Phil 205

Study Guide


Study Guide

One of these essay questions will appear on your exam which is scheduled to take place in our classroom onWednesday, October 15.

Grading Criteria

Description of the view(s):your essay contains accurate and precise descriptions of the issue. Key terms or concepts are clearly defined and properly used.

Logical order/writing: your essay has smooth transitions and proceeds logically from point to point. It has complete sentences and good grammar, punctuation, and spelling. The prose is very clear and easy to understand.

Completeness: your essay answers the question in its entirety. I don’t have to write, “Please develop” next to phrases or paragraphs.

Examples: your essay is supported by clear and relevant examples.

Study tip: a good way to study for this exam is to write out an excellent response to each question and memorize key points. During the exam, you may write out the relevant outline and then proceed to complete your essay. Be mindful that you have 50 minutes to complete the essay so time management is central to a good essay. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Food Politics

Are we (those living in affluent countries) obligated to aid those who are suffering from famine in other parts of the world? Please offer two good reasons for your view. Also consider at least one objection. What would your opponent say? Then offer a rebuttal.


Is cannibalism immoral? Please offer two good reasons for your view. Also consider at least one objection. What would your opponent say? Then offer a rebuttal.

Eating Animals

Is eating meat immoral? Please offer at least two good reasons for your view. Also consider at least one objection. What would your opponent say? Then offer a rebuttal.

Note: there are three main parts to each essay: (1) supporting evidence (at least 2 premises); (2) an objection; (3) and a rebuttal directed at that objection. Make sure your thesis statement is clear and at the beginning of the essay.