No: 07-37-5086-3/10

Sarajevo, 29.09.2010.

The Office of the United Nations

High Commissioner for Human Rights

United Nation Office of Geneva


Geneva 10

Subject: Human Rights Council Resolution 13/11, “Human Rights of Persons with

Disabilities: national implementation and monitoring and introducing as the theme

for 2011 the role of international cooperation in support of national efforts for the

realization of the rights of persons with disabilities”

To Whom It May Concern:

Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina got a letter from the Permanent Missions to the United Nations Office at Geneva, in regards of Human Rights council resolution 13/11:“Human Rights of PersonsDisabilities: national implementation and monitoring and introducing as the theme for 2011 the role of international cooperation in support of national efforts for the realization of the rights of persons with disabilities”.

Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina have sent your questioner to official ministries on the state and the entity levels, and we are sending you compilation of those answers.

Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina sent us following answers:

- Based on “Law on ministries and other government institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina,” (Official journal of Bosnia and Herzegovina no. 5/03), Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina has coordinating role in the promotion and the enhancement of rights for persons with disabilities, especially in regards of educations and social protection.

- Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina was one of the participants in creation of document “ Disability Policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, which was adopted on May 8th 2008. at the 46 session of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

- Ministry of Civil Affairs took a part in creating conditions in Bosnia and Herzegovina for adoption of Revised European Social Charter, which was adopted by BiH Presidency decision at the 42nd session on July 16th2008.

-Proposed by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the 96. session on August 20th 2009. adopted the information on activities of Council of Europe on improvement on life quality of persons with disabilities and Council of Europe Disability Action Plan 2006-2015, and the Ministry of Civil Affairshas the duty to continually promotesrights for persons with disabilities.

-Ministry of Civil Affairsmade the contribution in drafting of “ Strategy of social inclusion in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, by creating bodies that will supervise fulfillment of the disability policies, that will involve representatives of government institutions and disabilities organizations, and this is due by December of 2010.

Competent institution in Republic of Srpska, Ministry of Labor and Veterans and Disability protections,sent following information:

-This ministry is official ministry for matters of labor and employment in Republic of Srpska, and it is responsible for the implementation of international standards in regards of employment for persons with disabilities.

-For all other issues that are related to issues that are concerning to persons with disabilities, responsible institution is Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Republic of Srpska, which beside department that works directly with those issues, also has a special National coordinator body for issues regarding persons with disabilities.

In Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, is responsible for implementation of “Law on basic social protection, protection of civil victims of war, and protection of families with children” (Official journal FBiH no. 36/99, 54/04,39/06 and 14/09), gave following answers:

- By the end of 2006. new legal regulations were launched on protection of civil war victims and member of their families, and this law created equal opportunities for fulfillment of unified social rights for entire Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Funds for those payments are given by the government of FBiH (70%) and governments of 10 cantons (30%).

-In this time period was also adopted “Law on Professional Rehabilitation, training and employment of persons with disabilities”, which provides social integration and access to the work field for people with disabilities.

-Decision on formation of special Fund for professional rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities in Federation BiH was adopted, and based on this decision we expect begging of work of this Fund.

Department for health and other services of Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina gave following answers:

- Persons with disabilities have an equal access to education, with specially adjusted programs for this category.

- Social protection for this category includes social insurance, continuing social help and care, and all this improves the quality of life for the persons with disabilities.

- In the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina, all architectonic barriers were removed, and this allows independence for the persons with disabilities.

- Child assistance payment gets any child with the disability, no matter of their financial status, and this payment is 50% higher than the payment for other children.

Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina,along with InternationalCommission on Missing Persons (ICMP) initiated drafting of “Law on victims of torture and civil victims of war in Bosnia and Herzegovina”. Draft of this law, was sent to the official state and entity institutions for reviews and inputs. Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina expect that mentioned law will be adopted in the near future.

Adoption and ratification of UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Optional protocol to the convention, sets the unique standardsin regards of the rights and obligations for persons with disabilities, and they set the harmonized basis for the creation of the laws and policies on the state level, and it creates effective mechanisms for the supervision of rights for the persons with disabilities.

Best regards,


Ph D Safet Halilović

Strana 1