Expression of Commitment
Note: this is a template form, which provides an example of the format and the type information to be submitted by all permanent members of all COST Actions in the ESSEM Domain
to COST Action ES-0604
Title: “Water Vapour in the Climate System (WaVaCS)”
1./ Individual’s Name:
Cornelius Schiller, Gebhard Günther, Martina Krämer, Herman Smit, Andreas Volz-Thomas
2./ Organization Name & Address:
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, ICG, 52425 Juelich, Germany
, phone: +49-2461-615272
, phone: +49-2461-615941
, phone: +49-2461-613238
, phone: +49-2461-613290
, phone: +49-2461-616730
3./ Contribution:
a./ Role in Action:
Mention if you are member of the action, member of MC, chair / vice-chair
Vice chair (C. Schiller)
b./ Parts of the scientific programme where contributions will be made:
Mention the Deliverables you wish to contribute from the Memorandum of Understanding
D1 Assess and improve the quality of atmospheric water vapour measurements
D1.1 Evaluation of the accuracy of existing and emerging measurement techniques
D1.2 Cross-validation of observations from diverse instruments and derivation of systematic biases
D1.3 Merge observations from different instruments
D2 Improve understanding of processes determining the water vapour distribution in the atmosphere
D2.1 Transport processes
D2.2 Cirrus cloud formation
D2.3 Modelling
D3 Integrate theoretical and experimental knowledge
D3.1 Survey of observational water vapour observational data bases and modelling tools
4./ Deliverables:
Mention the results you will share with the Action
The results from different programs will be shared within COST in order to achieve a comprehensive understanding of water vapour in the UTLS and its role in the climate system.
- Using existing H2O data performed by FZJ from field campaigns (e.g. SPURT, TROCCINOX, SCOUT, AMMA, Cirrus) and the MOZAIC/IAGOS project
- Continuation of the climatological measurements of MOZAIC/IAGOS; complementing the data sets by new campaign data
- Completion and continuation of international validation experiments (AquaVIT)
- Providing model (CLaMS) from the aforementioned programs
Coordination and significant contributions to the SPARC water vapour initiative (led by C: Schiller, T. Peter and K. Rosenlof) will be made.
5./ Timetable:
Provide the timing of your activities with respect to the Action's timetable
2008 completion of validation experiment AquaVIT, if necessessary define the requirements for follow-up experiments
2008-2009 preparations of data sets and model result for WAVACS and SPARC water vapour initiative
2009 (- 2010) SPARC Assessment or review publication
6./ Manpower approximately dedicated to the Action:
Give the approximate manpower dedicated to the activities included in the action
5 PM p.a. on average, without personnel from other projects
7./ Assurance:
Mention the reasons why the proposed work will be done (sources of funding, availability of data / tools, etc.)
Data and model results are obtained in the aforementioned programs and the research is part and in accordance of the R&D (POF) programme of the institute.
8./ Foreseen collaboration:
Communities of MOZAIC/IAGOS, SCOUT-O3, AMMA, AquaVIT and SPARC
9./ Previous experience:
Individual’s Name:
Give a brief resume of your experiences relevant for the COST action
Cornelius Schiller develops and operates highly-sophisticated hygrometers on research aircraft and balloons since more than 15 years. He was leading the SCOUT-O3 Darwin aircraft experiment and the AquaVIT validation experiment, he was lead author of the SPARC UTS Water Vapour Assessment 2000 and will coordinate the new SPARC water vapour initiative.
Gebhard Günther is member of the CLaMS modelling team since 8 years and developed amongst others the water vapour and ice water module. He took part in several campaigns like EUPLEX, SCOUT-O3 and CIRRUS-III and was responsible for the forecasts and model simulations utilizing the CLaMS model.
Martina Krämer has many years experience in developing and operating cloud particle samplers, and recently also in modeling the water vapour partitioning in ice clouds. She was leading the CIRRUS I-III aircraft field campaigns and the International Workshop on Upper Tropospheric Humidity in 2007.
Herman G.J. Smit has more than 20 years experience in atmospheric research. He is PI for the water vapour measurements in MOZAIC since the beginning, leading the environmental simulation facility to calibrate airborne water vapour sensors and was involved in several international field campaigns.
Andreas Volz-Thomas has over 30 years experience in atmospheric research, including the development of novel instrumentation. He is the coordinator of the IAGOS programme. He has coordinated major exercises for quality assurance of European measurement capabilities in atmospheric research.
10./ Publications: (list relevant publications since 2002, selected)
Schiller, C., R. Bauer, F. Cairo, T. Deshler, A. Dörnbrack, J. Elkins, A. Engel, H. Flentje, N. Larsen, I. Levin, M. Müller, S. Oltmans, H. Ovarlez, J. Ovarlez, J. Schreiner, F. Stroh, C. Voigt, H. Vömel, Dehydration in the Arctic stratosphere during the THESEO2000 / SOLVE campaigns, J. Geophys. Res., 107, D20, 8293, 10.1029/2001JD000463 (2002).
