ArtCore Weaver Application

To fill out online: Click Here

What is ArtCore?

ArtCore is an evolving model for arts-based school enhancement that unites community based teaching artists with middle school educators to generate creative, challenging and sustainable learning opportunities for historically marginalized students. Teaching artists work side by side with one grade level of educators per year, modeling arts integration approaches across the school. The current open position is set to work with the 8th grade class at Oaklea Middle School. This collaboration cultivates skilled cohorts of students and renews a strong school culture that values the unique creativity of every student and educator. By engaging every member of the school community as a learner, ArtCore goes to the heart of integrative, imaginative, and culturally responsive learning.

ArtCore Vision

Through cohesive engagement in the arts, ArtCore will catalyze and sustain progress in teaching and learning for marginalized educators and students. By nurturing an unshakeable sense of possibility in educators and developing their skills to integrate the arts into other academic areas, new pathways open for students to engage and persist creatively as lifelong learners.

Roles and Responsibilities

We named this position a “weaver” as the teaching artist is weaving the arts into teaching and learning. The role of the ArtCore Weaver is an integral part of the overarching arts education programs for Lane Arts Council and our partner Educational Policy Improvement Center (EPIC), which include:

·  Helping students develop communication, collaboration, empathy, and self-awareness

·  Working with Oaklea teachers to design interdisciplinary standards-based integrated lesson plans

·  Serving as a resource and educator of Studio Habits of Mind for both students and Oaklea teachers

·  Teaching short and long-term activities in schools with a variety of education disciplines

·  Facilitating arts experiences, including in-school performances and/or showcases

·  Integrating the arts throughout the curriculum as a way of engaging all types of intelligence's in the learning process.

·  Upholding arts education standards backed up by ongoing curriculum-based arts instruction in Oaklea’s 8th grade classrooms

·  Encouraging discipline-specific learning in the arts: visual art, dance, theater, music, poetry, etc.

·  Promoting lifelong learning in the arts through community arts events, classes, workshops, assemblies and residencies in schools

·  Using a wide variety of techniques to relentlessly engage hard-to-reach, sometimes resistant, young people

·  Building and sustaining strong, productive working relationships with site staff

·  Maintaining a high level of flexibility and professionalism at all times

·  Submitting regular reports to the Arts Education Program Coordinator, including lesson plans, program success, and implementation surveys.

·  Collaborating effectively with other seasoned arts education professionals in the school

·  Attending regular ArtCore Weaver meetings, which includes communication and collaboration with four additional ArtCore weavers

·  Attending Teaching Artist Workshops hosted by Lane Arts Council

Successful ArtCore Weavers help provide a tangible link between the creative process and all kinds of learning; leading to greater memory retention of content, diverse entry points for students, and multiple ways for students to represent what they know and can do with their knowledge. Learn more by visiting the ArtCore website:

Oaklea Middle School

Oaklea Middle School is located in Junction City, Oregon and serves approximately 500 students. Oaklea benefits from two significant arts education grants: Oregon Community Foundation’s Studio to School grant and a Department of Education grant. ArtCore has served Oaklea for the past three years, with the incoming 8th grade student cohort having worked with a Weaver in both their 6th and 7th grade years. This will be the first year ArtCore will work with the 8th grade teachers. This year, the 5th grade and 8th grade classes will both benefit from direct contact artist collaborators. 6th and 7th grade teachers participated in previous years and may benefit from additional support and mentorship as well. The median class size ranges from 23 to 32 students, depending on subject. Oaklea employs approximately 48 teaching staff each year, 5 of whom are specifically designated to serve the 8th grade class.

Oaklea Middle School Demographics

·  55% of students come from economically disadvantaged households

·  16% of students experience disabilities

·  7% of students are ever English learners

·  84% of students maintain regular attendance

·  80% of students are White, 10% Hispanic/Latino, 5% Multiracial, 2% American Indian/Alaskan Native, 1% Asian American, 1% Black/African American

Position Details

This is a contracted position. The budget range for this position is $20,000-$30,000, depending on scope of work, with the expectation that this Weaver will provide an average of approximately 16-20 hours of in-school support each week. The contract will run approximately August 2017-September 2018.

Application Review

Application review will begin July 24th.

ArtCore Weaver Application



Primary Arts Discipline:



E-mail: Website:

Personal Biography (3-5 sentences):

This position will work specifically with 8th grade students. How appropriate is your art and teaching style for working with this age group?

Very Appropriate Could Do Not Appropriate

If accepted as an ArtCore Weaver I agree to a criminal history check. YES NO NEED INFO

500 word limit per question.

1.  What is your experience with arts integration and why is arts integration important to you?

2.  The ArtCore Model calls for improvisation and flexibility. Describe a time during a teaching experience where making a change was key to the success of a project.

3.  What is your experience working collaboratively with public school teachers? What were some of the successes and challenges of this work? How do you see the teacher supporting you during ArtCore visits?


