Test 1: Reading
Consumer Materials
Reference Sources
TABE 9 Complete:19, 26, 27, 28
TABE 10 Complete:1, 2, 4, 22, 27
TABE 9 Survey:11, 12, 13, 14
TABE 10 Survey:1, 2, 3, 10
College and Career Readiness:
Reading Anchor 7: Level C
Language Anchor 4: Levels C, D / Achieving TABE Success in Reading, Level D Workbook:
- Using Indexes: pages 101-104
- Using Reference Sources: pages 105-108
- Using Forms: pages 109-112
- Consumer Materials: pages 113-116
- More Consumer Materials: pages 117-120
- Lesson 2.2- Understand Consumer Materials: pages 86-90
- Lesson 2.3- Use Reference Sources: pages 94-98
Workplace Skills: Reading for Information: (106)
Workplace Skills: Locating Information:
Lesson 8- Focus on Relevant Information in Graphics (124-137)
Lesson 9- Identify Patterns from Complicated Graphics (138-151)
Lesson 10- Summarize Information in Complicated Graphics (152-165)
Lesson 11- Compare Information from Complicated Graphics (166-179)
Career Companions: Locating Information:
Skill 1- Find Information in Workplace Graphics (62-63)
Skill 2- Enter Information into Workplace Graphics (64-65)
Skill 4- Compare Trends in Workplace Graphics (68-69)
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook- Reading Informational Text:
Lesson 7: Understand and Use Multi-step Instructions
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook:Geography and the World:
Lesson 3: Region and Place/ Interpret Maps
High School Equivalency Basics: Reading:
- Lesson1.1 -Memos and Forms (14-21)
- Lesson1.5-Graphic Documents (48-57)
- Lesson1.6 -Reference Texts (58-67)
- Lesson2.2-Magazine and Newspaper Articles (94-101)
High School Equivalency Basics: Social Studies: (28, 56, 80, 95-97, 112, 125-126, 128, 134, 185, 187-188, 192-194, 225, 231, 245, 276, 286-289, 293-295)
Instruction Targeted for TABE Success, Level D, Reading:
Unit 1- Interpret Graphic Information: Lesson1.1-Maps and Graphs
Lesson1.2-Consumer and BusinessMaterials
Lesson1.3-Reference Sources
Test 1: Reading
Skills/Subskills / Resources / Assigned / Completed/ ScoreD02- WORDS IN CONTEXT
Same Meaning
Opposite Meaning
Appropriate Word
TABE 9 Complete:9, 12, 30, 40
TABE 10 Complete:18, 19
28, 37
TABE 9 Survey:2, 5, 16, 19
TABE 10 Survey: 7, 8, 14, 20
College and Career Readiness:
Reading Anchor 4: Levels C, D
Language Anchor 4: Level D
Language Anchor 5: Level C / Achieving TABE Success in Reading, Level D Workbook:
- Multiple Meanings: page 20
- Recognizing Synonyms: pages 21-24
- Using Synonyms: pages 25-28
- Recognizing Antonyms: pages 29-32
- Using Antonyms: pages 33-36
- Recognizing Context Clues: pages 37-40
- Using Context Clues: pages 41-44
TABE Skill Workbooks: Level D, Words in Context and Recall Information (3-12)
Words To Learn By, Advancing Academic Vocabulary Throughout
Workplace Skills: Reading for Information:
Lesson 10- Identify Word Meanings (94-101)
Lesson 11- Identify Meanings of Acronyms (102-109)
Lesson 12- Define Technical Workplace Words (110-117)
Lesson 13- Apply Technical Words in Various Situations (118-125)
Workplace Skills: Locating Information:(138, 166-167)
Career Companions: Reading for Information:
Skill 5- Determine the Meaning of New Words (50-51)
Skill 6- Understand Unique Words and Acronyms (52-53)
Skill 7- Understand and Apply Technical Terms and Jargon (54-55)
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook- Reading Informational Text:
Lesson 8: Determine Meaning: Technical Terms and Unknown Words
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook- Reading Literary Text:
Lesson 9- Interpret Language: Word Choice, Meaning, Tone, and Imagery
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook: Life Science:
Lesson 1: Energy Intake in the Human Body / Use Context to Define Uncommon Terms
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook:Civics and Government:
