St. Hubert School Advisory Board
Minutes of November 2, 2017 Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
Present: Ms. Bourrell, Karen Altman, Jessica Banakis, Pete Dombrowski, Vicki Chriske-Hines, Kerri Largo, Jackie Reimann, Amy Spizzirri,
Guests: Tammy Davis, Kathleen Henry
1. Principal Report (Ms. Bourrell)
● 328 current students
● Social Media
● Managed by Lori Capesius
● Multiple Facebook profiles for school are being merged
● Marketing
● Updating school folders
● Creating tablecloth and banner for tables at fairs/other churches/etc.
● Technology
● Met with Apple and received quote for iPads to reach 1:1 ratio
● Tax credit scholarship
● Marketing to religious education students, other parishes
● Requires tuition to be set by December 1 so applications can begin January 1
2. Marketing (Kerri Largo)
● Making use of class groups on Facebook to share school posts
● Creating school store
● Student council will be running it
● Spirit wear will be available
● #sthubertknights is new hashtag for social media
3. Technology
● Discussion regarding benefits of iPads over Chromebooks
● Feeder schools are iPad based
● Ms. Bourrell is attending seminar on 1:1 Apple usage
● Teacher training and goals for classroom usage need to be determined
4. Revisions to SAB Constitution and By-laws
● Unanimously agreed to remove Development Core Team
● Unanimously agreed to make meetings monthly during school year.
5. Fundraising
● Kathleen Van Deven is working on grant from Rivers Casino
● Track-a-thon banner almost done
● Spring golf outing by FSA (Tammy Davis)
● Intend to promote early in January
● Date has not been determined yet
● Proceeds to go towards improving technology
● Christmas Tree Sales
● Profit of $891.84 on approximately 20 trees
● Main Event fundraiser (Jackie Reimann)
● Set for Sunday, March 4, 2018 in the afternoon
● 50/50 raffle available at door
● Same price as last year
● Investigating possible raffle for teacher events (“lunch with your teacher”)
6. Christmas events for teachers
● FSA providing luncheon
● Room parents to request donations for class giftcard to each teacher. Participation is voluntary.
7. Previous minutes approved
8. Adjourn