Instructor: Karen Stanley Office: CH 351 Phone: 704-330-6604
Email: <>

Textbooks: Making Connections 1, 2nd edition, by Jessica Williams

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Identify the meaning, antonyms, synonyms, and collocations of selected vocabulary on academic subjects.
2. Scan low intermediate reading material for information.
3. Guess word meaning from context in low intermediate materials.
4. Identify main ideas and supporting details in low intermediate texts.
5.Demonstrate a beginning understanding of word forms, their functions in sentences, and suffixes that indicate various word forms.
6. Be able to summarize short, simple passages.
7. Identify contrasts, causes, and effects in low intermediate reading passages.
8. Apply information from readings to answering questions

Course Outline:

Week 1 - 2

Introduction to course syllabus and class policies
Chapter 1, Crossing Borders
Moodle exercises
Test: New reading passages and Chapter 1 vocabulary and reading skills
Week 3 - 4

Chapter 2, Names
Moodle exercises
Test: New reading passages and Chapter 2 vocabulary and reading skills

Week 5-6

Chapter 3, Food
Moodle exercises
Test: New reading passages and Chapter 3 vocabulary and reading skills

Weeks 7-8

Chapter 4, Transportation
Moodle exercises
Test: New reading passages and Chapter 4 vocabulary and reading skills

Weeks 9-10

Chapter 5, Sleep
Moodle exercises
Test: New reading passages and Chapter 5 vocabulary and reading skills

Weeks 11-12

Chapter 6,Music
Moodle exercises
Test: New reading passages and Chapter 6 vocabulary and reading skills

Weeks 13-14

Chapter 7, Natural Disasters
Moodle exercises
Test: New reading passages and Chapter 7 vocabulary and reading skills

Week 15

part of Chapter 8,Leisure(if we have enough time)
Moodle exercises

Week 16

FINAL EXAM: During Final Exam week, you will take a comprehensive final which includes new readings and exercises like the ones you find in the different unit tests throughout the term


Tests 70% (10% each)
Final Exam10%
Homework (both online exercises and exercises turned in in class; online exercises must be at least 85% correct to receive credit; attendance is also a small percentage of this part of yourgrade) 20%
Your attendance is based on the percentage of classes attended. (If you are more than 10 minutes late, you are welcome to attend, but you will be counted absent for grading purposes.)


90-100 = A
80-89 = B
70-79 = C
60-69 = D
below 60 = F