Lesson 2: Compare Foundational U.S.Documents/ Use Context for Meaning ofUnknown Word
High School Equivalency Basics: Reading: (Vocabulary, Vocabulary Review in each lesson; 50-51, 142)
- Lesson 5.4- Literal and Figurative Language (214-219)
High School Equivalency Basics: Social Studies: (89, 133, 210, 219, 271-272)
High School Equivalency Basics: Writing: ( Vocabulary, Vocabulary Review in each lesson; 48, 160, 257)
Instruction Targeted for TABE Success, Level D, Reading:
Unit 2- Words in Context: Lesson 2.1- Context Meaning
Test 1: Reading
Skills/Subskills / Resources / Assigned / Completed/ ScoreD03- RECALL INFORMATION
Stated Concepts
TABE 9 Complete:1, 6, 7, 13, 16, 17, 23, 29, 31, 35, 36, 47, 49
TABE 10 Complete:3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 24, 34, 41, 49
TABE 9 Survey:8, 9, 15, 17, 24
TABE 10 Survey: 4, 9, 11, 12, 18
College and Career Readiness:
Reading Anchor 1: Levels C, D
Reading Anchor 2: Level D
Reading Anchor 5: Level C
Language Anchor 6: Level C
Writing Anchor 2: Levels C, D
continued / Achieving TABE Success in Reading, Level D, Workbook:
- Identifying Details: pages 59-62
- Recognizing Details: pages 63-66
- Identifying Sequence: pages 67-70
- Recognizing Sequence: pages 71-74
- Identifying Stated Concepts: pages 75-78
- Understanding Stated Concepts: pages 79-82
- Lesson 1.1 Recognize and Recall Details: pages 14-18
- Lesson 1.2 Understand Stated Concepts: pages 22-26
- Lesson 2.1 Identify Sequence: pages 78-82
Words To Learn By, Advancing Academic Vocabulary: (7, 15, 23, 31, 43, 51, 59, 67, 79, 87, 95, 103, 115, 123, 131, 139,151, 159, 167, 175)
Workplace Skills: Reading for Information:
Lesson 14- Apply Instructions to New Situations (126-133)
Lesson 15- Apply Instructions to Similar Situations (134-141)
Lesson 16- Recognize Underlying Details (152-159)
Career Companions: Reading for Information:
Skill 2- Identify Details that are not Clearly Stated (44-45)
Skill 3- Understand and Apply Basic and Multi=Step Instructions (46-47)
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook- Reading Informational Text:
Lesson 1: Determine Main Idea and Cite Supporting Details
Lesson 6: Analyze Sequence
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook- Reading Literary Text:
Lesson 1: Determine Central Ideas and Supporting Details
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook: Earth and Space Science:
Lesson 1: Effects of Earth’s Internal Processes/ Understand Central Ideas and SupportingDetails
Lesson 3: The Role of Water in Earth Processes/ Recognize a Sequence
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook-Physical Science:
Lesson 1: Wave Properties/ Understand Central Ideas and SupportingDetails
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook:Civics and Government:
Lesson 4: Changes to the U.S. Constitution/ Explain a Process
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook:Economics:
Lesson 6: Competition/ Identify Main Idea and Details
Lesson 9: The Federal Reserve/ Understand Organization
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook:Geography and the World:
Lesson 1: Ancient Civilizations/ Identify the Main Idea andSupporting Details
Lesson 4: Exploration and Settlement in theNew World/ Sequence Information
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook:United States History:
Lesson 2: A Growing Republic/ Analyze the Sequence of Events
High School Equivalency Basics: Reading:
- Lesson 1.2 How-To and Instructions (22-25, 28-29)
- Lesson 4.2 Biography (165-166, 170-171)
- Lesson 4.3 Autobiography ( 177-178)
- Lesson 5.1 Plot and Setting(188-189, 196-197)
High School Equivalency Basics: Social Studies: (22, 39-40, 111, 113, 185-186, 194, 246, 257, 299-300, 316)
High School Equivalency Basics: Writing: (61-62, 77-78, 87, 89, 186-187, 190-195)
