Change Request for Certification and Release of Funds Form

All Certified Projects Must Follow NM State Policies and Procurement Code

Change Type:

/ Scope / Budget / Schedule

Project Name

/ DPS/MTD Enhanced Electronic Screening (EScreening)
Project Number / Date / 05/07/2010
Lead Agency / Department of Public Safety / Agency Code / 790
Other Agencies / Project Phase / Implementation

Executive Sponsor

/ Secretary John Denko
Project Manager / Major Ron Cordova
Agency Head / Secretary John Denko
Agency CIO/IT LEAD / Mr. Stephen Tapke
Project Description (Provide a brief description and purpose for this project)
The primary MTD mission is to enforce the commercial vehicle regulations and state statutes to ensure highway safety. The MTD fulfills this mission through a variety of means, one of which is to process motor carriers that enter NM through our ports of entry. There are currently 5 “Major” Ports of Entry on our Interstate Highway System. The division has selected five ports of entry to enhance the current electronic screening processes at these facilities. Due to the high volume of traffic, the division must use electronic means to process carriers. MTD currently has PREPASS at these two facilities and weigh-in-motion scales.
The Taxation and Revenue Department has deployed a new Weight Distance/Tax Identification Permitting system and MTD must be able to verify tax compliance electronically. Deploying the enhanced electronic screening system will provide the means to verify compliance with the Weight Distance Tax.
Planned Start Date / 03/31/08 / Planned End Date / 12/30/11

Justification for Change in Certification (Include budget adjustment request; Business Value and/or program Results) MTPD has received additional funding to roll out additional sites for enhanced electronic screening. this is a project that is supported an d funded by the Taxation and Revenue Department.

The Motor Transportation Police Division will receive additional funding in FY10 and FY11 for additional outbound facilities. The sites have increased in price due to the one (1) additional DOT & one (1) license plate reader being added to the site for optimal reads. The additional cameras are optimized for nighttime use. The optimization creates more accurate readings at night for screening by MTPD employees. MTPD will also purchase a mobile license plate reader to utilize to capture intrastate carrier information. MTPD has identified a significant amount of non-compliant intrastate carriers during special operations.
As MTD received additional funding for outbound license plate readers and additional inbound ports of entry, the scope of EScreening expanded to additional locations for the data capture of commercial vehicles entering and exiting our state for Weight Distance Tax compliance efforts. This project is a multi-agency to include the NMDOT, Taxation and Revenue Department and DPS. The project will assist all agencies to ensure compliance with the Weight Distance Tax.
Amount Requested this Certification / $ 1,359,341
Amount Previously Certified / $2,780,125
Remaining Appropriation not Certified / $ 1,359,341
Total Appropriated Amount (include any new funds) / $4,139,466

Certification History (Include any previous project or phase certifications)

/ Amount / Funding Source(s) (use specific citations to laws, grants, etc.)
2/27/08 / $0 / Initiation
06/25/08 / $0 / Planning
08/08 / $550,200 / Intelligent Transportation Systems/Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks Grants
04/09 / $1,699,386 / Intelligent Transportation Systems/Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks Grants

Appropriation History (Include all Funding sources, e.g. Federal, State, County, Municipal laws or grants)

Fiscal Year
/ Amount / Funding Source(s)
FFY03 / $25,725 / FMCSA Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks
FFY06 / $250,000 / Intelligent Transportation Systems/Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks Grants
FFY06 / $250,000 / FMCSA Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks
FFY07 / $309,400 / Intelligent Transportation Systems/Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks Grants
FFY08 / $400,000 / Intelligent Transportation Systems/Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks Grants
FFY08 / $245,000 / FMCSA Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks


FY10 / $1,300,000 / TRD Agreement Funds- Tax ID Permit Fund
FY10 / $ 294,605 / TRD Agreement Funds- Tax ID Permit Fund
FY11 / $1,064,736 / TRD Agreement Funds- Tax ID Permit Fund

FY07 & prior

/ FY08 / FY09 / FY10 / FY11
Staff - Internal
Conduct Site Visits to evaluate deployment strategy / $72,448
Hardware and Software / $3,002,282 / $1,064,736
Total / $72,448 / $3,002,282 / $1,064,736

