Strings Performance Assessment Rubric

Component / 4- Excellent / 3- Good / 2- Fair / 1 - Poor
Posture – 30 pts / Violin is parallel to floor, left elbow is away from the body, left hand is straight and only touching violin at appropriate points. Left fingers are rounded and pressed on fingerboard appropriately. Shoulders are relaxed, right arm moves from up and down to cross strings, opens from elbow.
Right hand is rounded, thumb is curved, pinky is on top of bow. / Was able to Violin is slightly pointed down, left elbow may be leaning on side of the body, left hand may have started out correctly but collapsed while playing. Shoulders may be squeezed or pinched. Right arm moves up and down to cross strings but back and forth to play notes instead of opening at elbow. Right hand is round, thumb not curved and/or pinky not on top. / Violin is pointed down, left elbow is on side of the body, left hand starts correctly but collapses while playing. Shoulders look tense and uncomfortable. Right arm moves back and forth not in appropriate motion.
Right hand is tense, thumb start correctly but collapse while playing. / Violin is pointed down, left elbow is on the side of the body, left hand is collapsed from start to finish. Shoulders are not correct.
Right arm does not make appropriate motions.
Right hand is tense, thumb and/or pinky misplaced.
Pitch – 20pts / All of the written pitches played correctly / Most of the written pitches were played correctly / Some of the written pitches were played correctly / None of the written pitches were played correctly
Tone/Sound Quality – 20 pts / Played with full, even, and pleasant tone / Played with medium, slightly uneven, somewhat pleasant tone / Played with an airy, squeaky, unpleasant tone / Played with squeaky, scratchy, very unpleasant tone
Bowing- 10pts / Performed all bowings correctly / Performed most of the bowings correctly / Performed some of the bowings correctly / None of the bowings were performed correctly
Note Names -10pts / Student can name and perform all notes clearly / Student can name and perform all notes clearly / Student has some difficulty naming and performing the notes / Student can not name or perform any of the notes
Rhythm -10pts / Played the written rhythm correctly / Played most of the written rhythm correctly / Played some of the written rhythm correctly / Was not able to play in rhythm