Instruction Targeted for TABE Success, Level D, Reading:
Unit 3- Recall Information: Lesson 3.1- Stated Concepts
Lesson 3.2- Sequence
Test 1: Reading
Skills/Subskills / Resources / Assigned / Completed/ ScoreD04- CONSTRUCT MEANING
Character Aspects
Main Idea
Supporting Evidence
TABE 9 Complete:8, 10, 11, 14, 18, 22, 24, 32, 34, 37, 39, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 50
TABE 10 Complete:7, 12, 25, 26, 30, 32, 35, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 48
TABE 9 Survey:3, 4, 6, 10, 21,
22, 23, 25
TABE 10 Survey: 13, 15, 17, 24
College and Career Readiness:
Reading Anchor 2: Levels C, D
Reading Anchor 3: Levels C, D
Reading Anchor 5: Level C
Reading Anchor 8:: Levels C, D
Language Anchor 3: Levels C, D
Language Anchor 4: Levels C, D
Language Anchor 6: Level C
Writing Anchor 1: Levels C, D
Writing Anchor 2: Levels C, D
Writing Anchor 8: Levels C, D
Writing Anchor 9: Levels C, D
continued / Achieving TABE Success in Reading, Level D Workbook:
- Identifying Character Traits: pages 127-130
- Recognizing Character Traits: pages 131-134
- Identifying the Main Idea: pages 135-138
- Finding the Main Idea: pages 139-142
- Comparing and Contrasting: pages 143-146
- More Comparing and Contrasting: pages 147-150
- Drawing Conclusions: pages 151-154
- More Drawing Conclusions: pages 155-158
- Recognizing Cause and Effect: pages 159-162
- Using Cause and Effect: pages 163-166
- Summarizing and Paraphrasing: pages 167-170
- More Summarizing and Paraphrasing: pages 171-174
- Using Supporting Evidence: pages 175-178
- Lesson 1.3 Draw Conclusions: pages 30-34
- Lesson 1.4 Summarize and Paraphrase: pages 38-42
- Lesson 1.5 Identify Cause and Effect: pages 46-50
- Lesson 1.7 Find the Main Idea: pages 62-66
- Lesson 2.4 Recognize Character Traits: pages 102-106
- Lesson 2.5 Use Supporting Evidence: pages 110-144
- Lesson 3.3 Compare and Contrast: pages 150-154
Words To Learn By, Advancing Academic Vocabulary (7, 15, 23, 31, 43, 51, 59, 67, 79, 87, 95, 103, 115, 123, 131, 139, 151, 159, 167, 175)
Workplace Skills: Reading for Information:
Lesson 16- Recognize Underlying Details (152-159)
Lesson 20- Determine Principles Behind Workplace Directives (184-191)
Lesson 22- Explain the Rationale Behind Workplace Communications (200-207)
Workplace Skills: Locating Information:
Lesson 8- Focus on Relevant Information in Graphics (124-137)
Lesson 10- Summarize Information in Complicated Graphics (152-165)
Lesson 11- Compare Information from Complicated Graphics (166-179)
Career Companions: Reading for Information:
Skill 1- Identify Main Idea and Details (42-43)
Skill 2- Identify Details that are not Clearly Stated (44-45)
Skill 3- Understand and Apply Basic and Multi=Step Instructions (46-47)
Skill 4- Apply Instructions to Unique Situations (48-49)
Skill 8- Apply Workplace Policies and Procedures (56-57)
Career Companions: Locating Information:
Skill 4-Compare Trends in Workplace Graphics (68-69)
Skill 5-Summarize Information in Workplace Graphics (70-71)
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook- Reading Informational Text:
Lesson 1: Determine Main Idea and Cite Supporting Details
Lesson 2: Analyze Important Details and Summarize Ideas
Lesson 3: Analyze Relationships within Texts: Compare and Contrast
Lesson 4: Analyze Relationships within Texts: Cause and Effect
Lesson 9: Interpret Vocabulary: Denotative, Connotative and Figurative Meanings
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook- Reading Literary Text:
Lesson 1: Determine Central Ideas and Supporting Details
Lesson 4: Analyze Character, Dialogue, and Setting
Lesson 6: Analyze Relationships within Texts: Compare and Contrast
Lesson 7: Analyze Relationships within Texts: Cause and Effect
Lesson 8: Make Inferences and Draw Conclusions
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook: Life Science:
