ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 1 N 2693

Date: 2002 July 24
(ITU-T SG16)
Coding of Still Pictures
Joint Bi-level Image Joint Photographic
Experts Group Experts Group

TITLE: 28th WG1 Shanghai Meeting

October 21-25, 2002,

Calling Notice and Registration Forms



STATUS: Calling notice, hotel reservation, meeting registration


ACTION: For distribution



ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 1 Convener - Dr. Daniel T. Lee

Yahoo! Asia, 10 Hysan Avenue, Sunning Plaza, Ste. 2802, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Yahoo! Inc, 701 First Avenue, Sunnyvale, California 94089, USA

Tel: +1 408 349 7051/+852 2882 3898 , Fax: +1 253 830 0372, E-mail:





ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 1 N2693

Date: July 24, 2002

Title: 28th WG1 Shanghai Meeting, Calling Notice and Registration Forms

Source: WG1 Convener

The 28TH ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG1 - JPEG meeting will be held in Shanghai on 2002/10/21-25 at the kind invitation of the China National Body at

Pudong Shangri-La
33 Fu Cheng Road, Pudong
Shanghai 200120, China
Tel: +86 21 6882 8888 (Reservations)
Fax: +86 216882 6688, 0160 (Reservation)

The Pudong Shangri-La Hotel is located in the Lujiazui Finance and Trade Zone of Shanghai. It enjoys easy access to both Hongqiao airport and Pudong international airport and is also close to the subway connecting Pudong to Puxi (West Shanghai). Prominently sited along the famous Huangpu River, the Hotel has breathtaking views of Shanghai’s legendary river front- the Bund and the Orient Pearl TV Tower. Please take a look at the web site for more logistic information.

Reservations for JPEG Meeting must be made no later than 20 September 2002

Facilities fees for this meeting are set at 300 USD.

You are strongly encouraged to register with the Convener, so that the exact attendance can be assessed and facilities feels can be set at the right level.

Logistic Information

Hotel Information: / Pudong Shangri-la, Shanghai
33 Fu Cheng Road, Pudong
Shanghai 200120, China
Phone: +86-21-6882 6888
Fax: +86-21-6882 6688
Shangri-la Website:
Reservations: / Shangri-la Worldwide Reservations
Phone: +86-21-6882 8888 E-mail:
Fax: +86-21-6882 0160 E-mail:
Reference JPEG Meeting when booking reservation.
Room Rate: / A block of rooms has been reserved at the Shangri-la for JPEG attendees. The discounted room rate is US$150.00 (single occupancy) or US$160.00 (double occupancy). Deluxe Bund View Room US$170.00 (single occupancy) or US$190.00 (double Occupancy). It is essential that you mention that you are attending the JPEG Meeting in order to obtain this rate.
The discounted room is available until 20 September,2002, after that time the room rate will return to full price of US$290.00 (single occupancy) or US$ 310.00 (double occupancy), Deluxe Bund View Room US$ 320.00 (single occupancy) or US$ 340.00 (double occupancy).
Cut Off Date: / Reservations must be made no later than Sunday, 20 September 2002.
Facilities Fee: / US$300.00
Airport Information: / Around 50 Km. from the Hotel to Sahnghai Pudong International Airport, about RMB¥130, approx. US$ 16 by taxi, and around 30 Km. to Shanghai Hongqiao Airport, about RMB¥70, approx. US$ 9.


/ American Express, Master card, Dinners Club Visa card and JCB card are widely accepted in hotel, restaurants and shops throughout China.
Weather: / Shanghai’s climate is temperate in spring and autumn - the best season for a visit. Temperature in October will range in the (25C) 77 F during the day, and will drop to upper (20C ) 68 F in the evening.


/ Electrical voltage is 220V AC 50 cycles, with 2 or 3 flat pin outlet. A number of main extension leads and multiple power boards will be available for use in the meeting rooms. You will need an adaptor to fit your plug into the Chinese socket.
Mailing Information: / Documents should arrive at the hotel no earlier than 3 days in advance of the meeting. Please use the address format below:
Pudong Shangri-la
Hold For: (name of guest) and date of arrival
JPEG Meeting (October 21 – 25, 2002)
33 Fu Cheng Road, Pudong
Shanghai 200120, China
Contact for Meeting / Meijuan Chen
Phone: +86 -10 13910329940 +86-10-82649208
Fax: +86-10-82649298 Email:
Meeting Planner: / Wen Gao
tel: +86-10-82649208
fax: +86-10-82649298
Address: Preferred, Inc
P.O.Box 2704
Beijing 100080, China

Notice on Invitation Letter for Visas

All foreign visitors entering China must have a valid passport and a valid visa for entry into China. Visas must be obtained from China Consulate or Diplomatic Mission in your resident country before arrival in China.