Describe an example of one program you propose to teach as a teaching artist in collaboration with a Science, Math, Language Arts, or Social Studies instructor. Base your description on a full-year collaboration, assuming you meet with an 8th grade class 2 times each week.

Discipline Collaboration:

Length of session (min.):

Learning Objectives

(“Students will be able to…” or “Students will understand…”)




Assessment Criteria

(What are you looking for to determine progress?)





What Studio Habits of Mind, Arts Standards, Common Core State Standards, and/or 21st Century Skills best reflect your programming?

It is important for teachers and principals to understand the specific ways in which your program helps 8th grade students meet arts, social studies, language arts, science, and math standards. Below are sets of questions that apply to the each subject area's standards. Please read over them carefully and check the ones which most accurately describe your residency proposal.

Studio Habit of Mind – Please select TWO statements from below. Does your program…

Develop Craft: Help students learn to use tools, materials, artistic conventions; and learning to care for tools materials, and space?

Engage & Persist: Help students learn to embrace problems of relevance within the art world and/or of personal importance, to develop focus conducive to working and persevering at tasks?

Envision: Help students learn to picture mentally what cannot be directly observed and imagine possible next steps in making a piece?

Express: Help students learn to create works that convey an idea, a feeling, or a personal meaning?

Observe: Help students learn to attend to visual contexts more closely than ordinary “looking” requires, and thereby to see things that otherwise might not be seen?

Reflect: Help students learn to think and talk with others about an aspect of one’s work or working process, and, learning to judge one’s own work and working process and the work of others?

Stretch & Explore: Help students learn to reach beyond one’s capacities, to explore playfully without a preconceived plan, and to embrace the opportunity to learn from mistakes?

Understand Arts Community: Help students learn to interact as an artist with other artists and within the broader society

Arts Standards - Please select TWO statements from below. Does your program...

Help students explore and describe the use of ideas, techniques and problem solving in the creative process?

Help students create, present or perform a work of art that demonstrates an idea, mood or feeling using essential elements or organizational principles?

Allow students ample opportunities to respond to works of art and give reasons for preferences using new arts/culture terminology?

Help students examine how a work of art reflects an artist’s environment and personal experience within a society or culture?

Social Studies Standards - Please select ONE statement from below. Does your program…

Allow room for students to construct, support and refute interpretations of history using social or cultural perspectives?

Help students compare and contrast past and present situations, people and events in neighborhoods and communities?

Allow students to identify how people or other living things are affected by events, issues or problems?

Give space for students to engage in informed and respectful discussion of issues, events and ideas?

Language Arts Standards - Please select ONE statement from below. Does your program...

Demonstrate the skills and dispositions needed to be a critical consumer of information?

Help students develop and strengthen their writing skills by planning, revising, editing, rewriting or trying a new approach?

Math Standards - Please select ONE statement from below. Does your program...

Help students measure and estimate lengths in standard units?

Help students reason with shapes and their attributes?

Help students develop an understanding of fractions as numbers?

Demonstrate a different way to represent and interpret data?

Science Standards - Please select ONE statement from below. Does your program…

Helps students conduct an investigation to determine whether the mixing of two or more substances results in new substances?

Help students plan and carry out fair tests in which variables are controlled and failure points are considered to identify aspects of a model that can be improved?

Explain the reasons why similar investigations may have different results?

Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem, taking into account relevant scientific principles?

Help students evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem?

Lesson Planning

Provide the goal for each day and a sample of the sequence of activities you will use to meet your objectives for the first four weeks. Or attach curriculum examples that you have already developed. (Must cover at least 4 sessions).

Session / Goal / Lesson Steps



We understand that schedules change and special circumstances are always an issue. Please note any other commitments that affect or factors that further clarify your availability.


If accepted as an ArtCore Weaver, maintaining insurance is required. When such policies are purchased, Lane Arts Council must be listed as additional insured. The artist must provide certificates of required insurance to Lane Arts Council before commencing work. General liability with limits not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 for the aggregate are required as well as the teaching artist maintaining auto liability insurance.

If accepted as an ArtCore Weaver I agree to obtain the proper insurance. YES NO NEED INFO

Experience & Knowledge

Indicate your experience with/proficiency in:

Second languages:

Extensive work with/exposure to another culture or special population:

Have you currently or previously worked with an Arts Education program? YES NO

If yes, please describe:

How familiar are you with Oregon Content Standards, Common Core Standards (in the Arts and other related areas), Studio Habits of Mind, and/or school performance measurements or curriculum goals: Very Familiar Somewhat Familiar Not Familiar

Are there trainings that will help you become a more effective ArtCore Weaver? Please describe.

Final Materials

Please attach the following materials to the email you send to Lane Arts Council with your application.


Three References

Images/Videos of Your Work

All application materials can be emailed to the Arts Education Program Coordinator, Eric Braman, at . THANK YOU!

Application Submission

By my signature below, I certify the information I provided on and in connection with this application is true, accurate, and complete.