Lesson 2: Structure and Function in the Human Body/ Understand Central Ideas and SummarizeConcepts
Lesson 3: Inheritance and Variability of Traits/Examine Cause and Effect
Lesson 6: Social Interactions and Group Behavior/Make Logical Inferences
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook: Earth and Space Science:
Lesson 1: Effects of Earth’s Internal Processes/ Understand Central Ideas and SupportingDetails
Lesson 2: Structures and Matter in the Universe/ Summarize Complex Concepts
Lesson 6: Global Climate Change/ Cite Evidence to Support Analysis
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook-Physical Science:
Lesson 1: Wave Properties/ Understand Central Ideas and SupportingDetails
Lesson 2: Chemical Reactions/ Summarize Complex Concepts
Lesson 6: Energy/ Reason to a Conclusion
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook:Civics and Government:
Lesson 1: Foundational Principles ofAmerican Democracy/ Determine and Summarize MainIdea
Lesson 3: Structure of Government/ Draw Conclusions
Lesson 7: The Living Constitution/ Analyze Cause and Effect
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook:Economics:
Lesson 1: Economic Systems/ Compare and Contrast
Lesson 6: Competition/ Identify Main Idea and Details
Lesson 7: Money, Banking, and PersonalFinance/ Identify Relevant Information
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook:Geography and the World:
Lesson 1: Ancient Civilizations/ Identify the Main Idea andSupporting Details
Lesson 6: Global Consequences of War/ Analyze Cause and Effect
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook:United States History:
Lesson 1: The Beginning of Our Nation/ Determine and Summarize Main Idea
Lesson 3: Civil War and Reconstruction/ Support Analysis with Evidence
Lesson 8: The Cold War/ Analyze Cause and Effect
Lesson 9: Civil Rights/ Evaluate an Argument and SupportingEvidence
Lesson 10: U.S. Foreign Policy Post-Cold War/ Make Inferences
High School Equivalency Basics: Reading:
- Lesson3.2 Editorials (124-131)
- Lesson3.3 Blogs (132-137)
- Lesson4.1 Nonfiction Prose (156-163)
- Lesson4.2 Biography (164-171)
- Lesson4.3 Autobiography (172-179)
- Lesson 1.1 Skeletal and Muscular Systems (15, 18-21)
- Lesson1.4 Health and Disease ( 39-40, 44-45)
- Lesson 2.1 Flowering Plants ( 52-55)
- Lesson 2.3 Fermentation (70, 76-77)
- Lesson 3.1 Ecosystems ( 87-90)
- Lesson 3.5 Environmental Issues(119-125)
- Lesson 4.1 The Cell(133-137)
- Lesson 4.2 Simple Organisms (141-146)
- Lesson 4.4 Vertebrates(165-166)
- Lesson 6.1 Biological Evolution(198-205, 208)
- Lesson 6.2 Common Ancestry and Cladograms(211-212)
High School Equivalency Basis: Social Studies: (17, 19, 21-22, 29, 33, 35, 39, 45-46, 50, 62, 75-76, 79-80, 82, 154-155, 159-160, 165-166, 171, 173-177, 181, 191-192, 196-204, 209, 215, 242-243, 246-247, 251-254, 258, 271, 300, 311-312, 315)
Instruction Targeted for TABE Success, Level D, Reading:
Unit 4- Construct Meaning: Lesson 4.1- Main Idea
Lesson 4.2- Summarizing and Paraphrasing
Lesson 4.3- Cause and Effect
Lesson 4.4- Comparing and Contrasting—Introduction
Lesson 4.5- Comparing and Contrasting
Lesson 4.6- Drawing Conclusions
Lesson 4.7- Supporting Evidence
Lesson 4.8- Personal Appearance andCharacter Traits—Introduction
Lesson 4.9-Character Traits
Test 1: Reading
Skills/Subskills / Resources / Assigned / Completed/ ScoreD05- EVALUATE/ EXTEND
Predict Outcomes
Apply Passage Elements
Author Purpose
Style Techniques
TABE 9 Complete:2, 3, 4, 5, 15, 20, 21, 25, 33, 38, 41, 45
TABE 10 Complete:8, 9, 13,14, 29, 31, 33, 36, 39, 45, 46,47, 50
TABE 9 Survey:1, 7, 18, 20
TABE 10 Survey: 5, 6, 16, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25
College and Career Readiness:
Reading Anchor 1: Level C
Reading Anchor 4: Level C
