March 2011doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/0477r0

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

March 2011 Singapore Session Minutes
Date: 2011-03-18
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Hitoshi Morioka / ROOT Inc. / 2-14-38 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka 810-0001 JAPAN / +81 92 771 7630 /

TGaiMarch 2011 Singapore Meeting Minutes

Monday PM1 Session:

  1. Chair reminder on meeting and patent policy
  2. Agenda 11-11/0335r0 was reviced as 11-11/0335r1.
  3. Los Angeles session minutes 11-11/0115r1 was unanimously approved.
  4. Teleconference minutes 11-11/0213r6 was unanimously approved.
  5. Presentations
  6. A focused path towards TGai D1.0 by Marc Emmelmann (Fraunhofer FOKUS).11-11/0357r0
  7. No comments.
  8. TGai scope discussion by Akira Yamada (NTT docomo).11-11/0334r0
  9. Power saving is not TGai scope. (Marc)
  10. We focus only ESS according to SG discussion. (Marc)
  11. Modify “ESS” in PAR to “only ESS”. (Yukimasa Nagai (Mitsubishi Electric))
  12. We focus ESS, but it can improve IBSS, MBSS… as a result. (Dwight Smith (Motrola Mobility))
  13. Use Case Ref List Doc Discussion by Tom Siep (CSR)11-11/0326r0
  14. Continue ToC discussion. (Tom)
  15. Alternative ToC will be accepted. (Tom)
  16. Use Case Reference List for TGai by Tom Siep.11-11/0238r3
  17. Recess at 15:23

Tuesday PM1 Session:

  1. Chair reminder on meeting and patent policy
  2. Agenda 11-11/0335r1.
  3. Motion
  4. Move to: Request the 802.11 WG to assign the Thursday AM1 and AM2 slot to TGai and to release the Thursday PM1 TGai slot.
  5. Moved by Lee Armstrong (US DoT)
  6. Seconded by Hitoshi Morioka (ROOT)
  7. Yes/No/Abstain:18/0/1
  8. Motion passes.
  9. Presentation
  10. Use Cases Requiring Fast Initialization by Lee Armstrong.11-11/0148r6
  11. Proposed Dynamic Mobility Use Caes for TGai by Lee on behalf of Carl Kain (Nobris)11-11/0281r0
  12. TGai possible Use Cases by Akira Yamada.11-11/0333r1
  13. Discussion - Issues with Access at Portals by Dwight Smith11-11/0337r0
  14. Selection Procedure for TGaiby Yukimasa Nagai11-11/0356r1
  15. Straw Poll: Should we need further discussion on this topic?
  16. Yes/No/Don’t care:28/0/1
  17. Recess at 15:30

Tuesday EVE Session:

  1. Chair reminder on meeting and patent policy
  2. Agenda 11-11/0335r2.
  3. Presentation
  4. Pedestrian Model by Hitoshi Morioka.11-11/0343r0
  5. Pass-through duration is needed as performance requirement especially in case of ESS (multiple AP). (Dwight Smith)
  6. Continue discussion.
  7. Use Case Characteristics Discussion by Tom Siep.11-11/0408r0
  8. Clarify link establishment. (Dwight Smith)
  9. Link to an AP within an ESS. (Tom Siep)
  10. Are these numbers criteria? (Ping Fang (Huawei))
  11. Just number. (Tom Siep)
  12. xxx1
  13. High:50 or more
  14. Medium:10 to 49
  15. Low:1 to 9
  16. xxx2
  17. High:more than 50%
  18. Medium:10 to 50%
  19. Low:less than 10%
  20. xxx3
  21. High:less than 1 sec
  22. Medium:1 to 10 sec
  23. Low:more than 10 sec
  24. xxx4
  25. High:less than 100ms
  26. Medium:100ms to 2 sec
  27. Low:more than 2sec
  28. xxx5
  29. gone.
  30. Recess at 21:06

Wednesday PM1 Session:

