04thMarch 2016

Dear Parents/Carers of Oak and Holly Classes

We are pleased to let you know that the ILPs (Independent Learning Plans) are now operational on Fronter as a home/school communication tool. The ILPs are a vehicle for you to inform us of any event or achievement that happens at home in any of the seven Early Years’ Areas of Learning. We strongly believe that learning does not stop at the school gate and that children accomplish and learn a great deal in the home environment. Any information you give us will help to inform our assessments and planning.

Please use your individual ‘log in’ to access Fronter and then press the ILP icon at the top of your front page. You will then need to press on ‘Reception ILP 2015-16, and then set your ‘Group’ to OAK or HOLLY. Please then choose your Area of Learning by scrolling down the page or choose from the topic drop down. This is a private page that can be read only by yourself and your child’s teacher.

The Areas of Learning are listed as:

  • Communication and Language
  • Expressive Arts and Design
  • Literacy
  • Personal, Social and Emotional
  • Numeracy
  • Physical Development
  • Understanding the World


  • WOW moments

Each area of learning has a box for Parents’ comments, in which you can add anything of interest that your child has done or achieved. For example, if we find out that a few children are interested in dinosaurs, we can use dinosaur story and information books in literacy or count dinosaurs in numeracy. At the end of any comments, please press ‘save’.

It is unlikely that teachers will be able to look at the ILPs on a daily basis and therefore they should not be used for urgent communication - please continue to use email or contact us at the school gate for anything that requires an immediate response. However, we will endeavour to look at all comments on a weekly basis and will reply to all comments. Please date each entry at the beginning of each piece of text, so that we can be sure to reply to each piece of news.

As this system is in its early stages, please let us know if you are unable to access any of the above, or if you experience any problems. Our ‘paper’ WOW moments boards will continue for those of you that prefer this method of communication.

We look forward to hearing from you about your child’s achievements.

Yours sincerely

Mrs P Wilson & Mrs R Wood