All delegates and accompanying persons attending the 28th ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG1 meeting in Shanghai at October 21-25 will receive an Invitation Letter to assist them in attaining visas. All delegates are kindly requested to complete the following form and send back to the following address or contact by fax or e-mail before 20th September 2002:

863 Office, P.O.Box 2704

100080 Beijing, China

Attn. Ms. Meijuan Chen

Tel: +86 10 82649208 +86 10 13910329940

Fax: +86 10 82649298 E-mail:

Note: Information for attaining an invitation letter on the following form

(28th ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG1 meeting)

Family Name (Mr./Ms): / First Name:
Passport Number: / Nationality:
Date of entry into China: /
Days in China:
Tel: / Fax:
Accompanied (Mr./Ms)
Passport Number: / Nationality:
Accompanied by (Mr./Ms.)
Passport number / Nationality
/ ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG1 N2693
Registration Form, 28th Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 1 - JPEG
2002-10-21/25, Shanghai, China


Dr. Daniel T. Lee, Convener, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 1 Tel: +1 408 349 7051

Yahoo! Fax: +1 253 830 0372

10 Hysan Avene, Sunning Plaza, Ste. 2802, Causeway Bay, E-mail:

Hong Kong




The following individual will attend the 28th Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 1

2002-10-21/25, Shanghai, China:

delegate from the National Body of ______;


Representative from Liaison Organization ______;

Check here if this individual will be the Head of Delegation (HOD).

Address (Provide contact information below only if it has changed)
Tel: / Fax:

Note: Please return a copy of this form for each person attending the above meeting to the WG1 Convener at the addresses above by September 20, 2002.

Form 1 JPEG

October 21-25, 2002, Shanghai, China


Please fill in the blanks and return this form, in time to be received no later than

September 10, 2002 to:

Ms. Cuiling LAN

Center for International Scientific Exchanges, CAS

52 Sanlihe Rd., Beijing 100864, China

Tel: 86 10 68597751 Fax: 86 10 68597748

Email: or

Please type or print in block letters:

Title: Prof.__ Dr. __ Mr.__ Mrs.__ Ms. __

Name: ______

(Surname) (First name) (Middle initial)

Nationality or Region: ______Passport No: ______

Company/Institution: ______

Mailing Address: ______

City: ______Post Code: ______Country: ______


I expect to be accompanied by ______, passport number: ______.

______, passport number: ______.

Registration fee: Regular participant: US$______

Student participant: US$______

Accompanying persons: US$______

Grand Total: US$___________

Please check:

( ) I have enclosed a bank draft for the above fee to Ms. Cuiling LAN

( ) I have remitted the registration fee of US$______on ______(date) by bank transfer through ______(my bank) to Center for International Scientific Exchanges, CAS, MPEG, Account Number: 00075008241014, Head Office, Bank of China, Beijing, China.

Signature: ______- Date: ______

Form 2 JPEG

October 21-25, 2002, Shanghai, China

Application Form for Pre-and Post-Conference Tour

Please fill in the blanks and return this form, in time to be received no later than September 10, 2002 to:

Ms. Cuiling LAN

Center for International Scientific Exchanges, CAS

52 Sanlihe Rd., Beijing 100864, China

Tel: 86 10 68597751 Fax: 86 10 68597748

Email: or

Please type or print in block letters:

Name: ______

(Surname) (First name) (Middle name)

Accompanying by (if any): ______Email:______

Price / Number of participants / Subtotal
Pre-Tour1 / US$577(D) / x / ( ) / = US$
US$682(S) / x / ( ) / = US$
Pre-Tour2 / US$710(D) / x / ( ) / = US$
US$860(S) / x / ( ) / = US$
Post-Tour1 / US$70(D) / x / ( ) / = US$
Post-Tour2 / US$150(D) / x / ( ) / = US$
US$180(S) / x / ( ) / = US$
Post-Tour2 / US$577(D) / x / ( ) / = US$
US$682(S) / x / ( ) / = US$
Post-Tour2 / US$710(D) / x / ( ) / = US$
US$860(S) / x / ( ) / = US$

Total: US$ ______

* In the above table, (D) and (S) indicate respectively DOUBLE OCCUPANCY and SINGLE OCCUPANCY for hotel accommodation during the whole tour.

Please Check:

( ) I have enclosed a bank draft for the above fee to Ms. Cuiling LAN

( ) I have remitted the registration fee of US$______on ______by bank transfer through ______(my bank) to Center for International Scientific Exchanges, CAS, MPEG, Account Number: 00075008241014, Head Office, Bank of China, Beijing, China.

