only, to the End-User/Educational Facility.

Once the registration is submitted, it will be reviewed for approval. You will receive a confirmation that the project has been registered under your (the CCP company) name.

Please note,the 15% and 50% education discountsare pass-through discounts directly to, and for,the end-user. [The CCP Pricing Formula is contained at the end of the form.] In order for you (CCP) to receive the appropriate discount, the educational facility must supply OnSSI with an acknowledgement/receiptletter, on official education institution letterhead. The letter must state that the institution has received the appropriate discount, dependent upon product platform,forthe specific OnSSI product, and must be signed by a school official.

Required ’Official Receipt and Acknowledgement Letter’ must be received by OnSSI at time of Purchase Order submission, and prior to product shipment.

Project Information

  1. Date (Calendar)
  2. Product:
  3. OC ES – 15% Discount off MSRP


  1. OC DS – 50% Discount off MSRP
  1. Project Title:
  2. Number of cameras:
  3. Time Frame:
  4. Description/Additional Info:

Project Background

How and by whom was OnSSI introduced to this project?

Is end user currently an OnSSI customer? Yes No

What is the project timeframe/stages/completion date?

Public Bid – RFQ/RFI/RFP

Is Project in response to a Public Bid? : Yes No

Date of Public Bid:

List of Known Competitor Products:

List of Other Known Bidders:

Certified Channel Partner (CCP)Information

Dealer Name
Dealer Number
Dealer Address
City: State: Zip / ,
Contact person

Distribution PartnerInformation (DP) Information

Contact person

End-User Information

Educational Institution
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
City: State: Zip / ,
Contact person

Architect & Engineer / Consultant Information (if applicable)

As the OnSSI CCP, were you responsible for driving the specification? Yes No

A & E Firm
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
City: State: Zip / ,
Contact person

Educational Discount Pricing Formula:

CCP Pricing Formula

MSRP – 50% / 15% Education Discount = New Education Base Price/Price for End-User

New Education Base Price – CCP Discount % = Your New Education Price/Price for CCP

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