Chapter 12 Central Nervous System – Brain

CNS as integration of arcs

•  integration center interneurons parallel circuits

•  brain

•  spinal cord

•  connect “appropriate” motor responses to stimuli

•  also: learning memory

Central Nervous System

•  brain control center

•  spinal cord superhighway

•  gray matter cell bodies and interneurons

•  white matter axons and dendrites

brain functional areas

•  integration areas

•  connect sensory to motor sensory to sensory other areas (parallel)


•  cerebrum

•  cerebellum

•  diencephalon

•  thalamus

•  hypothalamus

•  epithalamus

•  brain stem

•  midbrain

•  pons

•  medulla oblongata

cerebrum functional areas

•  motor

–  conscious motor frontal

–  eye movement frontal

–  speech movement frontal (Broca’s area)

•  sensory

–  general sensation parietal

–  auditory temporal

–  visual occipital

–  taste parietal

–  olfactory temporal , limbic system

other functional structures

•  cerebellum coordination of voluntary motor synergist - antagonist

•  basal ganglia motor control

•  thalamus sensory relay sensory filtering

•  hypothalamus visceral control


•  visceral control center regulates bodily functions

–  temperature

–  hunger glucose, amino acids

–  thirst salts, water

–  pH levels CO2

–  Autonomic NS

–  emotions visceral responses

–  endocrine controls Pituitary gland

brain stem

•  3 parts :

–  midbrain

–  pons

–  medulla oblongata

•  vital functions

•  passageway betw cortex and spinal cord

•  cranial nerves


•  cranial nerves nuclei III , IV

•  corpora quadrigemina

–  superior colliculi visual reflexes

–  inferior colliculi auditory reflexes

•  substantia nigra influences basal ganglia produces Dopamine


•  cranial nerves nuclei V , VI , VII

•  respiratory centers

medulla oblongata

•  cranial nerve nuclei VIII, IX, X, XI, XII

•  visceral motor nuclei cardiac center HR vasomotor center BP respiratory center resp rate

•  reflexes swallow cough sneeze BP , HR , Resp

limbic system

•  medial surface of each hemisphere

•  emotional brain

–  amygdala fear, anger

–  cingulate gyrus emotions, gestures

•  memory / learning

–  hippocampal formation short term memory sends to cortex (LTM)

–  amygdala memories of emotions

–  hypothalamus visceral responses

•  frontal lobe social behaviors

Brain Waves

•  measure of electrical activity

•  EEG = electroencephalogram

–  locates lesions

•  inactivity – increase amplitude

•  active – complex, low amplitude waves

•  Alpha waves 8-13Hz relaxed wakefulness

•  Beta waves 14-25Hz alert, concentrating

•  Theta waves 4-7Hz abnormal (adults)

•  Delta waves < 4 Hz deep sleep, abnormal if awake


•  sensation change in ion permeability due to a stimulus

•  perception conscious awareness of a sensation

•  Brain is the organ of perception

•  light stimulates receptors = sensation

•  vision = our perception of that sensation

•  motor responses w/o consciousness:

•  plants ; stretch reflex ; BP ; light reflex

problems of consciousness

•  syncope brief unconsciousness

•  coma unresponsive to sensory stimuli

–  not deep sleep decreased O2 use

–  may include part of brain stem


•  partial unconsciousness cerebral, not brain stem

•  can respond to stimuli

•  decreased RAS activity

•  Û adenosine increase after ATP use

•  Why sleep? restore NT’s organize memories , emotions “we dream to forget”

•  insomnia

types of sleep

•  NREM non-rapid eye movement

–  4 stages

–  slow-wave sleep delta waves

–  low vitals increase digestive activity

•  REM rapid eye movement

–  alpha waves irregular

–  increase vitals decrease digestive functions

–  skeletal muscles inhibited

–  limbic system active

–  dreams


•  learning changes in synaptic communication

•  memory those changes lasting a long time


•  declarative facts , events

–  short term memory

–  long term memory

•  non-declarative motor skills, procedures

how do we store memory ?

•  synapses work better = LTP long term potentiation

•  potentiates neural connections

•  sensory - sensory

•  sensory – motor

•  connect “appropriate” motor responses to stimuli

•  build networks - associations

•  reverberating circuits


•  synapses work better = LTP

•  more NT receptors

•  glutamate - NMDA - Ca

•  Û NT production

•  NO

•  dendritic spines change shape

•  Û strength of graded potentials

•  greater chance of action potential

where is the memory ?

•  middle temporal lobe

–  hippocampus STM consolidation

–  amygdala fear, danger ; and responses

•  cerebral association areas sensory info

•  prefrontal cortex behaviors

affects on memory

•  repetition increase LTP

•  association

–  networks

•  stress

–  norepinephrine

–  glucocorticoids

•  glutamate

•  sleep

•  alcohol

memory problems

•  amnesia

–  anterograde amnesia new info

–  retrograde amnesia old info

•  post-traumatic stress disorder

•  Alzheimer’s Hippocampus cerebral cortex

–  change NMDA receptors and Ca++ influx

–  decreased Ach production

–  plaques : beta amyloid peptide

•  stem cells neurogenesis