Offermann, D., B. Schaeler, M. Riese, M. Langfermann, M. Jarisch, G. Eidmann, C. Schiller, H. G. J. Smit, W. G. Read, Water vapor at the tropopause during the CRISTA 2 mission, J. Geophys. Res., 107, D23, CRI 4.1-18, 10.1029/2001JD000700 (2002).
Krämer, M. and A. Afchine: Sampling characteristics of inlets operated at low U/U_0 ratios: new insights from computational fluid dynamics (CFX) modeling. J. Aerosol Sci., 35, 6, 683-694, doi:10.1016/j.jaerosci.2003.11.011 (2004)
Spichtinger, P.; Gierens, K.; Smit, H. G. J.; Ovarlez, J.; Gayet, J. F., On the distribution of relative humidity in cirrus clouds, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 4, 639 – 647, (2004).
Mangold, A., Wagner, R., Saathoff, H., Schurath, U., Giesemann, C., Ebert, V., Krämer, M. and O. Möhler: Experimental investigation of ice nucleation by different types of aerosols in the aerosol chamber AIDA: implications to microphysics of cirris clouds. Meteorol. Z., Vol. 14, No. 4, 485-497 (2005).
Bortz S. E., M. J. Prather, J.-P. Cammas, V. Thouret, H. Smit, Ozone, water vapor, and temperature in the upper tropical troposphere: Variations over a decade of MOZAIC measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D05305, doi:10.1029/2005JD006512, (2006).
Krämer, M., Schiller, C., Ziereis, H., Ovarlez, J. and H. Bunz: Nitric acid partitioning in cirrus clouds: the role of aerosol particles and relative humidity. Tellus B, Vol. 58, 141-147, doi:10.1111/j.1600-0889.2006.00177 (2006).
Krebsbach, M., D. Brunner, G. Günther, M. Hegglin, R. Maser, D. Mottaghy, M. Riese, N. Spelten, H. Wernli, C. Schiller, Seasonal cycles and variability of H2O and O3 in the UT/LMS during SPURT, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 6, 109-125 (2006).
MacKenzie, A. R., C. Schiller, A. Adriani, J. Beuermann, F. Cairo, T. Corti, I. Gensch, M. Krämer, C. Kröger, B. Lepouchov, D. Lowe, S. Merkulov, V. Mitev, A. Oulanovsky, Th. Peter, F. Ravegnani, S. Rohs, V. Rudakov, P. Salter, L. Stefanutti, and V. Yushkov, The tropopause and hygropause in the equatorial Indian Ocean during February and March 1999, J. Geophys. Res., 111, No. D18, D18112, doi: 10.1029/2005JD006639 (2006).
Konopka, P., G. Günther, R. Müller, F. H. Santos, C. Schiller, A. Ulanovsky, H. Schlager, C. M. Volk, S. Viciani, L. Pan, D. S. McKenna, M. Riese, Mixing-driven troposphere to stratosphere transport (TST) across the TTL, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 3285-3308 (2007).
Vaughan, G., C. Schiller, A. R. MacKenzie, K. Bower, T. Peter, H. Schlager, N. R. P. Harris and P. T. May, SCOUT-O3 /ACTIVE: High-altitude aircraft measurements around deep tropical convection, Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., in press (2007).
Schiller, C., M. Krämer, A. Afchine, N. Spelten, An in-situ climatology of ice water content in Arctic, mid latitude and tropical cirrus, J. Geophys. Res., submitted (2007).
Krämer, M., C. Schiller, C. Voigt, H. Schlager, A climatological view on HNO3 partitioning in cirrus clouds, Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc., submitted (2007).
Luo, Z., D. Kley, R.H. Johnson, H.G.J. Smit , Ten Years of Measurements of Tropical Upper-Tropospheric Water Vapor by MOZAIC, Part I: Climatology, Variability, Transport and Relation to Deep Convection, J. Climate, 20, 418-435 (2007).
Gierens, K., R. Kohlhepp, N. Dotzek, and H.G.J. Smit, Instantaneous fluctuations of temperature and moisture in the tropopause region. Part 1: Probability densities and their variability, Meteorol. Z., 16, 221-231 (2007).
Smit, H. G. J., A. Volz-Thomas, M. Helten, H.W. Pätz, and D. Kley, An in-flight calibration method for real-time humidity measurements with the airborne MOZAIC sensor, in press, J. of Atmos. and Oceanic Tech., (2007).
Kley, D., H.G.J. Smit, S. Nawrath, Z. Luo, P. Nedelec, R.H. Johnson, Properties of Tropical Convection Revealed by Ozone and RH Measurements, in press, J. Geophys. Res. (2007).