May 16, 2012Regular CC Meeting

City of Oronoco

Regular City CouncilMeeting Agenda

June 20, 2012@ 7:00PM


Councilor Scott Keigley called to order at 7:02pm


Members Present: Councilor Doug Gillard, Councilor Scott Keigley, Councilor Nathan Hartung, Attorney Fred Suhler, and Assistant Clerk Rebecca McGuire. Members Absent: Mayor Kevin McDermott and Councilor Skyler Breitenstein.


An addition was added to the agenda by public works employee Cain Dolan forroofing the Oronoco Park’s house. Councilor Scott Keigley motioned to approve agenda, Councilor Doug Gillard second, all in favor, motion carried.


Councilor Scott Keigley called for public forum at 7:02pm.

Councilor Scott Keigley called for second and third call.

No one came forward.

Councilor Scott Keigley closed public forum at 7:02pm.

  1. OCSO ~ Sgt. Mike Morrow
  1. FIRE DEPARTMENT ~ Dan Sundt, Fire Chief
  1. Runs: 1 fire run (during the electrical outage)
  2. Narrow-band conversion of pagers moved to 6/18-19, $15/pager. Fire Chief Dan Sundt stated that we are the first county in the area to have narrow pagers and he has a few more pagers to buy to replace the last ones.
  3. FEMA AFG.Fire Chief Dan Sundt said that the grant program is open, so he will write for the grant again.The Fire Department didn’t get the grant last year.He is going to try again this year.He is going to add the flood information this year. The grant closes in early July.
  4. Getting houses donated to the fire department for training. One of the houses is in rural Oronoco Township, Pine Island territory.The Fire Department came out to wreck it.Fire Chief Dan Sundt said that it was fun to bash the house up. The other house is in Rochester.The fire department will go for training to burn that house down.
  5. Approval for liquorlicense. Fire Chief Dan Sundt asked for permission for the license.Clerk Sandy Jessen said “No paperwork has been brought in.Council cannot make a motion untilthe paperwork is in.”Councilor Nathan Hartung makes a motion to approve the liquor license once the paperwork is brought in, Councilor Doug Gillard second, all in favor, motioned carried.
  1. FIRST RESPONDERS ~ Jeff Allhiser, 1st Responder Director

1. Runs:

  1. EOC ~ Pat McGovern, Director
  2. Meeting Update: Wednesday, June 6,2012, agenda enclosed
  3. Transfer $15,000 from investment fund to Flood fund to cover Restoration project with County.Councilor Scott Keigley makes motion to transfer the money, Councilor Nathan Hartung second, all in favor, motion carried.
  4. Public Works & Oronoco Park caretaker Cain Dolan began discussion on the Oronoco Park house: “Ronningan Roofing is volunteering their time to roof the house. I need approval for extra funds.” Councilor Doug Gillard asked about the metal trailer. Caretaker Cain Dolan said he is living in it. Councilor Doug Gillard commented about the floors being bad. Caretaker Cain Dolan said “It is not that bad.” He continued on with describing the floor condition. Councilor Doug Gillard talked about the shingles with Cain. Councilor Nathan Hartung asks if he needs the $1000. Caretaker Cain Dolan said “No. I am requesting $2000. If we don’t use it all, it just won’t be used.” Discussion about start date between council and Caretaker Cain Dolan. Caretaker Cain Dolan said that the 29th of June, they are tearing off the shingles and the 30th of June, is when they will re-shingle. It is set.Councilor Nathan Hartung makes motion for $2000.00 for repairs for the Oronoco Park house to be re-roofed. Councilor Doug Gillard second, all in favor, motion carried.
  2. Resolution 2012-8 Appointing Election Judges

List of people for election judges are: Assistant Clerk Rebecca McGuire, Lynn Benrud, Lavonne Stolp, and Jennifer Topp.

Councilor Nathan Hartung makes motion to pass the four ladies for election judges for 2012. Councilor Scott Keigley second, all council members present said aye, naye none, motion carries.

Election Resolution 2012-8 passes.

