ASHRAE – Boston Chapter Board of Governors

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: / June 16, 2016
Meeting Name: / June Board of Governors Planning Meeting 2016-2017
Attendees: / Stacie Suh / Dan Diorio
Erin Popa / Deanna Adkison
Mike Gilroy / Joseph Dussault
Daniel PJ Carington / Jim Liston
Andrew Krenning / Kevin Doty
Steve Tafone / Christine Reinders
Chris Pietrocarlo / Will Tang
Distribution: / All Attendees, BOG, Officers
Item No. / Item Description / Action/Resp.
0.0 / The meeting was called to order at approximately 5:09 pm by Will Tang (Will T.).
1.0 / Opening Remark
1.1 / Call Bill Garvey via phone conference for update on treasurer report update after getting through other agendas.
2.0 / Old Business
2.1 / May 2016 meeting minutes motioned to approved by Dan D. and 2nd by Joe D.
2.2 / Stacie S. recapped 2016 ASHRAE Golf outing Profit from tournament is ~$6000.00, improved compare to previous year.
Mike G commented that switching to scramble was well received.
Golf committee will discuss additional improvement opportunities
2.3 / Dan D. updated the BOG on Research Promotion (RP). We are $1200.00 short of our goal as of June15th.
Jim L. inquired about RP donation given during renewal if it will apply towards 2015-2016 or 2016-2017 years.
2.4 / Will T skipped PAOE update to keep meeting on track.
3.0 / New Business
3.1 / Will T. confirmed committee chair, co-chair, & members
went over committee responsibilities, refer to committee chair list for details.
Dan D. recommend to add Yuka N. (Student Activities Chair) to the Membership Promotion (MP) committee, all agreed.
3.2 / Will T. have discussed CRC 8/18 – 8/20 attendees & transportation
BOG agreed ~$275 for transportation of each attendee due to CRC location being quite far. / Joe D. will organize transportation for all CRC attendees excluding Stacie S and Will T.
3.3 / 2016-2017 Program Theme – Back to basic, &b Lessons Learned
Will T.; President Elect, (Will T.) this year (2015-2016). Looking to split meeting half in Boston and other half in Waltham.
Stacie S.; Would have 4 and 3 this year coming, because of no Produced Show this coming year.
Any other topic suggestion for topic?
Steve T.; Good topic, steam system design. Looked at a lot of drawing, not too many people know anything about steam. The use of it in a process, etc.
Stacie S.; Have someone that is really into steam, (Facility Manager) that can explain he is at The Lawrence General Hospital design and operation of the system.
Another topic Net Zero topic, an actual job.
Will T.; Can I pencil that in for October (Net Zero topic with Jim L.)?
March meeting International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories (I2SL) event meeting in Boston. (Penciled in for March)
April meeting for Sponsorship.
ASPE joint meeting on _____.
Steve T. can do December meeting.
Andrew K.; Joint event with AFAA Panel Discussion, Smoke Design - Code Design and How It Gets Design.
Gordon Shark as DL. / Stacie will contact Kevin Foyer on Monday about doing a topic on steam design and operation for our January 10th meeting.
Will T to handle Gordon Shark and will work with Dan C. and Mark L. to secure 101 Federal St for Boston meetings
Will T.; Trying to get a tour at the Bruin practice rank in Brighton as a tour in September, that is still open right now have not received a confirmation.
Will T. will work with TRO to hold a meeting at 100 High Street
3.4 / 2016-2017 Finance Planning
BOG reviewed facial report forwarded by Bill Garvey.
Will T. recommend that all member book their hotel stay for the CRC and we will get reimburse for it later due to the transfer of Treasurer position, credit cards and bank account.
3.41 / Reviewed 2015-2016 report
3.42 / Set Budget for each committee
Will T.; Based on pass year receipts;
·  Budget meeting cost expense, estimate somewhere like $5600.00 (per meeting), basically includes gratuity, alcohol for both and Waltham and Boston.
·  Mark L. has been purchasing $25.00 gift cards, one for the main speaker and one for the Tech Session speaker per meeting.
·  CRC registration budget; for 7 person estimated at $2000.00
·  Hotel budget expenses $2000.00
·  Travel budget expenses $7000.00
·  Golf budget expense $18000.00
·  Student Chapter $800.00
Will T Motion to establish the YEA budget propose of $1000.00 for their events and $1000.00 for the training of next year Chair Joe D., 2nd Christine R. all in favor.
3.43 / Will T. discuss with BOG to move chapter storage to BR+A office, save $135+/mo.
Will T. motion for Eric E. requesting $600.00 budget to build a storage rack at BR+A and store all ASHRAE Historical item at BR+A Joe D. first and Christine R. 2nd, all in favor. / Eric E. to build storage rack at BR+A
4.0 / Other Business
4.1 / Bill Garvey steps down from following positions: Treasurer, Golf Outing Chair. An article about Bill G. will be posted on June newsletter and website will be updated showing our appreciation. / Will T. to write an article that Bill Garvey will be stepping down as Treasurer and ASHRAE duties.
4.2 / Wild Apricot web storage
Will T. discuss centralize file storage for all committee chairs. Kevin D. comments that allowing all committee chairs to access files storage via Wild Apricot pose security and logistic problems. Will T. grant access to Publicity Chair for event photos storage. / Webmaster will archive files for all committee chair on an annual basis.
4.3 / Email alias
ASHRAE Boston will be using email alias, ASHRAE has designated each position. Email sent to alias will automatically be redirected to personal email based on Society member’s emailing records.
Stacie S., recommend that everyone update their email info on Society website. / Will T. to forward email of alias info to BOG.
5.0 / Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 6:44 PM – Christine R. motioned, Joe D. seconded.