Student Information System (Aeries)
District Procedures Manual
Placer Union High School District
13055 Bill Francis Drive
Auburn, CA 95603
530 886-4445
Table of Contents
General Database Set Up 1
Creating Next Years Database 1
Regular School Database 1
Summer School Databases 2
School Options or LOC Table 2
School Calendar 3
Log Database 3
No Show Set up Form 3
Define Required Fields 4
Steps for Entering Grad Tracks 5
Transcript Definitions 5
Uniform District Rules for Enrolling Students 6
Site Maintenance 7
Storing & Archiving Databases 7
Upkeep and Backup of Databases 7
Compacting Databases 8
Jet Comp 8
Past Transcript Requests 8
Critical Enrollment Steps for Enrolling All Students 9
Adding a Student to your Database 9
All Student Enrollment 12
Placer Union High School District Enrollment Packet 12
Enrollment Form 12
Student Prior School Enrollment Form (CSIS) 16
Immunization Form 17
Home Language Form 17
Demographic Form 17
Mandatory Annual Student Health Inventory 18
Status Tags 18
Concurrent Enrollment 18
Withdrawing a Student 19
Withdrawal Reasons 20
Withdrawal Status Tags 27
Drop Outs 27
Tagging Graduates/Certificate of Completions/Non Grads 29
Clarification: Graduation Ceremony 2007 30
PUHSD Graduation Requirements 31
Grad Tracks 32
Miscellaneous Codes and Tables 32
Student Attendance Program Codes 33
Student Special Program Codes 33
PUHSD User Fields 34
Courses 35
Scheduling 36
Transcripts 36
Discipline 38
Special Education 39
DIstirct Procedures Manual
General Database Set Up
The Setup and Maintenance of each database is critical. Specific steps/structures have been established to help maintain uniformity throughout the district. Make sure you fully understand and follow all guidelines under Setup and Maintenance.
Creating Next Years Database
When creating your next year’s database DO NOT ROLL OVER YOUR GRADUATED OR INACTIVE STUDENTS. Inactive students will be copied into school 950 PUHSD Inactive Students, and Graduated students will be copied into school 980 PUHSD Graduates, both of which are part of the district database. This process will take place at the district level and sites will be notified when this takes place.
Regular School Database
102 Chana High School
103 Colfax High School
104 Del Oro High School
105 Maidu High School
109 Foresthill High School
110 Placer High School
950 PUHSD Inactive Database (all schools prior years’ withdrawals)
975 PUHSD Graduates (all schools prior years’ graduates)
980 PUHSD Other Schools (Non Public Schools, County Programs)
Validate the student’s subsequent information copied over correctly such as Language, Program and Special Ed information. The Print Record Table Count report will assist you with verifying this information. This report can be run from the Last Years database and then run from the New Years database to compare record counts. Verify student enrollment totals as well.
Summer School Databases
Steps for naming your summer school:
Use the current school year
Create the database name as follows:
First set of numbers is the two digit year – EXAMPLE for 2003-2004 school year the two digit number is 03, the second set of numbers – 13 (Which distinguishes summer school) and then the last number is the last number in your school number
102 Chana
103 Colfax
104 Del Oro
105 Maidu
109 Foresthill
110 Placer
EXAMPLE for Chana Summer School, summer 2004, the school number would be 03132.
School Options or LOC Table
Make sure the (LOC) table (A) School Options is up to date and correct. This should be done IMMEDIATELY upon creating your new year database and no changes should ever be made on this form after school starts.
Only Security Level users should have access to this table
School Name
ID Type (CDS ID#)
County Code 31
District Code 66894
School Code
Chana 3131687
Colfax 3131851
Del Oro 3132453
Foresthill 0102293
Maidu 3130135
Placer 3135704
Bell Schedules and Terms
Set before the start of school to meet site specific times and dates. Double check all start and end dates on your term table.
School Calendar
Build your (B) School Calendar based on your site school days and build your block school calendar (Aeries Form) for specific school site schedules. This is a pertinent piece to the Attendance Letter Log and certain Attendance reports if your site has alternating days.