  1. DOWNTOWN ORONOCO GOLD RUSH DAYS* ~ Chair: Mayor Kevin McDermott
  1. Meeting Minutes– May 16, 2012

Councilor Nathan Hartung talks about Gold Rush. This year there are buttons. The buttons are $3 for one or $5 for 2. There was a discussion about gold rush between the council members. Councilor Nathan Hartung explained that they are looking into possible venues, such as music, to take place during the event.

  1. Meeting Minutes: meeting canceled.
  2. T-shirts are $902.25.Councilor Scott Keigley made a motion to pay the price of $902.25 for the t-shirts, Councilor Nathan Hartung second, all in favor, motion carried.
  1. LAKE SHADY ~ Katie Dudley, Lake Shady Committee Chair*
  1. Boiler Room Window:estimates were $990 for Quality Siding, $1000 for ABC Seamless, and $1264for Ryan’s.Councilor Nathan Hartung starts the discussion by saying that he likes ABC Seamless. He has no problem going with Quality Siding. He could go either way, but ABC is reputable. He does not want to go with Ryan’s because it’s to expensive. “I have used ABC with personal work.” Councilor Doug Gillard asked what window it was, so he is sure he has the right window. Council explained what window it was and started a discussion on price. Councilor Nathan Hartung makes motion for Quality Siding for a double hung window for $990. Councilor Scott Keigley asked about screens.”Is there screens in the window?” No one knew if there is a screen. Councilor Doug Gillard said “I guess we can’t make an assumption if there is a screen.” Councilor Scott Keigley calls for a vote to go with Quality Siding. All appose. Motion fails. Councilor Nathan Hartung makes motion to go with ABC Seamless, Councilor Scott Keigley second, all in favor, motion carried.
  1. Well Sealing Grant: in progress
  2. Two city wells to seal $2800; 75% cost covered by grant.Clerk Sandy Jessen explains the grant. She said it will be about $700 after the grant pays. One other bid came in after packets were completed. The bid was higher by $200. Councilor Scott Keigley makes motion to go with Thein, Councilor Nathan Hartung second, all in favor, motion carried.
  3. Well Repairs
  4. CIP City Shop; building location. Clerk Sandy Jessen explains the process of what needs to be required to bring the building up to code. Councilor Nathan Hartung had questions about the passed motion from last months’ Regular Council Meeting. Clerk Sandy Jessen said there was a name given to Mayor Kevin McDermott to contact and she doesn’t have that name. Councilor Scott Keigley said council should table it until Mayor Kevin McDermott comes back. Councilor Nathan Hartung said“That’s a good idea.”City Engineer Joe Palen saidthat it is hard to know when you don’t have the plans and your looking at 2 to 5 grand. You just don’t know. Discussion continues between council. Council moved on with no motion. CIP City Shop has been tabled.
  1. County Turn back: set Special Meeting. Clerk Sandy Jessen explained details.
  2. River Park Lights; map of lights: Clerk Sandy Jessen said that she and Public Works Tim Redepenning went on a drive to look at the lights and the paper they have in the packet, is what they came up with, for what lights would be turned on. There are 12 lights total. Councilor Nathan Hartung talked about a resident; that the resident wishes the light they want off by their house be shut off. Councilor Scott Keigley said it’s important to have lights at intersections. Councilor Nathan Hartung said he understands but wanted to at least say he spoke the wishes of the resident and say he spoke on that persons behalf. Clerk Sandy Jessen said“Some lights can be turned on immediately.” Council talked about lightnumber 4 on the map. Councilor Scott Keigley asked if we need a motion? Clerk Sandy Jessen said “We do.”Councilor Nathan Hartung makes a motion to turn on the lights according to the plan in front of them. Councilor Doug Gillard second. All in favor, motion carried.
  3. CSAH 12 Reconstruction;
  2. Meeting Minutes–June 14, 2012 Councilor Nathan Hartung talked about the Planning and Zoning meeting. They are accepting the CUP. For the shed variance, the owner is being active about it, all neighbors are ok with it. Planning and Zoning are recommending the lot split since it is vacant. The recommendation was to go through with the preliminary plat to be approved.
  3. Preliminary Plat; Oronoco Crossings 10 acre parcel.City Engineer Joe Palen talked about a revised plan from McGhie & Betts and peoples. “I have extra copies of the letter. The letter is in the packet. I don’t know if we have time for all it. I’ll highlight the major issues. The drainage report and erosion. Grading plan and check list. The more interesting item is the street plan.

