De Compras

Video Project

C3 (12 points)

You and your partner will be required to play one of the roles in a conversation that is taking place in areal or pretend (but it must look real!) clothing store. Each student will be responsible for 6 questions or answers relating to the scenario, based upon their role in the dialogue. The conversations will take place between:

1. the customer

2. the salesperson

Each of the six (6) questions or answers must contain two complete thoughts; each part

must contain a subject and a verb. Also, you may not ask a yes or a no question as the answer is usually just spitting back what the other person said.

Your dialogue could go something like this:

Client: Good morning. I am looking for a shirt as I am going to a party..

Sales person: Very well. What type of shirt do you need because we have many different types of shirts in this store.

As you can see, the client has two (2) complete thoughts in his sentence because he has two complete sentences, each with a subject and a verb. Also, the word “as” is a conjunction, thus making the second clause the second complete thought. The salesperson also has two complete thoughts; each one is separated by the conjunction because.

Each of the twelve (12) partner sentences/questions is worth 2 points, thus making each person's grade based on 12 points. Therefore, you will be judged on your own merits.

You will be graded on:

1) pronunciation

2) written and spoken grammar

3) inflection

4) having 2 complete clauses in each of the 12 sentences/questions

5) overall presentation to the class (how seriously you presented this, were you reading it so there was no eye contact, was it obvious that you weren’t prepared or that you were prepared, etc.)

6) overall presentation with the video will be judged as above in #5.

As this is a Spanish II level speaking task, simply stating, “Hola. ¿Cómo está?” will not count as a sentence. You can start your presentation with it, but remember that you will still need an opening line with two complete thoughts.

I will also need a final copy of your script. As always, if you hand write it, make sure you use blue or black ink and that you skip lines and write on only one side of the paper. If you type it, please make sure you double space it. I need one script per group with both participants’ names on it.

This project is due Monday, April 4, 2016. You may choose not to make a video of this and simply present it in person to the class. Either way, you need to memorize your lines! However, if you do make a video of this, please make sure it works! If you can, either email the link to me or burn it to a CD so that I can have a copy of it.

Como siempre, ¡Trata de divertirte y aprender a la vez!