Independent Verification & Validation (Include summary of the latest IV & V report)


Impact of Change (May Include Significant Risks & Mitigation Strategy; SECURITY, Consolidation & Maintenance Strategies; Records Retention; & Business Performance Measures)

The change impact is to include additional funding to the project from the Taxation and Revenue Department. The Screening site prices have increased due to additional cameras added for increased performance for low light conditions. A mobile screening device is also included in the funding to be utilized to capture Intrastate information on carriers. MTPD has witnessed a high volume of non-compliance with Intrastate carriers during special operations. Capturing this information will assist TRD to conduct audits on non-compliant carriers.

Security Strategy (Application and Data Security Process, Plan, or Standard)

Security strategy for this project (application and data) shall be provided by the vendor as part of the COTS system.

IT System Analysis

On this document, or as an attachment, provide a summary response, including changes, to the following IT infrastructure topics relating to this project:
This project is the implementation of an electronic data entry mechanism on the front-end of an existing system, CVIEW.
Within that project scope, there will be no impact on the Enterprise/DoIT infrastructure in the hardware or software arenas. The system will be hosted at the Ports of Entry (POE) in Gallup and Anthony. The CVIEW system is hosted in Terry Town, NJ.
The network impact is as follows:
There will be 4 connections that are mentioned in this project, Anthony, Gallup, San Jon and Raton ports of entry will be impacted. Anthony POE and Gallup POE, have two different connection methods. The Anthony site is an ATM T1 that terminates at the DPS OC3 in Santa Fe, the Gallup port is on an ATM T1 as well, but it terminates at DoIT directly, then is passed to DPS via the ATM Microwave between Simms and OCB. The following describes the actual data path for both ports sending data to Terry Town NY:
Anthony POE -T1 router in Anthony to OC3 router in DPS Santa Fe, Circuit ID 50HCFJ000332. The traffic is then routed down another T1 off our OC3 to what we call the TRD Gateway. This circuit actually terminates at Simms or Montoya; it then gets routed down another T1 to Terry Town. The current traffic levels on the T1 between Anthony and DPS are 2 out of 255 or less than 1% and it hasn’t spiked more than 5 out of 255, which is still less than 2%.
Gallup POE – This circuit used to belong to DPS, but because of another project, it was swung to DoIT, so they could share it with another agency. Traffic again comes out of the router at Gallup POE, but instead of coming to the DPS OC3, it terminates at DoIT, and then is routed to DPS over the Digital Microwave at OCB, and then across fiber to DPS. It then goes out our OC3 router, down the T1 to the TRD Gateway and then to Terry Town. The only added difference between this connection and the connection is at Gallup we use an IPSEC VPN Tunnel to get the data from Gallup to DPS, and then send it out the OC3 to TRD and Terry Town. DPS cannot provide bandwidth usage in Gallup because we do not have access to that router.
Raton POE – T1 router in Raton to OC3 router in DPS Santa Fe. The traffic is then routed down another T1 off our OC3 to what we call the TRD Gateway. This circuit actually terminates at Simms or Montoya; it then gets routed down another T1 to Terry Town. The current traffic levels on the T1 between Raton and DPS are similar to Anthony.
San Jon POE –Traffic comes out of the router at San Jon POE, but instead of coming to the DPS OC3, it terminates at DoIT, and then is routed to DPS over the Digital Microwave at OCB, and then across fiber to DPS. It then goes out our OC3 router, down the T1 to the TRD Gateway and then to Terry Town.
San JonWIM – Wireless connection from the WIM location to the POE, from which traffic will join the San Jon POE connection detailed above.
DPS will collaborate with DoIT at each stage of the certification process; Initiation, Planning, Implementation, and Closeout.
Mobile Reader - Wireless connection from trailer to the Central server.
Application Architecture Schematic:

business Continuity Strategy

Business continuity and disaster recovery will be handled through reverting to manual input to the CVIEW front end in the event of failure in the Enhanced Electronic Screening project, until the electronic interface can be restored. CVIEW BCDR is handled by the vendor, ACS, and is beyond the scope of this project.

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Revision: 2/14/08 Page 1