Development of the new Forensic AOD Service Delivery Model


The increasing number of CCO orders, combined with an AOD system that has gone through substantial structural change has created system wide challenges in providing a service that addresses the needs of complex forensic clients.

In scope

  • Offenders on CCO, CCO IMP and Parole with an AOD condition.

Project team

  • General Manager Forensic AOD - Chantelle Miller
  • Senior Project Officers - Teri van Geelen and Natalie Cassimatis
  • Project Officer - Hayley Urane

To obtain further information contact the project team


The Project sponsorship is jointly shared by the Executive Director of Justice Health at DJR and the Director of Prevention, Population, Primary and Community Health at DHHS.

Project progression will be reported through two DJR steering committees:

  • The CCS Expansion and Reform Program Steering Committee – chaired by the Deputy Secretary Police and Corrections, Department of Justice
  • The Alcohol and Drug Governance Committee Meeting – chaired by the Commissioner for Corrections.

A Clinical Forensic AOD Advisory Group has been established to provide technical expertise on the review and design of AOD assessment and treatment modalities.

Key themes

The points listed below represent some of the high level actions only. Refer to the detailed project plan for a more comprehensive list of action items for each of the themes.

Referral and Assessment

  • Develop and implement a new referral and intake pathways, matching treatment needs with risk of reoffending and substance issues
  • Develop a comprehensive screening and assessment tool for use by COATS and other AOD service providers.

Treatment Models that address complexity

  • Design and develop a differentiated AOD treatment model that better addresses offending and substance risk
  • Embed new service requirements that address prioritisation and bridging support for high risk offenders
  • Identify enhancements to existing forensic treatment programs and design new group based programs.

Case management, Collaboration and Information Sharing

  • Align case collaboration between CCS and AOD
  • Enhance information sharing and communication
  • Develop joint practice guidelines.


  • Develop high level protocols and a new MOU between CCS, AOD service providers and ACSO COATS
  • Establish regional governance models between CCS and AOD with updated reporting and accountability processes
  • Develop partnership arrangements between AOD, CCS, ACSO and prisons.

Workforce Capability

  • Establish joint training and professional development opportunities for case managers across AOD and CCS sectors
  • Develop a new forensic accreditation model for AOD workforce.

Information and Technology

  • Embed CCS case management requirements within ACSO COATS new client management system
  • Enhance the management and sharing of information between prisons and community services.

Expected outcomes

Successful implementation of the new Framework should result in the following outcomes:

  • A strengthened, best practice and sustainable forensic model of treatment and services for offenders
  • Reduced risk of reoffending through increased treatment completion and successful order compliance through effective and timely AOD treatment and engagement
  • Improved management and monitoring of service delivery through increased communication, reporting and accountability between AOD and CCS in order to fulfil statutory and contractual obligations
  • Advanced expert advice to Court Services, Court Stream Case Management and Mental Health projects providing treatment / rehabilitation for offenders on Orders or Parole
  • Enhanced capability of AOD and CCS workforces to provide case management and treatment that jointly respond to AOD and offending behaviour issues
  • Improved outcomes for offenders including harm reduction and better health and wellbeing.


Key milestones to be achieved by July 2017:

  • Service Delivery Framework
  • New Forensic AOD treatment typology
  • New screening and assessment tool features identified
  • CCS / AOD Practice Guidelines.

Project delivery schedule

  • Framework developed - October 2016 to July 2017
  • Endorsement - Mid 2017
  • Implementation of Framework - Mid 2017 to November 2018.