Inserted is the highlighted portions of the letter that Joe is referring to:

We have reviewed the revised Utility Plans, Grading Plan, Drainage Report and Preliminary Plat received June 14, 2012 for the Oronoco Crossings Replat and have the following comments.

Sanitary Sewer and Watermain

  • As previously noted: Watermain extending from the cul-de-sac to the north lot line of Lot 2 will be required in conjunction with the future development or replat of Lot 2. In addition, a future drainage and utility easement will be required to facilitate the installation and maintenance of the proposed watermain and storm sewer.
  • The sanitary sewer service at street station 14+20 Lt appears to be in vertical conflict with the proposed 21-inch storm sewer. Six inch of vertical separation is required between the storm sewer and sanitary sewer service pipe measured from the outside of each pipe.
  • A cleanout will be required on the sanitary sewer service pipe serving the Casey’s Store.
  • Assuming the project moves forward, a more detailed set of construction plans and specification will be required for subsequent review.

Storm Sewer & Drainage Report

  • Please extend the proposed storm sewer outlet to the bottom of the existing slope or construct a riprap lined channel down the existing slope at a 10% (maximum) slope including a stilling basin at the bottom. The riprap for the channel should be 18-inches thick and extend 1-2 feet above the channel bottom. Ditch grading will be required from the end of the storm sewer or armored channel to the existing ditch routed to the development’s stormwater pond. The proposed ditch should be shown on the grading plans and shall include an 8-feet wide bottom (minimum) and shall include erosion control measures.
  • The proposed temporary turn around or cul-de-sac, storm sewer and drainage ditch out letting to the existing ditch flowing to the development’s Stormwater pond should be encompassed by a temporary easement provided to the City of Oronoco. The temporary easement should allow these facilities to be operated and maintained for public purpose and would remain in place until a permanent easement is dedicated in conjunction with the subsequent development of the adjacent parcels
  • Please move the proposed sanitary sewer to the center of the roadway. Offset the sewer and water at least 10-feet from this main.

Grading Plan

  • Incorporate temporary and permanent erosion control into plan sheets for final plan review submittal. Please include BMP details.
  • Complete, sign and submit the required Grading Plan Check list.
  • If a turn lane into or out of the proposed cul-de-sac roadway is required as a result of the traffic study; additional right-of-way should be dedicated to the city to accommodate these facilities.

Street Plan

  • Per the subdivision Ordinance, the proposed roadway should be designed as a “cul-de-sac street” with a right-of-way width of 60-feet and a minimum roadway of 32-feet. The proposed street does not conform to the definition or use of a “service road” / Frontage Road and should be amended as such.
  • The proposed typical section includes 4-inches of bituminous and 10” of class 5 aggregate base should be amended to include a 12-inch section of select granular borrow over the subgrade. 40-feet studs of drain tile are required at each catch basin to drain the subgrade select granular borrow.
  • The CAD modeled truck turning movements (Auto-Turn) provided for the cul-de-sac road/Lake Shady Avenue South intersection is unsatisfactory. The modeling provided indicates that truck turning movements onto the cul-de-sac road require the truck to utilize the entire opposing (west bound) lane of the cul-de-sac road. In addition, the truck turning movement from the cul-de-sac road onto Lake Shady Avenue was modeled to the south (right); please provide the left turning movement to the north towards the intersection for review. The truck turning movement into and out of the driveway entrances for the proposed gas station using a WB-62 truck were not completed; please provide review. It appears there may not be sufficient clearance to accommodate the turning movements for large trucks delivering fuel and supplies at either of these intersection locations and that additional roadway geometric modification may be necessary.
  • A traffic study should be commissioned to determine how to best configure the cul-de-sac road/Lake Shady Avenue South intersection. The proposed improvements may necessitate the development. These improvements along with the widening of the proposed roadway to at least 32-feet should facilitate the required truck turning movements.
  • Please indicate how the temporary cul-de-sac or turn around would be constructed in terms of the proposed geometry and construction materials.

