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Your Name (please print)

Supplemental Juror Questionnaire

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Docket No. )


You are being called as a potential juror in a case described as follows. This is a civil case, in which the district attorney has brought a petition to commit the respondent, Edward Cordero, under the Sexually Violent Predator law. The district attorney must prove all of the following beyond a reasonable doubt:

1. XXXXX has been previously convicted of one or more designated sex offenses;

2. XXXXX currently has a diagnosed mental disorder;

3. As a result of that mental disorder, there currently is a substantial, serious, and well-founded risk that he will engage in sexually violent predatory criminal behavior if released into the community; and

4. It is necessary to keep him in custody in a secure facility to ensure the health and safety of others.

XXXXX has been previously convicted of certain sex offenses. The jury will not need to decide his innocence or guilt of those offenses. He was sentenced to prison for those offenses and served his prison term. You must not be prejudiced against XXXXX because of that charge. Nor may you conclude that XXXXX is a sexually violent predator based solely on his prior convictions.

Moreover, the fact that a petition has been filed against XXXXX is not evidence.

As part of your jury duty, the Court is asking you to fill out this questionnaire. It will shorten the process of jury selection and keep it more private. The information in this questionnaire becomes part of the Court’s permanent record in this case. You must answer this questionnaire under penalty of perjury.

1.  Please answer the questions completely and honestly.

2.  Answer these questions by yourself. Do not talk with other person about the questions or your answers.

3.  If you do not understand a question, put a question mark in the response area. If you feel your answer to any question might invade your privacy or embarrass you, you may circle the question, and it will then be discussed privately among you, the judge, and the attorneys.

Dated: Hon.

Judge of the Superior Court, Dept.

People v. Edward Cordero (5-120865-1) • Confidential Supplemental Jury Questionnaire page 8

Print name

General Background Questions

1.  Gender: male  female City of Residence:

Age: Racial or ethnic group:

2.  Marital Status:  Married  Domestic Partner  Divorced  Widowed  Single

3.  Is English your first language? yes no If no, what is your native language?

Do you have difficulty speaking or understanding the English language? yes no

4.  For each of your children, please provide the following information:

gender / age / occupation and employer or
grade in school or college and major / lives at home? / married?
£ ♂ £♀ / yes no / yes no
£ ♂ £♀ / yes no / yes no
£ ♂ £♀ / yes no / yes no
£ ♂ £♀ / yes no / yes no
£ ♂ £♀ / yes no / yes no
£ ♂ £♀ / yes no / yes no

5.  Are there any adults other than your child or significant other who shares your home with you?

yes no If yes, please provide the following information for each:

Gender / age / occupation and employer
or college and major / relationship to you (e.g. roommate, grandparent)
£ ♂ £♀
£ ♂ £♀
£ ♂ £♀
£ ♂ £♀

6.  Do you have any health problems that might limit your ability to concentrate on the evidence and proceedings during trial or to otherwise prevent you from performing the duties of a juror? yes no If yes, please explain:

7.  What is your main source of news?

 Newspaper. Which one(s)?

 TV. Which stations and programs?

 Radio. Which stations and programs?

 Internet. Which sites?

 Magazine. Which ones?

Education & Employment

8.  What is the highest level of education you have achieved?

 did not finish high school  bachelor’s degree  RN

 high school diploma or GED  master’s degree  Other (describe)

 some college  doctorate

 AA  JD

9.  In what field did you major, specialize, or receive your degree?

10.  If you are presently a student, please give the following information:

School Year Major full time part time

11.  In what other fields do you have a strong interest?

12.  Have you had military service?  yes  no Branch

Specialty Highest rank

Check whether you:  served with the military police

 were involved with the military justice system, e.g. JAG

 were involved in any capacity with a military court martial

 were involved in any capacity with a military board of inquiry

If you checked any of the above, please explain.

13.  Occupation/profession Name of employer

Job Title How long with this employer?

Duties & responsibilities

Do you supervise employees?  yes  no Do you fire or discipline employees? yes no

14.  If you are retired or unemployed, what was your occupation/profession?

Name of last employer Job title

How long with that employer? Duties & responsibilities:

Did you supervise employees?  yes  no Did you fire or discipline employees?  yes  no

15.  What is the occupation and employer of your spouse/partner?

16.  If you are divorced, separated, or widowed, what was your former partner’s occupation and employer?

17.  Have you, a family member, or close friend been employed by a law enforcement agency or had law enforcement training?  yes  no If yes, please describe.

18.  Have you, a family member, or close friend had legal training?  yes  no If yes, please describe.

19.  If you have any training or education in any of the following areas, please explain: medicine, law, counseling, firearms, ballistics, psychology/psychiatry, forensic science, fingerprinting, criminology.

Political, Religious, & Organizational Affiliations

20.  Are you registered to vote?  yes  no

21.  Would any of your religious, moral, or philosophical beliefs or principles interfere with your ability to sit in judgment of another person?  yes  no If yes, please explain.