Locking Attendance Months
Sites should lock attendance months, under the Calendar (B) once an attendance report is complete.
Log Database
As added security, all sites should create a Log Database. This is a database outside of Aeries that will store any changes that have been made to selected records/tables.
1. From View All Forms, add a filter and type in “Log”. Select Log Database Configuration
2. Click Enable Even Logging in Aeries
3. Select the tables you wish to be logged (recommend all)
4. To view the Log Database make sure Fast Exit is not checked under Variables for current users. Close Aeries by the “x” in the right corner, still leaving the SCH. Database in the bottom left corner. Go to File, Open Database and locate the LOG file. EXAMPLE: LOG05110. Double click the Log to view modifications that have been made.
No Show Set up Form
The No Show Setup form needs to be set up when the new school year database is created so that an automatic process will be in place to assist sites, and to assure accurate data is entered for No Show Students.
When a student is withdrawn and the status tag of V is given, a pop up box will automatically display allowing the entry of the Withdrawal Reason, which will automatically populate the SWR field on SUP III. Remember these students will not be enrolled in attendance so the normal process, using the attendance switch screen, is not available and a withdrawal reason is mandatory on all students, this is when the No Show Form is a useful tool
Define Required Fields
The Define Required Fields for Data Entry must be set in each database.
The following fields on the Student Table are required:
Home Language STU.HL
Ethnicity STU.EC
Parent Level of Education STU.PED
Under Define Limited Drop downs:
Grid Code STU.GC
Inter-district Transfer STU.IT
Transfer District STU.ITD
Last School STU.LS
Corresponding Language STU.CL
Home Language STU.HL
Language Fluency STU.LF
Program STU.SP
Ethnic Code STU.EC
Parent Level of Ed STU.PED
U6 through U10 STU.U1-U6
Under Define Captions
User 6 Definition 504 (504 Accommodation)
User 7 Definition SpEd (Special Ed Case Carrier)
User 8 Definition FX/FH (Foreign Exchange/Foster Home)
User 9 Definition Care (Care Giver Affidavit on File)
User 10 Definition Fhomes (Foster Home Listings)
Steps for Entering Grad Tracks
Grad Tracks allow sites to set different graduation requirements for students. Because Del Oro & Foresthill are on a 4 X 4 Block Schedule they need to use Grad Tracks and because a student could transfer from one of these schools to your school site you MUST enter the grad tracks in your system, which will then allow you to properly remove the Grad Track. If you do not remove the grad track, you will have problems with your History table.
Go to the Code Table and get the REQ table and then the field GRT. Add a D for Del Oro. Now go to Q Update Grad Requirements Table and down in the bottom left corner under Grad Requirement hold down the arrow key and Select New add a grad track. It asks you which grad track, select D. Now when you enroll a student from Del Oro go to their transcript and in the bottom right corner select status and the top right is their grad track. Remove the D. Until you add that D on your REQ table you cannot remove it from a student. Now go back to your REQ table and enter the other grad tracks.
Grad Tracks are entered in the code table under “REQ” CD
D Del Oro
S 220 Transfer Credits
T 240 Transfer Credits
Transcript Definitions
GR1 Standard Diploma
GR2 SB517 Grad with CAHSEE Waiver
GR3 Certificate of Completion
GR4 Certificate of Achievement
GR5 Non Grad
IMM Shows Immunization
Uniform District Rules for Enrolling Students
These rules are pushed from the District Database and are NEVER altered.
1. Students must be inactive at old school before enrollment at another school
(Tagged “L” Left Cum not requested is an inactive status)
2. Use STU.TG to determine if a student is inactive at old school when transferring records.
3. Use of Copy One Student from another school form requires User to have Security group permissions.
4. Assign new student ID numbers from district database only, not from school.
5. N/A photographs are stored on site.
6. N/A not matriculating district.
7. Force the newest version of Aeries on users (this rule must be “Pushed Down” to sites from district).
8. Change of student ID Number requires User to have Security group permission.
9. Lock the TTC (Tables to Copy) table from users.
It is agreed between sites that the following tables ARE NEVER copied when transferring a student within district: THIS IS CRITICAL FOR PROPER REPORTING AND TRACKING OF SPECIFIC PROCEDURES/STUDENTS
Site Maintenance
Storing & Archiving Databases
Current Active Databases
Sites are to keep the current year, the prior year, and the most current summer school (if their school offers summer school) on their server.
