Chili Volunteer Fire Department Exempts Club, Inc.

3231 Chili Avenue – Rochester, New York 14624


FEBRUARY 17, 2016


Present: Fred Meister; Linda Meister; Ted Kolb; Marie Kolb; Earl Haak; Gerry Haak; Bob Auerhahn; Jack Whitley; George Sarkis; Barb Youngblood

Meeting called to order by President Kolb at 10:46 hours.

Motion to Accept January 20, 2016 Meeting Minutes: Fred Meister

2nd: George Sarkis

Motion Carried

President Kolb asked that we keep Tom and Adam Free and their family in your thoughts and prayers, with the passing of Marion. A cookie basket has been sent to Tom and Adam from the Exempt Club, as a reminder that we are all thinking of them at this very difficult time. There will be a Memorial gathering at CFD Co. 1 on Saturday, May 21 for Marion. More details will follow, as the date approaches.

President Kolb distributed copies of the Exempt Club 2016 calendar that he created. If anyone needs a copy of it, please contact him, or another officer. The calendar is also available on-line at:

President Kolb read an application for membership to the CFD Exempt Club from Phil Christopher.

Motion to Accept Application for Membership from Phil Christopher: Jack Whitley

2nd: Earl Haak

Motion Carried

President Kolb mentioned that application forms have been sent to Joe Steimer and Jason Elliotto recently at their request.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Auerhahn read the Treasurer’s Report as of February 17, 2016.

Motion Accept Treasurer’s Report as of February 17, 2016: George Sarkis

2nd: Ear Haak

Motion Carried

Secretary Youngblood reminded the membership of our upcoming Chicken BBQ fundraiser, which is scheduled for Saturday, May 14, 2016. President Kolb passed around a copy of the flyer which will appear on the Monroe County Fire Wire’s calendar on their website. As the date gets closer, we will be finalizing the 2 sides with the vendor, which we will be serving with the chicken.

Please continue to be thinking of any ideas of a Spring Bus trip. We will be discussing those ideas at our March 16th meeting. Some ideas that were discussed at today’s meeting were: visiting the Buffalo car museum; a Saturday trip planned to the Windmill in Penn Yan, with a lunch cruise on Keuka Lake; a tour of Rochester, which could include the StrongMuseum, the George Eastman House, or the Planetarium, with lunch at the Genesee Brewery. We will need to decide some time in March, because if the bus would require reserving a vehicle, the limo bus schedule fills up fast with wedding and prom dates.

Secretary Youngblood mentioned that flowers or fruit baskets have been sent to Paul Miller, Brian Fredette, Morgie Morse, and Barb Goeltz recently. Please keep these folks in your thoughts and prayers as they recover.

Fred Meister mentioned that he recently visited Roy Piper at MonroeCommunityHospital. Please consider taking some time to go visit Roy in Hope Hall; Fred said that Roy tires quickly, so a brief visit is encouraged.

Secretary Youngblood stated that she will be contacting those members who usually participate in the shut-in visits with some date options for the next visit, which will occur in March.

There will also be some dates offered for any member who would like to get involved in going to Ronald McDonald House on Westmoreland Drive, to help prepare a dinner for the families who are staying there at the time. More details and open dates to consider will be emailed in the near future.

With no further business to discuss, Motion to Adjourn at 11:12 hours: Jack Whitley

2nd: George Sarkis

Motion Carried

Respectfully submitted,

Barb Youngblood

CFD Exempt Club Secretary

Correspondence from the Chili Volunteer Fire Department Exempts Club, Inc., in the year 2016

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