I request the developer address the aforementioned issues and provide the requested information for additional review and comment.

City Engineer Joe Palen continues: Proposed street categorized as a service road; it is not a service road and for a number of reasons does not fit that criteria. It would fit a cul-de-saccriteria more.” He continued with spec numbers. “Pavement on the road section is 10 inches of base and 4 inches over pavement. If it holds up to traffic, we need sand under it and strongly recommend that.”He continuedto go on with Lake Shady Avenue. Transport for fuel, 62 foot wheel base truck and he has schematics and found theminadequate.”City Engineer Joe Palen showed Councilor Nathan Hartung the map, as well as Council Members, as to what he was referring to. Councilor Nathan Hartung and Council Members, looked over the paper, showing that trucks would cross into the other lane. A small discussion went on about it. Council talked about the road being too narrow. It doesn’t meet the standard for road size even with the modifications.Joe made suggestions to help fix the issue. Continuing down the letter is the traffic study. Joerecommends the study. “We should look at it at this stage.”He continued on with his concerns with the study and asked that council look at it with an informed decision. Joe talked about the gravel next, for the easement and the developer would construct that. Joe mentioned the drainage through private property. He stated that there be a temporary easement to help with the issue until a permanent easement is provided. Councilor Scott Keigley asked if anyone has questions. No one came forward. Councilor Scott Keigley opened it to People’s Energy Co-op and McGhie & Betts. McGhie & Betts spokesperson, Bill Tointon said he wants to work with Joe about the issues. He talked about there being no parking on the street. Truck transport that hauls fuel from the store would be one or two trips per week. He can take them to his office in Rochester to further go over the issues. He gave Joe the plans for how the trucks would turn into the lane. The traffic study is in progress. Wants to keep the 28 feet instead of the 32 feet. There is a lot of traffic each day and all the trucks make the turn with the other facilities. Can’t say that four feet in road will make a difference in the turn. It is not there department to make the call. No one has come forward with a purchase agreement. McGhie & Betts is not employed by Casey’s General Store and we have no notable agreement as to how the trucks will enter and how much road is needed. It would have to be discussed with Casey’s. People’s Co-op spoke’s person said it is to be completed by September 13th. Their goal is to have it in place by that time. Councilor Nathan Hartung has concerns about the size of the road turning into it and it could be aided by the traffic study. A lot of evidence before, is a good plan, and I don’t want it delayed, but it doesn’t mean we can accommodate and if Mayor Kevin McDermott will be back in 5 days, it would give us a chance to absorb it. Joe can analyze it, recommend a special meeting, and council should have this tabled for this time. He would also like to hear what Mayor Kevin McDermott and Councilor Skyler Breitenstein has to say. “I think it would be beneficial to us in the whole scope of things.” Councilor Doug Gillard wants to know why 12 feet to other feet in lanes? McGhie & Betts explained how Rochester has 12 foot lanes and it works for them. Attorney Fred Suhler said it would require a variance or ordinance change. McGhie & Betts talked about traffic and how the traffic study will help make a more informed decision. Councilor Nathan Hartung continued with discussion about the difference betweenthe cars and trucks. He’s not concerned about the traffic (how many cars come and go) just the concern with the trucks turning in and cars going around the trucks. McGhie & Betts said it could be 28 feet, 32 feet…could go to 46 feet, or even 48 feet inbound lane if need be. City Engineer Joe Palen said he has no doubt we can come up with a solution. Councilor Nathan Hartung said we need a special hearing. There is concern about the ordinance. Councilor Doug Gillard agrees. Councilor Scott Keigley says the development has done a good job and we should approve it.Councilor Scott Keigley makes motion to approve the Preliminary Plat. Motion dies for lack of a second. Councilor Scott Keigley makes motion to table the issue and make a special meeting and get the traffic study. Councilor Doug Gillard second for 6:30 Tuesday, all in favor, motion carried. People’s Co-op pointed out it being a time sensitive issue. Councilor Nathan Hartung said council will work as quickly as they can.