Reading Anchor 6: Levels C, D
Reading Anchor 8:: Level D
Language Anchor 3: Level D
Writing Anchor 1: Levels C, D
Writing Anchor 2: Levels C, D
Writing Anchor 9: Levels C, D
continued / Achieving TABE Success in Reading, Level D , Workbook:
- Predicting Outcomes: pages 185-188
- More Predicting Outcomes: pages 189-192
- Recognizing Fact and Opinion: pages 193-196
- Identifying Fact and Opinion: pages 197-200
- Recognizing Author’s Purpose: pages 201-204
- Identifying Author’s Purpose: pages 205-208
- Recognizing Author’s Effect and Intention: pages 209-212
- Recognizing Author’s Point of View: pages 213-216
- Identifying Author’s Point of View: pages 217-220
- Making Generalizations: pages 221-224
- Identifying Style Techniques: pages 225-228
- Identifying Genre: pages 229-232
- Applying Passage Elements: pages 233-236
- Lesson 1.6 Identify Style Techniques: pages 54-56
- Lesson 2.6 Identify Author’s Purpose: pages 118-122
- Lesson 3.1 Make Generalizations: pages 134-138
- Lesson 3.2 Recognize Author’s Effect and Intention: pages 142-146
- Lesson 3.4 Predict Outcomes: pages 158-162
- Lesson 3.5 Identify Fact and Opinion: pages 166-170
- Lesson 3.6 Identify Genre: pages 174-178
Words To Learn By, Advancing Academic Vocabulary (4,12, 20, 28, 40, 48, 56, 64, 76, 84, 92, 100, 112, 120, 128, 136, 148, 156, 164, 172)
Workplace Skills: Reading for Information:
Lesson 13- Apply Technical Words in Various Situations (118-125)
Lesson 14- Apply Instructions to New Situations (126-133)
Lesson 15- Apply Instructions to Similar Situations (134-141)
Lesson 20- Determine Principles Behind Workplace Directives (184-191)
Lesson 21- Apply Principles to New Situations (192-199)
Lesson 22- Explain the Rationale behind Workplace Communications (200-207)
Career Companions: Reading for Information:
Skill 4- Apply Instructions to Unique Situations (48-49)
Skill 9- Understand the Rationale Behind Workplace Policies (58-59)
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook- Reading Informational Text:
Lesson 9: Interpret Vocabulary: Denotative, Connotative and Figurative Meanings
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook- Reading Literary Text:
Lesson 3: Determine an Author’s Purpose and Point of View
Lesson 9: Interpret Language: Word Choice, Meaning, Tone, and Imagery
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook: Life Science:
Lesson 4: Human Body and Health/ Analyze Quantitative or TechnicalInformation
Lesson 5: Factors Affecting Biodiversity/ Apply Quantitative or TechnicalInformation
Lesson 7: Evolution/ Evaluate Multiple Sources of Information
Lesson 8: Disruption of Ecosystems/ Apply Scientific Practices to a UniqueSituation
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook: Earth and Space Science:
Lesson 4: Weather and Climate/ Apply Quantitative or TechnicalInformation
Lesson 7: Large-Scale System Interactions/ Evaluate Multiple Sources of Information
Lesson 8: Plate Tectonics/ Apply the Scientific Method to a UniqueSituation
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook-Physical Science:
Lesson 4: Electricity and Magnetism/ Apply Quantitative or TechnicalInformation
Lesson 7: Information Technologies andInstrumentation/ Evaluate Multiple Sources of Information
Lesson 8: Collisions/ Apply the Scientific Method to a UniqueSituation
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook:Civics and Government:
Lesson 5: Political Parties and InterestGroups/ Analyze Point of View
Lesson 6: Political Speeches/ Evaluate an Argument
Lesson 8: Public Policy/ Integrate Content Presented inDifferent Ways
Lesson 9: Civic Engagement/ Evaluate the Reasoning of anArgument
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook:Economics:
Lesson 3: Productivity and Specialization/ Interpret Information
Lesson 5: Price/ Make Predictions
