English III – Unit 2

The Canterbury Tales Schedule

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Go over Pronoun Homework
Short ACT style pronoun quiz
Review Unit Objectives and Calendar
Medieval Times PPT with study questions / 11/2
Geoffrey Chaucer Introduction
Read and complete worksheet in class
H.W. Vocabulary list #1-11 / 11/3
DDI Day-Special Schedule
Grammar Mini-lesson – Semicolons and colons
H.W. Grammar Handout / 11/4
The Canterbury Tales
General Prologue
Read and discuss in class taking notes.Work on characterization chart.
H.W. Vocab #12-22 / 11/5
The Canterbury Tales: General Prologue
Read in class and discuss. Work on characterization chart.
H.W. Vocab #23-33
The Canterbury Tales: General Prologue
Read in class and discuss.
Work on characterization chart / 11/9
Modern Pilgrim Small
Group Creative Project
Turn in drawing and poem at the end of class for full credit.
H.W. Study for Quiz on the Introduction and General Prologue / 11/10
Quiz on Medieval Times Introduction and General Prologue
Non-fiction article reading and ACT stem questions based on the ACT Reading section / 11/11
No School – Veterans Day / 11/12
No Class – Teacher Professional Development
Last Day of the 1st Quarter
The Canterbury Tales: The Wife of Bath’s Prologue
Read and Discuss in Class/Discuss Themes of Feminism and Women’s Roles and the Role of Marriage during the Medieval Times
Complete the Cornell study guide. / 11/16
The Canterbury Tales: The Wife of Bath’s Prologue
Read and discuss as a class.
Complete the Cornell study guide. / 11/17
The Canterbury Tales: The Wife of Bath’s Tale
Read and discuss as a class.
H.W. Complete the story map for the tale / 11/18
No Class – Parent-Teacher Conferences / 11/19
The Canterbury Tales: The Wife of Bath’s Tale
Discuss Story Maps
Read and discuss as a class.
Introduce Dinner Party Assignment
H.W. Prepare to play your character. Complete character sheet and bring in at least one prop and costume piece. / 11/23
Pilgrims Dinner Party Reenactment Skits / 11/24
Pilgrims Dinner Party Reenactment Skits / 11/25
No School – Thanksgiving Break / 11/26
No School – Thanksgiving Break
The Canterbury Tales Review
H.W. Study for Test on Wednesday / 11/30
ACT-style timed in-class writing on The Canterbury Tales
H.W. Study for Test / 12/1
The Canterbury Tales Final Test

Goals and Objectives of this Unit:

Identify and analyze themes

Analyze characters and identify their roles within themes

Make comparisons to contemporary characters and situations

Take effective notes for comprehension and deeper analysis as well and practicing annotation

Recognize and analyze vocabulary words in isolation and in context and to recognize word origins

Students will be able to:

Identify significant details

Identify the outcome or conclusion of a passage, based on previous occurrences or events in the text

Identify cause and effect organization patterns in fiction and nonfiction passages

Identify and interpret the author’s purpose and point of view in literary passages

Identifying the structure and format of text

Write an effective persuasive, ACT-timed essay (with proper grammar and punctuation)

Express opinions in class discussion and individual journal topics

Take notes using the Cornell method

Comprehend the plot and characters in The Canterbury Tales

Understand characterization (and be able to represent that artistically as well)

Understand setting

Understand point of view

Assignments and Assessments:

Daily notes: Cornell notes and Character Sheets

Study Questions

Vocabulary Sheets

In-Class Activities and Assignments

Modern Pilgrim Small Group Project

Pilgrim Dinner Party Creative Project


ACT Style Timed In-Class Writing