Draft Programme of Work

12th session of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee

24-28 February 2014 (as of 21 February 2014)

24 February 2013 / Tuesday
25 February 2013 / Wednesday
26 February 2013 / Thursday
27 February 2013 / Friday
28 February 2013
10.00-13.00 / Expert member meeting
(private meeting - 10.00-11.00) / Item 3. (a) (cont’d)
Negative impact of corruption on the enjoyment of human rights / Item 3. (a) (cont’d)
Local government
and human rights
Presentation by:
- Mr Seonghoon LEE, Korea Human Rights Foundation
- Ms Andrea Egbuna-Joss,
Swiss Center for Expertise in Human Rights/Institute of Federalism / Item 3. (a) (cont’d)
Attacks against persons with albinism
Presentation by:
- Ms Miranda Brown, OHCHR
- Mr Peter Ash, Under The Same Sun
(private meeting - 10.00-11.00)
Opening of the session
Item 1. Election of officers
Item 2. Adoption of the agenda & organization of work
Item 3. Requests to the AC
a) Requests under consideration
HR in post-disaster &
post-conflict situations / Item 5. Report of the AC
on its twelfth session
Action taking by the Advisory Committee
13.00-15.00 / Lunch break
15.00–18.00 / Item 3. (a) (cont’d)
HR in post-disaster &
post-conflict situations (cont’d)
Enhancement of international cooperation / Item 3. (a) (cont’d)
Promoting Human rights through sport and the Olympic ideal
Presentation by:
- Mr Wilfried Lemke,
Special Adviser to the SG on sport for development and peace
- Mr Constantinos Filis,
International Olympic Truce Centre / Item 3. (a) (cont’d)
Human rights and unilateral coercive measures
Presentation by:
- Mr Jean Ziegler, AC Member / Item 3.
(b) Follow-up to reports
submitted to the HRC
Update on new developments
Right to food (rights of peasants) and right to peace
Item 4.
a) Review of methods of work
Item 4.
b) Agenda & annual PoW,
including new priorities / Item 5. (cont’d)
Adoption of the report