Notice of fund availability

To Serve Out-of-School Youth




Lehigh Valley Workforce Development Board

555 Union Boulevard

Allentown, PA 18109

Phone (610) 437-5627 / Fax (610) 437-3527

Lehigh Valley Workforce Development Board, Inc.
reserves the right to modify any of the enclosed


Organizations choosing the navigatoroption will select and employ the navigator so that they can be embedded within the host organization’s existing program. LVWDB willreimburse the organization for the NAVIGATOR’Swages and fringe benefits. The youth will benefit by being served by both their assigned case manager and the navigator. The navigatoris expected todetermine WIOA program eligibility, and build upon the program services and activities already provided through the host organization by providing or referring the youthto one or more of the listed LVWDB fundedactivities and services as appropriate for each individual youth.

The following services would be delivered by the Navigator:

  1. WIOA Eligibility. The Navigator is required to understand and determine WIOA eligibility for youth in accordance with WIOA requirements described below:

Youth to be served must meet the eligibility requirements in one of the following three (3) categories:

Category 1
Age / Income / Barrier
17-24 / n/a / High School Dropout
Category 2
This out is not a HS dropout and has a high school credential
Eligibility is determined as follows:
17-24 / Economically Disadvantaged / And also is any one of / Deficient in basic literacy skills
An English language learner
Required additional assistance to enter or complete an educational program or to secure or hold employment defined by LVWDB.
Category 3
The youth is not a HS dropout and has a high school credential
Eligibility is determined as follows:
17-24 / n/a / Has any one of these barriers / Homeless, a runaway, or a foster child
Pregnant or a parent
An ex-offender
  1. Objective Assessment, Development of an Individual Employability Plan (IEP) / Individual Service Strategy (ISS). NAVIGATOR will provide an objective assessment, if needed, development of an individual service strategy and a career pathways plan to identify the WIOA services to be provided to the youth.
  1. Guidance and Counseling. It is expected that the proposer has an existing case manager that will be assigned to coordinate with the NAVIGATOR to provide intensive as needed by eligible youth.
  1. Paid and unpaid work experiences with academic and occupational education as a component of the work experience. This can include an internship, work experience, summer work experience or on the job training.Background screening shall be conducted as appropriate for the worksite. The Navigator would be expected to match the youth with a worksite. Proposer’s organization may also serve as a worksite.
  1. Referral to GED or high school recovery through the public education system or approved Title II Adult Education and Family Literacy Act programs. A list of approved Title II Programs will be provided.
  1. Activities to help youth transition to post-secondary education and training.
  1. Occupational Skills Training. An LVWDB scholarship called an Individual Training Account may be provided if the youth are referred to occupational skills training. In demand occupations at a post-secondary school listed on the PA Eligible training provider list.
  1. Referral to education coupled with employability skills development (combining education with employability skills and / or a work experience and/or referral to GED, and/or assistance in obtaining a high school credential).
  1. Support services. Individualized supportive services have limitations but may include transportation assistance, required materials/supplies, clothing, background checks, medical screenings, and industry-recognized certifications
  1. Incentive payments. Up to $250 a year incentives may be provided to youth and must be recorded in the participant’s Individual Service Strategy, linked to training and education, work readiness and/or occupational skills attainment.
  1. Youth must be provided with Labor market information and placed into unsubsidized employment.
  1. Follow-up services for youth after placement, is required.

The following are services which can be provided by the host organization or by a vendor on the LVWDB Vendor List.

13.Employability/Life Skills/ Family Planning Education.

  1. Referral to an adult and caring mentor,if available.
  1. Leadership Development Training/Financial Literacy. An example of leadership development training may include opportunities such as community service.
  1. Entrepreneurial skills training/financial literacy education.
  1. Tutoring or referral to tutoring.If the youth is in GED, or wants to go onto post-secondary education, or is enrolled in a post-secondary program, tutoring or referral to tutoring is allowed.

The outcomes forOut-of-School youth areas follows:

  1. If enrolled in a GED program or in high school equivalency program, completion of high school/GED, attainment of the high school credential

andenrollment into post-secondary school or placement into unsubsidized employment or the military;


  1. If enrolled in post-secondary school, completion of post-secondary school, graduation/attainment of the credential

andplacement into unsubsidized employment;


  1. If enrolled in a job search/placement program, completion of pre-employment skills training

and placement into unsubsidized employment;


  1. For youth placed in employment, attainment of the wage rate to be set by the LVWDB for youth; and
  1. For youth placed in employment, attainment of the employer measure to be set by the LVWDB.

