March 2011doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/0477r0
IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs
Date: 2011-03-18
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Hitoshi Morioka / ROOT Inc. / 2-14-38 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka 810-0001 JAPAN / +81 92 771 7630 /
TGaiMarch 2011 Singapore Meeting Minutes
Monday PM1 Session:
- Chair reminder on meeting and patent policy
- Agenda 11-11/0335r0 was reviced as 11-11/0335r1.
- Los Angeles session minutes 11-11/0115r1 was unanimously approved.
- Teleconference minutes 11-11/0213r6 was unanimously approved.
- Presentations
- A focused path towards TGai D1.0 by Marc Emmelmann (Fraunhofer FOKUS).11-11/0357r0
- No comments.
- TGai scope discussion by Akira Yamada (NTT docomo).11-11/0334r0
- Power saving is not TGai scope. (Marc)
- We focus only ESS according to SG discussion. (Marc)
- Modify “ESS” in PAR to “only ESS”. (Yukimasa Nagai (Mitsubishi Electric))
- We focus ESS, but it can improve IBSS, MBSS… as a result. (Dwight Smith (Motrola Mobility))
- Use Case Ref List Doc Discussion by Tom Siep (CSR)11-11/0326r0
- Continue ToC discussion. (Tom)
- Alternative ToC will be accepted. (Tom)
- Use Case Reference List for TGai by Tom Siep.11-11/0238r3
- Recess at 15:23
Tuesday PM1 Session:
- Chair reminder on meeting and patent policy
- Agenda 11-11/0335r1.
- Motion
- Move to: Request the 802.11 WG to assign the Thursday AM1 and AM2 slot to TGai and to release the Thursday PM1 TGai slot.
- Moved by Lee Armstrong (US DoT)
- Seconded by Hitoshi Morioka (ROOT)
- Yes/No/Abstain:18/0/1
- Motion passes.
- Presentation
- Use Cases Requiring Fast Initialization by Lee Armstrong.11-11/0148r6
- Proposed Dynamic Mobility Use Caes for TGai by Lee on behalf of Carl Kain (Nobris)11-11/0281r0
- TGai possible Use Cases by Akira Yamada.11-11/0333r1
- Discussion - Issues with Access at Portals by Dwight Smith11-11/0337r0
- Selection Procedure for TGaiby Yukimasa Nagai11-11/0356r1
- Straw Poll: Should we need further discussion on this topic?
- Yes/No/Don’t care:28/0/1
- Recess at 15:30
Tuesday EVE Session:
- Chair reminder on meeting and patent policy
- Agenda 11-11/0335r2.
- Presentation
- Pedestrian Model by Hitoshi Morioka.11-11/0343r0
- Pass-through duration is needed as performance requirement especially in case of ESS (multiple AP). (Dwight Smith)
- Continue discussion.
- Use Case Characteristics Discussion by Tom Siep.11-11/0408r0
- Clarify link establishment. (Dwight Smith)
- Link to an AP within an ESS. (Tom Siep)
- Are these numbers criteria? (Ping Fang (Huawei))
- Just number. (Tom Siep)
- xxx1
- High:50 or more
- Medium:10 to 49
- Low:1 to 9
- xxx2
- High:more than 50%
- Medium:10 to 50%
- Low:less than 10%
- xxx3
- High:less than 1 sec
- Medium:1 to 10 sec
- Low:more than 10 sec
- xxx4
- High:less than 100ms
- Medium:100ms to 2 sec
- Low:more than 2sec
- xxx5
- gone.
- Recess at 21:06
Wednesday PM1 Session:
- Chair reminder on meeting and patent policy
- Agenda 11-11/0335r2.
- Presentation
- Definitions and Terminology from 802.11.2 by Marc Emmelmann.11-11/0435r1
- Proposed definition of High, Med, Low by Tom Siep.11-11/0408r1
- xxx1 -> “Link-Attempt Rate”
- Add explanation about difference between LAR and non-AP STA association rate.
- xxx2 -> "Media Load"
- Use of "load" is adapted from the definition in IEEE100
- xxx3 -> "Coverage Interval"
- xxx4 -> "Link Setup Time"
- Definition of High, Medium, Low
- High:very difficult to achieve
- Medium:difficult
- Low:nominal behavior, expected to be achieved with current technology
- Discussion about numbers
- Link-Attempt Rate
- High:more than 50
- Medium:10 to 49
- Low:less than 10
- Media Load
- High:more than 50%
- Medium:10 to 50%
- Low:less than 10%
- Coverage Interval
- High:less than 1 second
- Medium:between 1 and 10 seconds
- Low:more than 10 seconds
- Link Setup Time
- High:less than 100ms
- Medium:between 100ms and 2s
- Low:more than 2s
- Motion
- Approve the terms and definitions in 11-11/408r2 as official TGai terminology.
- Moved:Tom Siep
- Second:Lee Armstrong
- Yes/No/Abstain:14/0/1
- Motion passes.
- Approve the values of high/medium/low given for each definition as in 11-11/408r2.
- Moved:Tom Siep
- Second:Lee Armstrong
- Yes/No/Abstain:10/0/3
- Motion passes.
- Recess at 15:00
Thursday AM1 Session:
- Chair reminder on meeting and patent policy
- Agenda 11-11/0335r3.
- Presentation
- Self Growing Use Cases Requiring Fast Initial Link Setup by Marc Emmelmann.11-11/0441r0
- Use Case Reference List for TGai by Tom Siep.11-11/0238r5
- 3.1.1
- Application: FILS will benefit his case, but will not be a critical factor in this use case success.
- Impact: Low
- 3.1.2
- Application: FILS will benefit this case, but will not be a critical factor in this use case success
- Impact: Low
- 3.1.3
- Application: good advantage for being able to access quickly
- Impact: Design could make this not necessary, but FILS makes it possible to serve lots of users without infrastructure improvement
- no consensus
- Straw Poll: Do you support to approving the use cases in 11-0238r5 as baseline documentation of a Use Case scenario of TGai and use them as input to derive functional and evaluation criteria for TGai.
- Yes/No/Don’t care:7/6/4
- Recess
Thursday AM2 Session:
- Chair reminder on meeting and patent policy
- Agenda 11-11/0335r3.
- Continue discussion about 11-11/0238r5
- 3.1.4
- App area not dependent on FILS
- 3.2.1
- App area not dependent on FILS
- Motion
- Teleconference Schedule
- Approve the following schedule of weekly teleconferences.
- Tuesdays 08:00 EST (NY Time) continue until 29th Mar.
- Tuesdays 09:00 EST (NY Time) start from 5th Apr.
- Duration 1Hour
- Using WEB-EX that will be provided by Task Group Chair
- Moved: Marc Emmelmann ( Fokus ), Seconded: Dwight Smith (Motorola Mobility)
- Result: 14-0 -3
- Motion passed
- Timeline
- Use case finishedMay 2011
- Functional RequirementMay 2011
- Technical Requirement finishedMay 2011
- Call for Proposal startMay 2011
- Proposal submission closeJul 2011
- Evaluation and down selection proposalJul 2011 to Sep 2011
- Adjourn
Submissionpage 1Hitoshi Morioka, ROOT