English to Enjoy 4AScheme of Work

Module: Food and Drink Unit 4: At the food court

Task: Write a recipe for the Crazy Dish Competition Learning targets: ISa ISb ISd ISe KSa KSb KSc KSd ESa ESb

Communicative functions / Language forms and functions / Language skills / Generic skills, values and attitudes / Vocabulary
Make offers and express preferences
Express similar opinions
Make simple comparisons / Make offers and express preferences.
Would you like to try our tiramisu?
I’d like the chicken curry, please.
Express similar opinions.
I like spring rolls.
I like spring rolls, too.
I don’t like spicy food.
I don’t like spicy food, either.
Compare two or more people or things.
Their chicken curry looked more attractive than Little Tokyo’s.
Red Dragon’s prices were the most reasonableat Yummy World. / Listening
Locate or provide specific information in spoken texts
Use simple sentences to communicate with others with the help of cues
Open an interaction by eliciting a response by asking questions
Maintain an interaction by replying with formulaic expressions
Pronounce correctly words in connected speech
Skim a text to obtain the gist or main ideas
Work out the meaning of an unknown word or expression by using visual clues, context and knowledge of the world
Recognise the format and language features of a variety of text types
Present main and supporting ideas
Gather and share information and ideas by using strategies such as brainstorming, questioning and interviewing
Use appropriate formats, conventions and language features when writing a variety of text types / Collaborative skills
Respect others’ views in a class discussion
Assume different roles in group work and role-play
Work cooperatively with others and treat others’ suggestions positively to complete a task
Employ different negotiation skills to reach consensus
Communication skills
Understand some aspects of how the English Language works and apply this understanding to their learning and use of the language to convey meaning
Express opinions and converse about preferences, ideas and plans
Express freely ideas, views or feelings about a range of topics
Critical thinking skills
Interpret and use information in spoken and written texts, and make deductions and inferences from different sources
Problem-solving skills
Make and respond to simple requests and describe the solutions
Self-management skills
Make decisions and initiate actions on their own and draw satisfaction from their own efforts
Evaluate their own feelings, strengths, weaknesses, progress and objectives
Values and attitudes
Work cooperatively with others and treat others’ suggestions positively to complete a task / names of dishes
adjectives for describing dishes
Text types
restaurant reviews
food reviews