Free and Reduced Lunch data is only kept in the current database for pre-id/reporting purposes ONLY. The district office will remove the data from the prior year after CBEDs data is complete. No final school database will have Free and Reduced data populated.
Past/Final Databases
All other past databases are to be stored and archived at the district office. These databases are final databases with no data being changed. Sites still clearing past fees and fines need to run a final copy at the site and manually track any clearing.
Databases should not be permanently kept in any other area. When using a copy locally as a “test”, remember to delete the copy when finished.
Upkeep and Backup of Databases
All databases need to be updated/refreshed (opened with a new version of Aeries installed) at least quarterly. This means both currently used, and all past databases. If this is not kept up, old databases will eventually get outdated and no longer open.
Databases located on the site servers will be backed up at a specified location and time, procedure is to be outlined and given to the District Technology Department. In addition, one or two computers on each site need to be set to run a local back up daily. This also needs to be outlined and given to the District Technology Department. The backup happens when the user on the designated machine signs on to Aeries. The backups are located on that local machine under C: Eagle, there will be one for each day of the week with the day of the week as the extension. Example 05110.TUE. Remember to set this up for all 3 databases stored on the site server.
Communication needs to take place between the Site Tech and the Registrar from Spring thru Summer as new databases are created (next year and Summer School) to re-assure proper back up is taking place. Only the current year in use is being backed up nightly at the district office.
NOTE: There is a window of time in the Spring where sites may have up to 5 databases on their server. Prior year, current year, next year, prior year summer school and current year summer school. Remember to make sure ALL databases are properly backed up.
Compacting Databases
Eagle Software recommends that the task of compacting should be done at least once a week and preferably daily. This can be scheduled to run through Run Timed Procedures or manually under the Miscellaneous tab (K). When running the Scheduler it is highly recommended compacting several times a day.
Jet Comp
Jet Comp needs to be run if the system.mdw is larger than 500 KB.
1. Make a copy of the system.mdw as backup
2. Rename your original system.mdw to system1.mdw
3. Open Jet Comp, under “Database compact from - Source” locate and select the system1.mdw
4. Copy the system1.mdw from Source and paste into “Database to compact into – Destination” remove the “1” so it reads system.mdw. This will show that you will be Jet Comping from your current system.mdw (which you have renamed to system1.mdw) to a new system.mdw. Old to new.
5. In the bottom right corner of the form, change radio button to “Destination is 3.X database format”
6. Compact.
Once it is verified that your security is working correctly, remove the copy of system.mdw and the system1.mdw. No users can be on the system when Compacting or Jet Comping is being done.
Each site needs to store a copy of their system.mdw. This should be kept under C: Eagle on the site server.
Past Transcript Requests
Transcript requests, prior to the school year 99/2000, need to be requested from the district office. All transcript requests after that date are processed at the sites.
School 950 Inactive and 975 Graduates can be accessed from each site for past transcripts and viewing ONLY.
DIstirct Procedures Manual
Critical Enrollment Steps for Enrolling All Students
All students are enrolled through the District Student Locator
The importance of this step is critical to avoid the possibility of duplicate student enrollment. Duplicate enrollment is usually caused by manual student enrollment with the process of enrolling through the District Database being skipped. Never go to one of your past school databases and copy a student. Even if you think the student never attended our district always perform the following steps through the District Student Locator. Enroll ALL students as follows.
Adding a Student to your Database
When the Add button is selected from the student screen, the District Student Locator form will display. There are multiple fields on the District Locator form that can be used to search for a student. Searching by student name is the most common but a search on other fields can also be performed. If you leave the form blank, an alphabetical listing of all students will appear.