FALL 2016

Instructor: Ernesto Reyes

E-mail: Website:

Phone: (951) 222 – 8461 Office: MTSC 125

Section Number: 49356

Days & Time: TTH 11:10 a.m. — 12:35 p.m.

Room number: MTSC 103

Office Hours: MW 10:35am-12:35pm

TTH 10:35am-11:05 am

REQUIRED TEXT: College Geometry: A problem-solving approach with applications, Second Edition by Musser, Trimpe, and Maurer.

PREREQUISITE MAT-52: Elementary Algebra


A course covering the study of plane geometry and three dimensional figures. These topics include angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, circles and solids, their formulas for measuring such figures, including perimeter, area and volume. Students create proofs of geometric concepts using postulates and theorems associated with geometric objects and their characteristics. 54 hours lecture.

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
·  Solve applications involving the components of regular polygons
·  Solve applications using Pythagorean Theorem.
·  Solve applications using special right triangles.
·  Solve circle problems using area and angles information.
·  Composewritten proofs of geometric statements.
·  Solve problems involving angles and transversals
·  Use geometric formulas for area and volume to calculate exact and approximate values of area, volume, or a missing length.


Regular attendance is imperative in order to be successful in any math course. For this reason, it is important that you understand that I will be taking attendance at every lecture. if you miss 3 or more class sessions, you will be dropped from the course and other students will be given the opportunity to take your spot. However, it is your responsibility to make sure that you are actually dropped from the class by logging in to Webadvisor. Note that if you miss a class, you will be responsible for the material, test, quiz, in-class activities, and announcements given on that day. Therefore, I strongly suggest that you exchange your contact information (e.g. e-mail) with another student so that you do not miss out on important information.

Arriving Late/Leaving Early

It is equally important that you come to class on time to avoid any disruption or distraction among your fellow classmates. Arriving late to class and leaving early is unacceptable; if you cannot make it to class on time or unable to stay for the whole class period, then you may want to find another course that works out with your schedule. Note that arriving late or leaving early will count as absences.

Classroom Code of Ethics

Many of your classmates are making great sacrifices to achieve their academic goals. Therefore, be respectful of your classmates so that everyone is invested in each other’s learning and success in mathematics. Disrupting the instructor or holding conversation of any kind while the instructor is lecturing will not be tolerated. Additionally, to maintain a learning environment for the whole class, it is important that you understand the rules for any electronic devices you might bring with you to class e.g. cell phones, tablets, or laptops.

1.  Turn off any electronic device or put it on silent mode (cell phone) before you come to class.

2.  Place you device in your pocket or backpack. Please DO NOT place your cell phone on your desk or lap.

3.  You may use your device during break time but DO NOT forget to turn it off once lecture resumes.

Note: You will be asked to leave if you continuously disrupt the class with the use of your cell phone.

The following statements are part of the RCC policy regarding class disruption and suspension:

·  Any student who disrupts the orderly operation of a District campus, or who violates the standards of student conduct, is subject to disciplinary action. Such action may be implemented by the Chief Executive Officer of the College or designee.

RCC regulation is that no eating, drinking or smoking is allowed in the classroom


Assignments are worth 10% of your overall grade and will be collected once a week, Monday. Staple your homework altogether and make sure your name, chapter and section numbers are clearly labeled on the homework set you are turning in (there is no stapler available in this classroom). Homework will not be accepted if it is not stapled. Moreover, you must show your work clearly in order to receive full credit for the homework you are turning in. Since I assign mostly odd numbers for the homework, the answers are found in the back of the book for self-check. You will NOT receive any points if you do not show any work. No late homework will be accepted under any circumstances!! The most effective way to study for major tests/exams/quizzes in math is to complete your homework assignments.

Class Participation

Class participation is an important component of this class for it will help you to develop your communication, cognitive, social, and physical skills. Therefore, you are expected to participate in all in-class activities. This is another reason why attendance is pivotal in this class.


Most quizzes will be announced in advance.


There will be NO make-up tests in this class unless you can provide a compelling proof, e.g. doctor’s note. A planned family vacation does not constitute a valid excuse for not taking the test on the assigned date. ONLY students who turn in their homework assignments and have good attendance will be granted the opportunity for a test redo, if there is one. Also, be sure to bring with you a pencil, an eraser, and a calculator; you will not be allowed to share any of them with another classmate.

Final Exam

Failure to take the Final Exam will result in an automatic F grade for the course.

Disability Resource Center

“If you have a physical, psychiatric/emotional, medical, or learning disability that may impact your ability to carry out assigned course work, I urge you to contact the staff in Disability Resource Center (DRC), in Administration 121 or call at (951) 222-8060. DRC will review your concerns and determine, with you, what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential.”


If you get caught cheating, you will be given an “F” grade for the particular assignment, test or quiz, and disciplinary action will be taken. So, DO NOT do it.


You will be able to check your current grade online by accessing my websites, This website is not the same as Blackboard. Final grade will consist of participation, homework, handouts, quizzes, three tests and a final exam. Yes, the final exam is cumulative and your grade will be calculated as follows:


Tests / Points / Your Points
Test 1 / 250 pts.
Test 2 / 250 pts.
Homework / 100 pts.
Participation / 100 pts.
Final Exam / 300 pts.
Total Possible Points / 1000 pts.
Percentage / Points / Grade
90%-100% / 900-1000 / A
80%-89% / 800-899 / B
70%-79% / 700-799 / C
60%-69% / 600-699 / D
Less than 60% / 0-599 / F

*This schedule is subject to change without notice.

Sections / Assignments will be provided after each lecture.
Test 1 / October 20
Test 2 / November 15
Final Exam / Tuesday, December 13
Time: 11:00am-1:30pm

“The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics.” Paul Halmos

“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” Confucius

“If I were again beginning my studies, I would follow the advice of Plato and start

with mathematics.” Galileo Galilei

“Study without desire spoils the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in.”

Leonardo Da Vinci

Edgar Dale’s Cone


·  State of Mind: Come to class with a positive (learning) attitude and focus on your strengths rather than on your weaknesses.

·  Attendance: show up on time to every lecture day and take good notes on the material that is being presented

·  Ask Questions: If you have any math question during class time, do not hesitate to ask me for additional explanation. I strongly encourage you to ask me on any topic that seems to be unclear.

·  Tutoring: Free walk-in tutoring is going to available at the Math Learning Center which is located on the third floor in the MLK building. There is also free tutoring at the Tutorial Services located on the second floor of the MLK building. We also have an SI Leader assigned to this class; please make an effort to attend his/her SI sessions.

·  Priority: Do Not leave things at the last minute. DO your homework as soon as it is assigned.

·  Study Groups: I recommend that you get together and form a study group of 2 or 3 maximum. Remember; more than two brains are better than one.