The Proposed Performance Objectives for OPTION 1 – the Navigator include:

  1. Recruitment and enrollment of youth within the time frames laid out in the specifications each year that a contract is in effect.
  1. For youth who enter GED or drop-out recovery, attainment of a high school credential or diploma.
  1. For youth who complete high school or GED,placement in unsubsidized full time employment, post-secondary school or the military.
  1. For youth who enter into post-secondary training, registration and completion of a minimum of 12 credits during a program year.
  1. For youth who enter into post-secondary training, attainment of a credential or degree and placement in unsubsidized full time employment, post-secondary school or the military.
  1. For youth not targeted for post-secondary school, placement into unsubsidized employment.
  1. Attainment of employability skills.
  1. Attendance in all program activities.
  1. The median wage to be set by LVWDB.


A copy of the RFP may be accessed on the LVWDB Website:

Who May Apply? / Schools, governmental agencies, not for profit entities, individuals or businesses serving the targeted population and have the experience and ability to provide the number and type of staff described to deliver the requested services. Organizations should have a minimum of two (2) years of experience in providing the requested or similar services.
Term of Services / LVWDB reserves the right to renew the contracts entered into as a result of this RFP for three (3)additional one (1) year periods.
Questions / Questions should be emailed to by February 1, 2017 4:00 p.m. Responses will be posted on the LVWDB website,
Proposers should not contact LVWDB employees, workforce board members or elected officials charged with oversight of these programs during the review process to avoid conflicts, the appearance of conflicts, or undue influence over the process.
Grievances / In the event a proposer wishes to file a grievance in connection with the process, a grievance procedure is available and may be obtained from the LVWDB offices.
Grievances related to this proposal must be filed in writing within the timeframes as stated in the LVWDB grievance policy.
Proposal Deadline / Proposals are due no later thanFebruary 10, 2017 at 12:00 p.m.
Background Checks / All individuals working with youth are required to undergo Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law background screening.
Proposal Rejection / Consideration of any proposal received will be dependent upon availability of funds.
LVWDB reserves the right to reopen this request for proposals if an insufficient number of proposal responses are received, or, if in the sole discretion of LVWDB, proposals do not meet the needs of LVWDB.
LVWDB reserves the right to amend, cancel, or reissue this RFP at any time, at its sole discretion.
LVWDB reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to decide not to proceed to contract, and to waive minor variances in proposals, if such action is in the best interest of LVWDB.
Contract type
and format / Contracts shall be cost reimbursement. The LVWDB does not provide advances.
Proposal Evaluation / Proposals will be evaluated using the attached rating instrument and must score at least 70% to be considered.
References / Proposer must submit three (3) signed references from entities which have done business with proposer during the past five (5) years on the forms provided. References should be from entities familiar with proposer’s organization and able to comment on proposer’s ability to deliver the services proposed.
Cure Process / LVWDB has established the option to cure minor omissions in proposals within twenty-four(24) hours of LVWDB notification to the Proposer. LVWDB shall not be held responsible for applicant’s failure to meet responsiveness, date, time, and location deadlines due to late delivery or omissions by the U. S. Postal services or other courier or delivery services.
Insurance / All selected proposers will be required to have their own general liability and auto insurance coverage and may be required to name the LVWDB as a third party insured.
Public Documents / All materials and supporting documentation submitted in response to the RFP are subject to the WIOA procurement requirements.
Conflict of Interest / All Applicants must disclose the name of any officer, director, or agency who is also an employee of LVWDB or a member of its governing boards. All applicants must disclose the name of any LVWDB employee who owns, directly or indirectly, any interest in the applicants’ business or any of its branches. Such disclosures should be indicated on the Application in the appropriate section.

Below is the schedule and dates for the submission and award process:

Event / Date – Time – Location
RFP Open to the Public / Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Deadline for Posting Written Questions / Wednesday, February 1, 2017 by 4:00 P.M.
Deadline for Proposal Submission / Friday, February 10, 2017 by 12:00 P.M.

All dates are subject to change by LVWDB