CVUUnit Practice Council Minutes
December Staff Meeting Minutes Combined
Date: December 6, 2010December9, 2010
Chair: Cheri Coleman, RN
Co-Chair: Stephanie Franks, RN
Staff Meeting Leader: Marcie Winslow, RN
Unit Practice Council Goals For January: Peer review audit sheet improvement
Attendance:Name, degree, credentials / Present: Kathy Hospador, USII, Sherry McNabb, USII, Cheri Coleman, RN, , Eileen Hurd, RN, Suzanne Salvetti,MTII, Stephanie Franks, RN, Marcie Winslow, RNChris Canton, RN, Leslie McLaughlin, RN
Guest: Liza Vance, RN, Dee Dills, C N A
44 associates attended the staff meetings
Reflection / None
Topic /
/ Actions taken / Follow-upWalking Rounds / Walking rounds are here to stay. Change is very difficult and not easy to accept. Walking rounds improve patient satisfaction, ease the patients mind and calm fears of being sick and admitted to the hospital. This is not the time for warm and fuzzy stories; please just enjoy the personal satisfaction it may bring to you, in-depth assessments and personal information is not needed about patient’s families or friends. It will decrease the number of call lights and provide a visual benefit for patient and staff members. C N A concern of late blood sugars can be eliminated by remembering it is a very brief visit to each room. To include an introduction, one or two assist, bath/shower, foley. then on to next room. Soon you will see all is well in 10-15 mins. When a rover is available they will answer the call lights during walking rounds.A few associates are still reluctant to doing walking rounds, are you one of them? Please talk to Cheri Coleman, RN or Eileen Hurd, RN clinical manager about your reluctance. One day C N A and one night C NA should start rounds at room 3036; One day C N A and one night C NA should start rounds at room 3001. By the time you all get to the middle day C N A she/he will be ready for rounds and everyone will have completed walking rounds. Thanks to Suzanne Salvetti, MTII and Chris Canton, RN for developing a check list of what should be covered during walking rounds.
Unit Motto / Two unit mottos have been selected. Stephanie Franks, RN will post both of them on a poster for everyone to review. When you have decided on your favorite motto just sign the poster under your favorite motto with your comments about font size, color, etc.etc. / 01/07/2011
CVU Christmas / Thanks to Liza Vance, RN for volunteering to organize a CVU Christmas party. It is December 15, 5-9 pm at a cost of $13 per person. Sign up soon so Liza can turn in a head count to Jack Quinn’s. Also the same day is the free associate Christmas luncheon/dinner in the cafeteria.
Staff Morale / During the month of December feel free to wear Christmas colors or Christmas pattern shirts under your scrub top, Christmas bows on your badge available in the break room thanks to Marcie Winslow,RN. “Cardio-cash” (red hearts) now available. You are awarded a cardio heart for good deeds. Save your cardio-cash/hearts and when you earn 5 hearts take a trip to the treasure chest and “buy” a gift of your choice. How will we stock the treasure chest? With donations from you. Eileen has already pledged a gift certificate to Java mountain. Thank you to all who signed up to clean the refrigerator and microwave. The rest of 2011 sign up sheets now available on front of refrigerator. / Feedback needed / 01/07/2011
Peer Review
audits / The peer review sheets will continue to be distributed on the lockers monthly. Nurses please try to be more in-depth about the care plan. The forms will be returned to you with a comment. Any negative forms (there are very few) will have the evaluator name whited out with a comment also. A more in-depth form will be available in January. / Next meeting / 01/07/2011
Professional development / Save the date of April 15, 2011 to attended an all day conference by Tim Porter O’Grandy, a renown speaker on self governance nursing and how to teach your patients not to need you so much, and how far technology has taken nursing and what you have to do to keep up with the ever changing times of nursing. Free admission with a non-perishable food donation.
A chest pain protocol has been created by Cheri Coleman, RN. Copies were distributed at the staff meetings and Cheri gave a brief over-view. A more in-depth inservice will be presented and planned by Evelyn Angeles, RN for February. If you missed the meeting a handout is available from Kathy.
Unit Secretary update / 2 laminated chart signs were made to replace the doctors order sheet when the order sheet is removed from the chart and taken to the front desk for entering. The laminated sign reads” New orders at front desk with secretary x 5757”. The secretary’s will only take one order sheet at a time to avoid mix ups. The weekend and the evening secretaries are strongly encouraged not to “stock pile’ charts at the north nurses station, as the charge nurses have received several complaints about this practice. If a doctor brings you a chart to the desk please tell the doctor that we no longer do that and would you please leave at the bay and post the green dot. / 01/07/2011
Go Red Day / On February 4, 2011 you may wear a red shirt (does not have to be under your scrub top), a red pin or bracelet supporting women’s cardiac health. More information available on the website or from Mary Weber, RN. / 01/07/2011
Working on a degree or certification? / Please let Chris Canton, RN know if you are furthering your education. She is creating a poster with the information of who is doing what on CVU. Let’s support each other or start a study group. Thanks Chris / 01/07/2011
Star & Moonbeam
Awards / Star – Barb Fuggetta, RN and moonbeam Rachel Leyes, C N A. The associate who nominated Barb Fugetta, RN stated she is always positive, very hard worker, always even keel, the associate who nominated Rachel Leyes stated night shift loss day shift gain; very pleasant will be an awesome nurse in May! Congrat!! To both of you. / Put future suggestions in the white box in break room.
Surprise visitor / Thanks to Rose Ann Moore, RN Director of patient care for Penrose hospital for surprising us with an impromptu visit. She shared how impressed she is with CVU being a leader and a fine example. She wished all of the associates of CVU a happy holiday. / 01/07/2011
- Suggestion: Can we have more education on the chest pain protocol so that we follow more consistently?
Answer: quick update today at staff meetings via handout by Cheri Coleman, RN and February inservice to be set up by Evelyn Angeles, RN
- Suggestion: Can nurses and secretaries get their own stamp with name,date,time?
Answer: Yes (at your own expense) but you still must sign, date and time.
- Suggestion: How can we consistently celebrate birthdays on CVU so that associates do not get left out?
Answer: Recognize birthdays at the monthly staff meetings and have a cake or cupcakes at each staff meeting to honor that months birthday associates.
- Suggestion: Can nurses put their shift reports in the bins outside patient rooms to help decrease nurses congregating at the south station?
Answer: After discussion sheets will stay at the south station. Out-going nurses will wait by their patient’s rooms and ongoing nurses will meet them there for report at 0700/1900.
- Suggestion: Remote tele techs need to be more accountable for tele units.
Answer: The initial strip will be kept out until the floor RN calls to verify patient,room,and box.
- Could RNs look up information from 0700-0715 and then do walking rounds at 0715?
Answer: The problem with that is especially for night RNs, they have too many nurses to give/get report from for it to get done in 15mins. However, starting walking rounds, promptly at 7 often means they are mostly completed by 7:15 and nurses can look things up then with fewer burdens.
- Can we allow our unit to wear red in support of women’s cardiovascular health awareness on February 4th?
Answer: YES !! See above section titled “Go red Day”
Thanks to all for the suggestions. Please keep them coming, we would love to hear from you. The CVU NPC meets every second Friday from 0900-1030. New members and guests are welcome.