School Council Meeting 10.10.14


1P –Usman & Lucy did not attend (apologies sent)

1Z – Amelia & Marley

2 – Ruby & Jake

3 – FarrahDereece

4 – HaddyTyrese

5 – Raya & Remel

6 – Safiya & Mohamed

7 – KyeZarah

8 – Jamil & Ellie

9 – Navreet (Caitlyn absent)

10 – Josh R. & Lily M.

11 – Darren & Maria

12 – Harvey & Carmeline

Issues raised:

1Z – Can Reception use laptops? Probably - will discuss with the Computing co-ordinator. Request for some new playtime toys.Mrs Milburn will buy when next visiting Costco.

2 – Request for a crab and some fish in a fish tank. Yes– your teacher will check the cost, first. Request for a trampoline.No – costs too much and impractical.

3 – Request for some new ‘free reader’ KS1 books. Miss Lillie can order some new ones if she wants. Request for an outdoor climbing frame. No – enough to climb on already.

4 – Request for new MUGA balls and skipping ropes. We have plenty of new balls in the MUGA, so no, but Mr Yates will source a new supply of skipping ropes.

5 – Request for fighting to stop in school at playtimes. Mr. Yates and Mrs Milburn are working on some new ideas which should reduce fighting at playtimes and lunchtimes. Request for some swings, bikes and certificates for ‘being kind’.No to swings – too costly –and we have already bought new bikes for Reception. Mr Yates will give some thought to the idea of ‘kindness’ certificates, though he thinks children can be kind without the need for a reward.

6 – Request for some new blinds for the classroom. Will ask Mr Watkins about approving this. Request for harder work for children. This is something that is now happening in classes with the different levels of challenge in your tasks.

7 – Request for a new basketball net in the playground and some new classroom blinds.Yes to the basketball net – Mr Local to sort – and will put the blinds request to Mr Watkins.

8 – Request for a ‘switchover day’ and more swimming sessions.No to both – the first one is not practical or necessary and School already pays for two swimming sessions a week.

9 – Request to learn more languages and more Maths in the classroom.If you want to learn more languages, study at home on your computer, as there is no room in the timetable for another language. More Maths – this is up to your class teacher.

10 – Request for a gardening club at lunchtimes and to be able to watch movies (and colour at the same time) on wet dinnertimes.Gardening club – will ask Mrs Collins; movies in classroom – will consult with your teacher.

11 – Request for two bouncy castles on the field on a sunny day and for more Science in the classroom.Bouncy castles – will consider in the Summer term; more Science – this is up to your class teacher.

12 –Request for nettles and brambles to be removed from the field. Request for extended playtimes and lunchtimes.Yes, accessible nettles and brambles can be strimmed; no to extended playtimes and lunchtimes.

Next School Council meeting to be arranged for the half-term up to Christmas.