
Days 1-2: Work carnival game – ideas, probability calculations, diagrams, materials list for

game, build game, etc.

Day 3: Present carnival game (need either picture of game or game itself)

Items that should be included in your presentation:

  1. Theoretical probability of winning the game
  2. Rules/How to play the game – you can demonstrate if you want
  3. Prizes – what you win.

Day 4: Play carnival games and record results (use to calculate Experimental Probability)

DIRECTIONS:Design a carnival game.

1.Create a Working carnival game. It must be a working, playable game in order to collect data.

2.Collect data for your game on Carnival Day to calculate your experimental probabilities. You must have at least 25 plays.

3.Complete a report(using attached report sheet – you will show calculations here) with the following information:

a.Information about the game:

1. Rules of the game

2. Cost to play the game (tickets/stamps)

3. Prizes you win and how you win

b.Theoretical probability of winning the prizes (Show how you calculated this probability.) You may need to include a tree diagram.

c.Experimentalprobability of winning the game - (calculated AFTER the games are played)

d.Written explanation comparing the theoretical probability and the experimental probability.

Grading Rubric

Game (as graded on Carnival Day)

20 points—The game is well-made, easy to play

15 points—The game is included and playable, but problems of design or construction are evident.

10 points—The game is included but is difficult to play and poorly made.

5 points—The game is included, but it is not playable

0 points—The game is not included.


a. TheRules of the game

10 points—Clearly states rules, which are easy to understand.

5 points—Gives rules, but does not clearly state them.

0 points—Does not give any rules.

b. Prizes and how to earn the prizes

10 points— Organized and easy-to-understand list prizes

5 points—Prizes are hard to follow

0 points – No prizes listed

c. Theoretical probability of winning the game

15 points—Correctcomputation of theoretical probability of winning the game.

10 points—Has some errors in computing probabilities. Not enough trials while

finding experimental probability.

5 points—Gives only one probability or has major errors.

0 points—Does not give or address correctly any probabilities.

d. Experimental probability of winning the game

15 points—Correct computation of experimental probability of winning the game.

Meets 25+ trials limit.

10 points—Has some errors in computing probabilities. Not enough trials while

finding experimental probability.

5points—Gives only one probability or has major errors.

0 points—Does not give or address correctly any probabilities.

e. Written comparison

15 points—Clearly and articulately explains the difference between the theoretical and experimental probability.

10 points—Comparison is included, but is hard to follow or unclear.

0 points—Does not include a comparison.

f. Presentation

15 points—Clear, concise, understand how to play game and how prizes are won, positive interaction with those playing

10 points—Clear, concise, unclear exactly how to play game and how prized are won, difficulty interacting with those playing

5 point—Not clear or concise, not sure how to play game

0 points—Not clear or concise, no idea how game works or is played

Group Members: ______, ______


  1. Game information – Name of game/Rules/Prizes
  1. Theoretical probability
  1. Experimental probability - (calculated AFTER the games are played)
  1. Comparison

Group/Students: ______

Carnival Game Rubric

The game is not included / 5
The game is included but not playable / 10
The game is included but is difficult to play and poorly made / 15
The game is included and playable, but problems of design or construction are evident / 20
The game is well-made, easy to play / Total


Does not address topic / 5
Major Errors / 10
Some Errors / 15
Correctly Addresses Topic / Total
Rules of the Game
Prizes and how to earn the prizes