Lesson 8: The Labor Market/ Evaluate an Argument
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook:Geography and the World:
Lesson 2: Classical Civilizations and Culture/ Analyze Text
Lesson 5: Immigration/ Integrate Content Presented inDifferent Ways
Lesson 8: Population Trends/ Make Predictions
College and Career Readiness Practice Workbook:United States History:
Lesson 5: American Imperialism and Expansion/ Determine and Analyze Point of View
Lesson 7: World War II and Recovery/ Integrate Content Presented in DifferentWays
Lesson 9: Civil Rights/ Evaluate an Argument and SupportingEvidence
High School Equivalency Basics: Reading:
- Lesson1.4 Workplace Documents (39-47)
- Lesson 1.7 Comparing Texts in Different Media(68-69)
- Lesson 2.3 Technical Texts(102, 104)
- Lesson 3.1 Ads(117-123)
- Lesson 3.3 Blogs(132-137)
- Lesson 3.4 Reviews and Commentaries(142, 144-146)
- Lesson 4.1 Nonfiction Prose(156-160)
- Lesson 4.3 Autobiography(173-175)
- Lesson 5.1 Plot and Setting(188-192, 194-197)
- Lesson 5.3 Point of View(206-213)
- Lesson 5.5 Theme(220-230)
- Lesson 5.6 Text Structure (232-241)
High School Equivalency Basics: Social Studies: (45, 49, 51, 55, 57, 87-90, 139-141, 153, 171-172, 203, 205, 305)
High School Equivalency Basics: Writing: (157, 160-163, 180-184, 262-264, 266, 268-269)
Instruction Targeted for TABE Success, Level D, Reading:
Unit 5- Evaluate/Extend Meaning: Lesson 5.1- Fact and Opinion
Lesson 5.2- Predicting Outcomes
Lesson 5.3- Applying Passage Elements
Lesson 5.4- Genre and Style Techniques—Introduction
Lesson 5.5- Genre and Style Techniques
Lesson 5.6- Author’s Purpose
Test 2: Math Computation
Skills/Subskills / Resources / Assigned / Completed/ ScoreD13- MULTIPLICATION OF WHOLE NUMBERS
By 1 Digit
By 2+ Digits
TABE 9 Complete:3, 5, 7, 11, 15
TABE 10 Complete:2, 4, 6, 20, 22
TABE 9 Survey:1, 3, 5, 10
TABE 10 Survey: 1, 2, 4, 14
College and Career Readiness:
Mathematics Domain- Number and Operations: Base Ten: Level C / Achieving TABE Success in Mathematics, Level D:
- Regrouping in Multiplication: page 19
- Multiplying by a Two-Digit Number: page 21
- Lesson 9-Picture This
Number Power, Financial Literacy (226)
Number Power Review (40–41)
TABE Skill Workbooks: Level D, Whole Numbers (12-16)
Workplace Skills: Applied Mathematics:
Lesson 1- Solve Problems with Math Operations (2-7)
Career Companions: Applied Mathematics:
Skill 1- Solve Problems with Whole Numbers and Negative Numbers (76-77)
High School Equivalency Basics: Mathematics::
- Lesson 1.3-Multiply and Divide Whole Numbers (22-23)
Unit 2- Multiplication of Whole Numbers: Lesson 2.1- Adding Whole Numbers
Lesson 2.2- Subtracting Whole Numbers
Lesson 2.3- Multiplying Whole Numbers
No Remainder
By 1 Digit
By 2+ Digits
By 1 Digit
TABE 9 Complete:4, 6, 8, 16, 22
TABE 10 Complete:7, 17, 19, 23, 27
TABE 9 Survey:2, 4, 11, 17
TABE 10 Survey: 5, 13, 15, 18
College and Career Readiness:
Mathematics Domain- Number and Operations: Base Ten: Level C
Mathematics Domain- Number System: Level C / Achieving TABE Success in Mathematics, Level D:
- Reviewing Division: pages 23-24
- Using the Division Frame: page 25
- Finding a Remainder: page 26
- Estimating Quotients: page 27
- Dividing by a Two-Digit Divisor: pages 28-29
- Lesson 12-Deal Me In
- Lesson 13-String It Along
- Lesson 14-Making Do
Number Power, Financial Literacy (227)
Number Power Review (42–45)
TABE Skill Workbooks: Level D, Whole Numbers (17-21)
Workplace Skills: Applied Mathematics:
Lesson 1- Solve Problems with Math Operations (2-7)
Career Companions: Applied Mathematics:
Skill 1- Solve Problems with Whole Numbers and Negative Numbers (76-77)
High School Equivalency Basics: Mathematics:
- Lesson 1.3-Multiply and Divide Whole Numbers (23-24)
Unit 3- Division of Whole Numbers: Lesson 3.1- Dividing Whole Numbers
Test 2: Math Computation