  1. Chair reminder on meeting and patent policy
  2. Agenda 11-11/0335r2.
  3. Presentation
  4. Definitions and Terminology from 802.11.2 by Marc Emmelmann.11-11/0435r1
  5. Proposed definition of High, Med, Low by Tom Siep.11-11/0408r1
  6. xxx1 -> “Link-Attempt Rate”
  7. Add explanation about difference between LAR and non-AP STA association rate.
  8. xxx2 -> "Media Load"
  9. Use of "load" is adapted from the definition in IEEE100
  10. xxx3 -> "Coverage Interval"
  11. xxx4 -> "Link Setup Time"
  12. Definition of High, Medium, Low
  13. High:very difficult to achieve
  14. Medium:difficult
  15. Low:nominal behavior, expected to be achieved with current technology
  16. Discussion about numbers
  17. Link-Attempt Rate
  18. High:more than 50
  19. Medium:10 to 49
  20. Low:less than 10
  21. Media Load
  22. High:more than 50%
  23. Medium:10 to 50%
  24. Low:less than 10%
  25. Coverage Interval
  26. High:less than 1 second
  27. Medium:between 1 and 10 seconds
  28. Low:more than 10 seconds
  29. Link Setup Time
  30. High:less than 100ms
  31. Medium:between 100ms and 2s
  32. Low:more than 2s
  33. Motion
  34. Approve the terms and definitions in 11-11/408r2 as official TGai terminology.
  35. Moved:Tom Siep
  36. Second:Lee Armstrong
  37. Yes/No/Abstain:14/0/1
  38. Motion passes.
  39. Approve the values of high/medium/low given for each definition as in 11-11/408r2.
  40. Moved:Tom Siep
  41. Second:Lee Armstrong
  42. Yes/No/Abstain:10/0/3
  43. Motion passes.
  44. Recess at 15:00

Thursday AM1 Session:

  1. Chair reminder on meeting and patent policy
  2. Agenda 11-11/0335r3.
  3. Presentation
  4. Self Growing Use Cases Requiring Fast Initial Link Setup by Marc Emmelmann.11-11/0441r0
  5. Use Case Reference List for TGai by Tom Siep.11-11/0238r5
  6. 3.1.1
  7. Application: FILS will benefit his case, but will not be a critical factor in this use case success.
  8. Impact: Low
  9. 3.1.2
  10. Application: FILS will benefit this case, but will not be a critical factor in this use case success
  11. Impact: Low
  12. 3.1.3
  13. Application: good advantage for being able to access quickly
  14. Impact: Design could make this not necessary, but FILS makes it possible to serve lots of users without infrastructure improvement
  15. no consensus
  16. Straw Poll: Do you support to approving the use cases in 11-0238r5 as baseline documentation of a Use Case scenario of TGai and use them as input to derive functional and evaluation criteria for TGai.
  17. Yes/No/Don’t care:7/6/4
  18. Recess

Thursday AM2 Session:

  1. Chair reminder on meeting and patent policy
  2. Agenda 11-11/0335r3.
  3. Continue discussion about 11-11/0238r5
  4. 3.1.4
  5. App area not dependent on FILS
  6. 3.2.1
  7. App area not dependent on FILS
  8. Motion
  9. Teleconference Schedule
  10. Approve the following schedule of weekly teleconferences.
  11. Tuesdays 08:00 EST (NY Time) continue until 29th Mar.
  12. Tuesdays 09:00 EST (NY Time) start from 5th Apr.
  13. Duration 1Hour
  14. Using WEB-EX that will be provided by Task Group Chair
  15. Moved: Marc Emmelmann ( Fokus ), Seconded: Dwight Smith (Motorola Mobility)
  16. Result: 14-0 -3
  17. Motion passed
  18. Timeline
  19. Use case finishedMay 2011
  20. Functional RequirementMay 2011
  21. Technical Requirement finishedMay 2011
  22. Call for Proposal startMay 2011
  23. Proposal submission closeJul 2011
  24. Evaluation and down selection proposalJul 2011 to Sep 2011
  25. Adjourn

Submissionpage 1Hitoshi Morioka, ROOT