Garden Sign-up Crystal River Ranch (CRR)62201 Meadow Way EastEnumclaw, WA 98022Please fill out this application. The yearly use fee is$30for each garden box payablewithcash or check to Crystal River Ranch. By signing this form you are agreeing to not holdCrystal River Ranch (CRR) Home Owners Association liable for injuries or damagesassociated with allyour activityin any CRR Association common area.The garden gate is located south next to the horse corral. When entering the garden site,pleasebe sure the gateis always closed to prevent elk, other critters, etc. getting in.
Property OwnerContact
Mailing Address (if different)
Home Phone
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E-Mail Address
We sincerely appreciate voluntary donation for the continuous upkeep and improvement expense of the garden area.
$30 / Box FeeDonation (optional)
Garden Program Guidelines
1.The box gardens are for recreational use to grow vegetables or flowers for CRR family use.
2.Each box garden is 4’ x 8’ (32 sf) with waterhook-ups accessible within the garden area.
3.An application will be processed and each box garden location assigned by the garden coordinator.
4.Each box gardener is responsible for cultivating, weeding, fertilizing, watering and other care of their box garden(s).
5.While watering a gardener is to bepresent at the site and the water must be shut off before leaving. Hoses and sprinklers are allowed at the box locations.
6.From the May opening date (weather permitting) box gardeners have one month to begin working their box garden.
7.Before October 15th any added items such as support structures, stakes, wire, fencing, plastic and anything else installed at each box garden must be completely removed.
8.Before November 15th perennial plants such as raspberries, artichokes and herbs must be removed before the garden closure date unless the next year box fee is paid in full by this date.
9.After November 15th anything within each box will be removed and discarded without notice.
10.Please use the compost bins.
11.No motorized vehicles or equipment allowed in the box gardens except small rototillers.
12.We urge all gardeners to keep the area maintained, environmentally clean and kindly respect the site.
13.Please be alert, as CRR cannot guarantee against vandalism or theft.
14.Unworked box gardens are subject to reassignment by the box garden coordinator.
Happy Gardening!
Box Garden Coordinator: Frank Nemeth, 62106 Willow Tree Way E, Greenwater, WA 98022
360-663-0325, email: