Clerk: Alison Benson, 3 Quinton Green

Telephone: 07724682819

Meeting of the Stoke Bruerne Parish Council

Tuesday 14th November 20177:30pm

To: All Parish Councillors

You are hereby summoned to attend theMeeting of Stoke Bruerne Parish Councilin Stoke Bruerne Village Hallon Tuesday 14th November 2017commencing at 7:30pm for the purposes of conducting the following business. Members of the public and press are invited to attend.Please all be aware that the meeting may be filmed either openly or covertly by a member of the Council or a member of the public.

Issued by: Date: 7th November 2017

Alison Benson























17/127 To receive apologies and approve reasons for absence.

17/128 To receive and approve for signature the minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 26th September 2017

17/129 To receive declarations of interest under the Council’s Code of Conduct related to business on the agenda

(Members should disclose any interests in the business to be discussed and are reminded that the disclosure of a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest will require that the member withdraws from the meeting during transaction of that item of business.)

17/130 Invitation to Public to address Council

(Members of the public are invited to address the Council. The session will last for a maximum of 15 minutes with any individual contribution lasting a maximum of 3 minutes. Representations shall not require a response at the meeting nor start a debate. Members of the public should address the Chairman of the meeting. Who may direct that a written or oral response be given.)

17/131 Invitation to County Councillor to provide updating report

17/132 Invitation to District Councillor to provide updating report

17/133 To receive Clerk’s report

17/134 Parish Matters – To receive updating reports and agree any action required

  1. Canal update
  2. Village Green – to consider proposal from R Sears as presented at last meeting
  3. Neighbourhood Watch – sign location
  4. Speedwatch 2018

17/135 Finance

a.To receive the figures for the first 7 months of this financial year including bank reconciliation

b.To consider items of expenditure for the 2018-19 budget

c.To agree a date for the Finance Committee to meet to draft the budget for 2018-19

d.To resolve to pay the following outstanding accounts

Payee / Goods/Services / Gross / Net / VAT / Cheque
A Benson / Oct/Nov as statement / 687.85 / 687.85 / 0.00 / 200073
NJ Blackwell / Sept/Oct mowing / 1148.88 / 957.40 / 191.48 / 200074
NDC / Traffic Survey / 408.00 / 340.00 / 68.00 / 200075
Reids Playground Maintenance Ltd / New toddler play equipment / 7209.60 / 6008.00 / 1201.60 / 200076
2Commune Ltd / Website annual fees / 360.00 / 300.00 / 60.00 / 200077
Stoke Bruerne VH / Rent Apr 17 – Dec 17 / 100.00 / 100.00 / 0.00 / 200078

17/136 Planning

  1. To receive notification of decisions received from SNC
  2. To agree response to the Northampton Gateway Consultation and to agree

any further actions

17/137 Playing Field

  1. To receive weekly inspection sheets and agree any action required
  2. To receive up to date rota
  3. To resolve to replace the broken dog bin at the top of the field
  4. To review mowing contract for the year to date

17/138 To consider the results of the traffic survey and agree future action

17/139 Correspondence

  1. To note correspondence already circulated and responded to
  2. Community Infrastructure Levy
  3. Rough Sleeper estimate Thursday 9th November
  4. Budgeting & precept information from Northants CALC
  5. Rail Central update
  6. Consultation – Northamptonshire Libraries
  7. Consultation NCC budget 2018-19
  8. Northants CALC training courses

17/140 Items for next agenda to Clerk by1st December2017

17/141 Next Meeting:Full Council meeting Tuesday12thDecember2017 7:30pm

17/142 To resolve to exclude the press & public due to confidential nature of the

business next to be transacted

17/143 To discuss staff matters

Agenda issued by Alison Benson Clerk to Stoke Bruerne Parish Council on 7th November 2017