22.  Please list any political, religious, civic, social, charitable, or other organizations you belong to.

23.  Have you, a family member, or close friend participated in or supported any group the objectives of which include influencing public policy, legislation, or the legal system (for example Mothers Against Drunk Driving, NRA, BAWAR, ACLU, Sierra Club, Amnesty International, Operation Rescue)? yes  no If yes, please list the name(s) of the organization and the nature of the involvement.

24.  Have you, a family member, or close friend belonged to or supported an organization that advocates on behalf of victims of or witnesses to crime?  yes  no If yes, please explain.

25.  Have you, a family member, or close friend belonged to or supported an organization that advocates on behalf of prisoners or people accused of crimes?  yes  no If yes, please explain.

Justice System Experience & Perspectives

26.  Have you previously served on a jury?  yes  no If so, when?

What type of case?

Were you able to reach a verdict? (Please do not state what the verdict was.)  yes  no

27.  Have you ever served on a grand jury? yes no If yes, when & where

28.  Would your prior jury service affect your ability to be a fair and impartial juror in this case?  yes  no If yes, please explain.

29.  Do you know any of the other prospective jurors in this case? yes no If yes, please give their names and state how you know those jurors.

30.  Have you ever been arrested, accused of, or convicted of any crime, including driving under the influence?  yes  no If yes, please explain. Please include type of charge, where and how the matter was resolved.

31.  Have any family members, household members, or friends ever been arrested for, accused of, or charged with a crime?  yes  no If yes, please explain.

32.  Do you have any feelings, opinions or attitudes about the criminal justice system that would make it difficult for you to be fair, impartial, or unbiased?  yes  no If yes, please describe.

33.  In order to find that XXXXX meets the criteria to be committed as a sexually violent predator, the district attorney must prove his case beyond a reasonable doubt. Do you agree with this rule?  yes no Will you follow this rule?  yes  no If either answer is “no”, please explain.

34.  Do you have any feelings, opinions, or attitudes about prosecuting attorneys that would make it difficult for you to be fair, impartial, or unbiased?  yes  no If yes, please explain.

35.  Do you have any feelings, opinions, or attitudes about criminal defense attorneys that would make it difficult for you to be fair, impartial, or unbiased?  yes  no If yes, please explain.

36.  Do you know:

 members of any office of a District Attorney, Attorney General, US Attorney

 members of any Public Defender’s office

 any criminal defense attorneys

 any judges, court commissioners, or court referees

 any court personnel (ie, court reporters, court clerks, court interpreters, etc.)

 any other type of attorneys or paralegals

 any parole or probation officers or social workers

 any employees of a law enforcement agency (police, CDC, sheriff, etc.)

 any person connected with the criminal justice system in any capacity

If your answer to any of these is yes, please explain, including where the person works, how long they have worked there, their position, and whether you discuss their jobs with them:

Questions Specific to this Case

37.  Have you heard or seen anything about this case, whether on the news or from an acquaintance? yes no. If yes, please explain.

38.  Describe any opinions, attitudes, or feelings you have regarding persons convicted of sexual offenses.

39.  Do you have any family members or friends who are mental health professionals (psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, counselors, etc.)? If so, please describe what they do.

40.  Describe your education, training, or experience in psychology or psychiatry.

41.  What are your opinions, attitudes, or feelings about psychologists and psychiatrists?

42.  What are your opinions, attitudes, or feelings about psychologists and psychiatrists who testify in court?

43.  Describe your education, training, or experience in statistics, applied statistics, or in the use of actuarial tables.

44.  Have you, a family member, or friend ever been the victim of any form of sexual assault or molestation? (This includes actual or attempted unwanted sexual advances by a stranger, acquaintance, or family member.) If so, briefly describe the circumstances and how that sexual assault/molestation has affected you/your loved one.

45.  Have you, or anyone close to you, ever been treated by a psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, counselor, or other mental health professional? If so, briefly describe the circumstances. Please be sure to note if this treatment had anything to do with sexual assault or molestation of any kind.

46.  Do you have any feelings, opinions, or beliefs about the subject matter of the petition in this case that would prevent you from being a fair and impartial juror in this case? £ yes £ no If yes, explain.

47.  Please write any other information about yourself that you believe this Court should know before you are assigned to serve as a juror on this case.

48.  Please read the following list of potential witnesses, parties, and involved people in this case. If any names sound familiar to you, circle the name and explain how you know, or may know, that person.

Douglas Korpi, PhD, Oakland, Ca
Christopher Mattosich, PhD, Santa Maria, Ca
Garrett Essres, PhD, Cayucos, Ca
Chris Fisher, PhD, Cornelius, Or / Regina Molina, unkown location
Jennifer Zirbes, Missoula, Mt.
Roger Karlsson, PhD, Ca
Tammy Cordero, Vallejo, Ca

Additional Space for Answers

If the spaces provided for your responses to the numbered questions were insufficient to answer any question, please use this space to provide that additional information. Write down the question number(s) to which you are now referring.

You must sign and date this Questionnaire.

I declare under the penalty of perjury that all of my answers to all of the questions contained in this questionnaire are true to the best of my knowledge.

Your signature: dated:

People v. Edward Cordero (5-120865-1) • Confidential Supplemental Jury Questionnaire page 8