CRN's 2013 Tech Innovator Awards
-- Entry Form –


Nominations for the 2013 CRN Tech Innovator Awards will be accepted for all categories for the period of June 12 through August 9, 2013, after which time applications will be considered by the editors of CRN.
Cost to apply is US$195 per product.
Each year, CRN recognizes the most innovative products in 18 hardware and software categories. In addition, CRN also recognizes one vendor for overall excellence in technology innovation with its Editor's Choice award.

This year, we've developed new opportunities for winning companies to increase their visibility before the general audience of the NexTI Conference, Oct. 28- 30, at Loews Lake Las Vegas, in Las Vegas, NV. So SAVE THE DATES and begin your planning now! Winners will be announced on Oct. 30, 2013.

To qualify, products must have been released or received major updatesbetween August 18, 2012 and August 9, 2013.

This year's categories encompass enterprise management and productivity software, wireless networking, voice and data, enterprise network communications, display technology, handheld devices, PC servers, workstations and desktops, laptops, printing and imaging solutions, security, storage and cloud solutions and virtualization.



Qualifying products must have been RELEASED between August 18, 2012 and August 9, 2013. Sorry, no exceptions.

Only NEW, never before released products or MAJOR ADDITIONS OF FUNCTIONALITY to existing products are acceptable.

Beta or pre-release products WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED

Review units must be available if requested by CRN Test Center

Product NEED NOT have been previously reviewed to be eligible

Screen shot or product shot is required


Application or payment confirmation:
Award process, conference info:

Make sure you click the "SUBMIT" button at the bottom of the form to successfully complete your application.
COST TO APPLY: US $195 per product
Need to compile your answers offline?Download the offline application form (Word doc), fill out the form, and then copy and paste the data into the web form. THIS FORM IS NOT VALID FOR SUBMISSION. The off-line form is provided for convenience, or for those wishing to retain a copy of their application(s). To qualify for submission, it's still necessary to fill out the online form to submit a product for consideration.


We hope to see you in Las Vegas October 28-30! Good Luck!

Edward J. Correia

Managing Editor, CRN Test Center

The person filling out this form will be CRN's primary contact should any questions arise.Please enter your contact information below.

Your First Name*: ______

Last Name*: ______

Your Title*: ______

Your Organization*: ______

Do you work for the vendor or a PR company?*

( ) Vendor

( ) PR Company

Email Address*: ______

Phone Number*: ______

Extension, if applicable: ______

Name of company that you will be applying for*: ______

Who is the main marketing/PR contact (for award/notification purposes)?*

( ) I am (the person filling out this form)

( ) I would like to provide additional contact information for this person

Main Marketing/PR Contact (for award/notification purposes)

Full Name*: ______

Title*: ______

Company*: ______

Email Address (not for publication)*: ______

Phone Number (not for publication)*: ______

Extension, if applicable: ______

For the rest of this application, all questions apply to the company applying for the 2013 Tech Innovator Awards. If you work externally, please answer for your client rather than your own company.

Name of the company applying for the 2013 Tech Innovator Awards*: ______

Headquarters Street Address*: ______

Line 2: ______

Line 3: ______

City*: ______

State/Province/District or Protectorate* ______
Postal Code*: ______

Country*: ______

Headquarters Phone Number*: ______

Main Website URL*: ______

Year the company was founded*: ______

Which category best describes your company's Total Annual Corporate Revenue for 2011? This is used for categorization purposes only.*

( ) Less than $100M

( ) $100M - $1B

( ) Greater than $1B

Please describe the product you are nominating below.

Name of the product you are nominating*: ______

Product Category*

( ) Software – Enterprise Management

( ) Software – Productivity

( ) Networking – Wireless

( ) Networking – Voice/Data/UC

( ) Networking – Enterprise

( ) Display – LCD/Signage/Projection

( ) Handhelds – Retail/Specialty

( ) Handhelds – Smartphones/Tablets

( ) Managed Services

( ) PC – Servers

( ) PC – Workstations/Desktops

( ) PC – Laptops/Convertibles

( ) Printing & Imaging

( ) Security

( ) Storage

( ) Cloud Solutions

( ) Virtualization

What makes your product innovative? (100words max)*





Date the product was introduced*: ______

Date product first released*: ______

How many VAR companies are currently offering this product for sale? (Numeric characters only; no commas)*: ______

List Price (MSRP or expected end-user cost) Only numeric characters and decimal points allowed; no dollar signs.)*:

Price Per

( ) Each

( ) Per hour

( ) Per week

( ) Per month

( ) Per year

( ) Other (please explain): ______*

Will the company make this product available to the CRN test center for evaluation?*(This is not required in order for your company to qualify)*

( ) Yes

( ) No

Reseller (Solution Provider or Retailer) Endorsement: In this section, please enter an endorsement from and the contact information for one of your reseller partners.

Quote From Reseller (200 words max)*





Quoted Person;s Company*: ______

Quoted Person's Full Name*: ______

Quoted Person's Title*: ______

Quoted Person's Email Address*: ______

Quoted Person's Phone Number*: ______Quoted Person's Extension, if applicable: ______

Please nominate one of the individuals responsible for bringing this product or upgrade to market, be they the team leader or lead developer or engineer. (100 words max)

Full Name*: ______

Title*: ______

Email Address*: ______

Phone Number*: ______

Extension, if applicable: ______

Please briefly describe this person's role with respect to this product. (100 words max)*




In order to complete and submit your application, please upload a screen shot (for software) or product shot (for hardware) – no box shots (300dpi or better; 2MB max). Once you've selected your photo, you must click the "upload" button in order for your photo to upload successfully.

<upload tool will appear here>

In order to submit your 2013 Tech Innovators application, you must click the "Submit" button below.If you do not click "Submit", your application will not be submitted.Payment information will appear on the confirmation page.