Psychology Department

Psych 202 Developmental Psychology

Syllabus Spring Semester 2014

Instructor: Peg Racek Location: BR 181 & 162

Office/Phone: BR 360 O; 477-4977 Time: 10:30 & 1:30 TTH

Website: E-mail:

Office hours:M: 10:00 to 1:00 & 3:00-4:00; W: 12:00 to 1:00 & 3:00 to 4:00; TTH: 9:30 to 10:30 & 3:00 to 4:00; and by appointment


Santrock, John W. (2014). Essentials of Lifespan Development (3rd Ed.). New York: McGraw Hill. Publisher website for students: (click student edition)


This course is designed to provide students with an overview of how humans develop and change over time. You will learn the stages of growth and development that people go through as they age, as well as learn about theories of development across all age ranges: infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age.


1. To gain an understanding of development as a pattern of change which occurs across the lifespan.

2. To gain an understanding of the influences of cognitive, biological and social factors on the developing individual.

3. To develop skills as a consumer of psychological research.


There will be four exams consisting of multiple choice, true/false, and short answer questions. Exams will be non-comprehensive. Exams will cover material in the book that has been assigned, in-class discussion and videos. Make-up examinations will not be allowed unless you are seriously ill or have an extreme personal emergency. In those cases, please contact me before the exam, if possible, but no later than 2 days after the exam. Points will be lost if there is an unexcused delay in taking an exam. 240 total points from exams.


Students will complete 6 assignments that correspond with specific stages of development. Assignments will consist of either a personal reflection on a topic area or a summary of reading and/or journal information. Specific information and date due on assignments will be given at a later date. Detailed information will be provided on instructor website. Points will range from 8-15 pts, with assignments totaling 60 points.

In-class activities and quizzes will occur during the semester on a random basis, which means there will be no notice given. Students who are in class that day will earn those points. 20 points approximately.

No emailed assignments or late assignments will be accepted. Assignments must be typed and stapled, unless otherwise noted on directions. Be sure to include on all assignments: full name, course number and time, and topic/title of assignment. Example: U.B. Smart, Psy 202 10:00, Kite Flying. Detailed assignment information will be provided on instructor website:

"Maturity begins to grow when you can sense your concern for others outweighing your concern for yourself." - John Macnaughton


In-Class: Students are expected to attend class and attendance will be taken frequently. Responsibility and commitment is expected. Students who frequently miss class often obtain lower grades. It is your responsibility to make sure you get notes from a classmate if you must miss class, and to find out any announcements. Scheduling information will be posted on instructor website when changes are made. Check the course website frequently.

Course Content: Students are expected to read material from the textbook before it is covered in class. Certain topics will be covered in class and in more detail, while other topics will not be discussed in class. Any assigned reading and any material covered in class will be students’ responsibility and will be on exams.

Student Behavior: Respect for others is expected. I ask that students refrain from talking during class, sleeping, or reading of newspapers or other materials, etc. Laptop computers will not be allowed unless necessary for note-taking. Please discuss laptop needs with me in person. Phone calls and texting need to happen before or after class. Students will be given two warnings if using their cell phones after which you will be asked to leave class.

Website: Notes and assignment information will be posted on instructor website found at (This is not D2L or Moodle). This site can be found from MSUM home page. Chapter notes will be posted on website as the chapters are covered. Students need to look at this website at least weekly to stay current with topics and assignments. The instructor website and syllabus are important in providing class information, students are responsible for knowing what is listed on both. Assignment directions will be posted until the date assignment is due. Study guides, if used, may be given out in class or posted on the course website. Students will need to print any notes or assignment information posted as soon as possible. If problems exist in accessing website material, please see me to make arrangements for printed material.

Email: I will attempt to respond to emails questions within 24 hours, excluding weekends. If there is a more immediate concern, you need to see me directly or call. When missing class, you can talk with me directly the following class period with questions. Many questions can be done via email communication. Be sure to include your name and the class you are in on any email correspondence, for example, Ima Payne, Psy 202, 10:30. Concerns such as grades and frequent absence require more privacy than speaking to me before or after class, so it is better to set up a time to speak with me privately in my office.

Grades: Exam scores will be placed on Psychology bulletin board across from Psych office. Point totals will be given to students after exams and assignments have been graded, so throughout the semester. Updated grades/scores will be given out IN CLASS and then posted on instructor website. Students are expected to keep track of your own grades after point totals are shared with you. It is important that you speak with me if you have concerns or questions, and you will need to do so right away. Do not wait until the end of the session, as that will be too late. Due to privacy laws, I cannot share grade information using telephone or email. Prepare for the last exam or last assignment as if your grade depends on it, because it likely does!

Disability Statement: “Students with disabilities who believe they may need an accommodation in this class are encouraged to contact Greg Toutges, Director of Disability Services at 477-4318 (Voice) or 1-800-627-3529 (MRS/TTY), Flora Frick 154 as soon as possible to ensure that accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. Information regarding Disability Services is available at”


90-100% of total points = A 288-320 pts

80-89% of total points = B 256-287 pts

70-79% of total points = C 224-255 pts

60-69% of total points = D 192-223 pts

less than 60% = F below 192

“Think what a better world it would be if we all, the whole world, had cookies and milk about three o'clock every afternoon and then lay down on our blankets for a nap”. ~Barbara Jordan

This schedule may change throughout the semester

Date Topic Read

1/14 Class Introduction

1/16 Introduction Ch 1

1/21 Intro & Pre-natal development Ch 1 & 2

1/23 Pre-natal development Ch 2

1/28 Infancy Ch 3

1/30 Infancy Ch 3

2/4 Infancy Ch 4

2/6 Infancy Ch 4

2/11 EXAM 1 (Chapters 1-4)

2/13 Death & Dying Ch 17

2/18 Death & Dying Ch 17

2/20 Early Childhood Ch 5

2/25 Early Childhood Ch 6

2/27 Early Childhood Ch 6

3/4 Middle Childhood Ch 8

3/6 Middle Childhood Ch 8

3/11 EXAM 2 (chapters 5, 6, 8 & 17)

3/13 Adolescence Ch 9

3/17-3/21 SPRING BREAK

3/25 Adolescence Ch 9

3/27 Adolescence Ch 10

4/1 Adolescence Ch 10

4/3 Early Adulthood Ch 11

4/8 Early Adulthood Ch 11

4/10 EXAM 3 (Chapters 9 -11)

4/15 NO Class Student Academic Conference

4/17 Early Adulthood Ch 12

4/22 Early Adulthood Ch 12

4/24 Middle Adulthood Ch 13 & 14

4/29 Middle & Late Adulthood Ch 14 & 15

5/1 Late Adulthood Ch 15

5/6 Late Adulthood Ch 16

10:30 Class

5/12 Monday at 11:30 EXAM 4 (Ch 12-16)

1:30 Class

5/9 Friday at 11:30 EXAM 4 (Ch 12-16)