Signature: ______- Date: ______

Hotel Reservation for the 28th WG1 JPEG Meeting


Phone: (86-21) 6882 8888 Fax: (86-21) 68820160 E-mail:

Attention: Reservation Department


Name of Participant: (Mr./Ms.) ______Position:______

(please underlines surname)

Company Name: ______


Telephone Number: ______Fax Number: ______

E-mail Address: ______

I WOULD LIKE TO RESERVE: (please tick the appropriate box)

( ) Deluxe Room

Single / Double Occupancy US$150.00 / US$160.00

Deluxe Bund View Room

( ) Single / Double Occupancy US$170.00 / US$190.00

·  The above rate is inclusive of 15% surcharge and daily American buffet breakfast

·  The hotel exchange rate is at USD1.00=RMB8.35 for your reference

Arrival Date: ______/ ______/ 2002 Departure Date: ______/ ______/ 2002

(month) (day) (month) (day)

Arrival Flight #: ______ETA:______Departure Flight #:______ETD:______


( ) Airport - to - hotel US$34.00 net (Hongqiao Airport)/US$49.00 net (Pudong New Airport)

( ) Hotel - to - airport US$34.00 net (Hongqiao Airport)/US$49.00 net (Pudong New Airport)


Passport / Visa Details

à  Consulate or Embassy you will apply for your Visa ______

à  Passport Number and Expiry Date: ______

à  Visa Type and Expiry Date: ______

à  Date of Birth: ______Nationality: ______


I wish to guarantee my reservation : (please complete credit card/charge card details)

( ) American Express ( ) Diners Club ( ) Master Card ( ) Visa Card ( ) JCB Card

Credit Card Number: ______Expiry Date: ______

Cardholder Name (please print): ______

Guest Signature: ______



The Pudong Shangri-La Hotel, Reservation Department

Reservations should be made directly with Pudong Shangri-La by returning this form to fax number 86-21-68820160 or E-mail: or before 20 September 2002. Any reservation request after this date will be subject to room availability basis. Special conference rate has been arranged for all participants; in order to avail of this rate, please do not course your reservation thru a travel agent.
The above credit card number will serve to guarantee the room reservation and authorize Pudong Shangri-La to charge one-night room charge in case of no-show of guest.
Our Reservation Department will be re-sending the same form thru fax or e-mail as an acknowledgment and confirmation of the room reservation.


In order that Conference participants may admire many historic sites, scenic areas and recent developments in other cities in China, Pre-and Post-Conference tours will be specially arranged by Center for International Scientific Exchanges, CAS. First-class service will be provided. Optional tour sites are as follows (D—double occupancy; S—single occupancy):

Pre-Conference Tour 1: Guangzhou-Guilin-Shanghai

Date: Oct.17-Oct. 20, 2002

Price: US$577 per person (D) US$682 per person (S) more than 10 persons

US$635 per person (D) US$740 per person (S) 6---9 persons

US$720 per person (D) US$825 per person (S) 2---5 persons


Oct. 17----Arrive in Guangzhou, and stay in a 4-star hotel

Oct. 18----Sightseeing:Dr Sun Yat-sen memorial hall, Temple of Chen Family and Six Benyan Tree Temple, fly to Guiling and stay in a 4-star hotel.

Oct. 19----Sightseeing: Cruise on the Li River, Reed flute Cave, Diecui Hill

Oct. 20----Guilin to Shanghai by flight and transfer to the Hotel where the conference tour will terminate

Pre-Conference Tour 2: Beijing-Xi’an-Shanghai

Date: Oct. 15-Oct. 20, 2002

Price: US$710 per person (D) US$860 per person (S) more than 10 persons

US$767 per person (D) US$917 per person (S) 6---9 persons

US$942 per person (D) US$1092 per person (S) 2---5 persons


Oct. 15---- Arrive in Beijing and stay in a 4-star hotel

Oct. 16---- Sightseeing in Beijing: Forbidden city and Temple of Heaven

Oct. 17---- Visiting the Great Wall and Ming Tombs

Oct. 18 ---- Beijing to Xi’an by flight and stay in a 4-star hotel

Oct. 19 --- Sightseeing: Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses, Huaqing Hot Springs, Banpo Neolithic museum, the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, the Ancient city wall and the Provincial museum

Oct. 20 ---- Xi’an to Shanghai by flight and transfer to the hotel where the congress tour will terminate

Post-Conference Tour 1: Shanghai-Suzhou-Shanghai (by bus)

Date: Oct. 26, 2002

Price: US$70/person for a group of more than 10 persons

Sightseeings: Zhuo Zheng Yuan, Tiger Hill, Liu Yuan Garden, ect. Suzhou back to Shanghai by bus

Include: Lunch, sightseeing tickets, bus and guide

Post-Conference Tour 2: Shanghai – Hangzhou - Shanghai

Date: Oct. 26-27, 2002

Price: US$150 per person (D) US$180 per person (S) more than 10 persons


Oct. 26---Shanghai to Hangzhou by train, and stay in a 4-star hotel

Sightseeing: Lingyin Temple

Oct. 27---Sightseeing: West Lake, Temple of Yue Fei

Hangzhou to Shanghai by train in the afternoon and the tour is terminated.

Post-Conference Tour 3: Shanghai – Guilin - Guangzhou- Hong Kong

Date: Oct. 26-Oct. 29, 2002

Price: US$577 per person (D) US$682 per person (S) more than 10 persons

US$635 per person (D) US$740 per person (S) 6---9 persons