What I need an annotated bibliography. This bibliography will be on a topic of your choosing related to any of the following (Roman Empire, ancient Egypt, the rise of Christianity, Jesus, Constantine, and or Augustus). It can be smaller, such as a person or single event, a year, or even a thematic topic, such as race or gender but please consult with me once you pick the topic.Be advised that this will work is a research assignment, so if you choose a person, I will later have to do more than write a biography off this...so I really do suggest not writing about a person.

Now that you know what you're looking for, I want you to build a ten item bibliography consisting of the following:
1 book
4 peer-reviewed journal articles
5 primary sources
1 free source (another book, article, primary source, or academically acceptable website)
...if you're still not sure about that last one, see this great website fromCornell:
Once you have your sources, you'll need to put them in proper form. Cite sources in the Chicago style
After you have found your sources and gotten them into the proper format, you'll need to annotate it. Pick five of your sources, and under the citations, write a couple of sentences about why you think this source is important to your topic.
It looks something like this:
Gui, Bernardo. Le livre des sentences de l'Inquisiteur Bernard Gui. Paris: CNRS (2010).
This primary source contains all of the sentences Bernard Gui handed down as an inquisitor. I think the section on the Languedocian sentences will be invaluable to my topic.
Ladurie, Emmanuel Le Roy.La Paysons de Languedoc. Paris: Flammarion (1993).
This source will help me study the Inquisition in Languedoc because the author talks about the common people of the region who are directly affected by the Inquisition.
After getting the assignment finished it will turned in to verify originality and that it is not a paper used by another person.