Establishing a New Program or Certificate Leading to a Degree Other Than a J.D.

This Questionnaire is for an ABA-approved law school that seeks acquiescence to establish a new program or certificate leading to a degree other than the J.D. under ABA Standard 105(a) 15 and 105(b). Examples include the J.S.D., LL.M., M.J. and free standing certificate programs.

The deadlines for filing this Questionnaire are:

Accreditation Committee
Meeting Dates / Post-JD/Non-JD/LLM
Application Deadlines
September 14-16, 2017 / July 17, 2017
December 7-9, 2017 / October 9, 2017
March 15-17, 2018 / January 15, 2018
June 28-30, 2018 / April 30, 2018

All hard copies and documentation should be mailed to:

American Bar Association

Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar

Attn: Non J.D. Programs

321 North Clark Street

Chicago, IL 60654-7598

Please submit an electronic copy via email to .

Relevant Standards and Rules of Procedure


(a) Before a law school makes a major change in its program of legal education or organizationalstructure, it shall obtain the acquiescence of the Council for the change. A major change inprogram or structure that requires application for acquiescence includes: (15) Establishing a new or different program leading to a degree other than the J.D. degree;

(b) The Council shall grant acquiescence only if the law school demonstrates that the change will notdetract from the law school’s ability to remain in compliance with the Standards.


A law school may not offer a degree program other than its J.D. degree program unless:

(a) the law school is fully approved; (b) the Council has granted acquiescence in the program; and (c) the degree program will not interfere with the ability of the law school to operate in compliance with the Standards and to carry out its program of legal education.


Without requiring compliance with its admission standards and procedures, a law school may enroll individuals in a limited number of courses, as auditors, non-degree candidates, or candidates for a degree other than a law degree, only if such enrollment does not interfere with the ability of the law school to operate in compliance with the Standards and to carry out its program of legal education.

Rule 29(b) (4). An Application for Acquiescence in Major Change shall consist of a description of the proposed change and a detailed analysis of the effect of the proposed change on the law school’s compliance with the Standards.

An application for acquiescence must include the following:

1)A copy of this questionnaire;

2)A letter from the dean certifying that the law school has completed all of the requirements for requesting acquiescence in a major change and that the law school has obtained the concurrence of the president in the application;

3)Payment to the Section of the application fee.

The schedule of fees can be found at and

4)A description of the proposed change and a detailed analysis of the effect of the proposed change on the law school’s compliance with the Standards.

Name of Proposed Program:
Proposed Program URL, if any:
Dean Phone/E-Mail:
Director or Contact Person:
Director/Contact Person’s Phone:
Director/Contact Person’s E-mail:


1. What is theproposed startingterm ordate fortheprogram?

2. What is the anticipated initial enrollment oftheproposed non-J.D. program?

Full time: / ______
Part-time: / ______
On-line: / ______

3. What is the maximum enrollment for the program? ______

4. What is the anticipated enrollment oftheJ.D. program in the first term oftheproposed non- J.D. program?

Full time: / ______
Part-time: / ______
On-line: / ______

5. Is the program:

______/ Residential
______/ On-line
______/ Blended

6. If on-line, how many participate in J.D. classes? ______

7. Will students in thenon-J.D. program be allowed to take courses offered in theJ.D. program?

8. Ifthe answerto 7 is yes, list the courses, thenumberofnon-J.D. program students anticipated to be enrolled, and maximum enrollment in each fortheinitial yearofthenon-J.D. program. Indicatewhether anyofthese courses arenew courses. Attach aseparatesheet ifnecessary.

Name of Professor / Current or New Faculty / Course / Credit Hours / % Non J.D. Students / # Non J.D. Students / Maximum Enrollment / New Course
______/ ______/ ______/ ____ / ______/ ______/ ______/ ____
______/ ______/ ______/ ____ / ______/ ______/ ______/ ____
______/ ______/ ______/ ____ / ______/ ______/ ______/ ____
______/ ______/ ______/ ____ / ______/ ______/ ______/ ____

9. What policies or rules will allocatespacein these courses between J.D. and non-J.D.

students?Explain and providethenumberofpossibleJ.D. students who will be excluded and the courses from which theywill be excluded.

10. Will courses beoffered that arelimited to students in thenon-J.D. program?

List courses and thenumberofnon-J.D. program students anticipated to be enrolled in each fortheinitial yearofthenon-J.D. program. Are anyofthesenew courses?

Attach aseparatesheet ifnecessary.

Course / # Non J.D. Students / New Course?
______/ ______/ ______
______/ ______/ ______
______/ ______/ ______
______/ ______/ ______


Where relevant, describetheprocess used to determinetheEnglish proficiencyfor applicants to thenon-J.D. program.


1.Attach copies ofthe FacultyResourceSummaryand AdministratorResourceSummary from Part 5 – Profiles ofthemost recent Annual Questionnaire.

2.Describe anyadditional resources that will be added duringtheinitial yearofthenon-J.D. program:

Fall / Spring
Teachers from OtherDivisions
Clinical Instructors
TeachingFellows, Instructors, etc.
Part-Time Teachers
Grand Total

3.Of the above faculty members, will any of them teach courses open solely to students in the non-J.D. program during any part of the academic year (initial year of the non-J.D. program)? ______. If so, list each faculty member, the name of the course(s) taught and its related credit hours.

Faculty Member / Course / Credit Hours

4.Thedirectorofthenon-J.D. program will be:

5.Is thedirectora full-time facultymember?

6.Attach the curriculum vitaeofthedirectoroftheproposed non-J.D. program.


How does thelaw school plan to staffthis program?Will additional personnel beused in career counseling, admissions, etc., orwill current personnel besufficient? Explain.


1.Provide the expenditures in the following categories for the non-J.D.


AcademicYear 1 / AcademicYear 2Projected
Instructional Salaries / $ / $
Library(Salaries and Operations) / $ / $
Support Services (admissions, career services, counseling, etc.) / $ / $
AdministrativeServices (clericaland secretarial salaries, supplies, etc.) / $ / $
Student Financial Aid (scholarship, fellowship grants and work-study based funds) / $ / $
Other (specify) / $ / $
TOTAL / $ / $

2.Providethe amounts of funds in the followingcategories relatingto thenon-J.D. program:

AcademicYear 1 / AcademicYear 2Projected
Tuitionand Fees / $ / $
UniversityorStateAllocation / $ / $
Income from Grants and Gifts / $ / $
Income from Endowments / $ / $
OtherIncome(saleof publications,etc.) / $ / $
TOTAL / $ / $

3.What aretheproposed tuition and fees forstudents in theproposed program?

AcademicYear 1 / AcademicYear 2
Full-time Student / $ / $
Part-time Student / $ / $


1.Attach theproposed curriculum for academicyear1 and academicyear2 oftheproposed non-J.D. program.

2.Statethenature and extent of facultyinvolvement in thedevelopment ofthenon-J.D. program and provide copies of facultyactions e.g. minutes approvingthe academic content ofthe program.

3.Please provide any proposals submitted to a university or law school faculty committee describing the program.


Describethe anticipated additional libraryresources needed to support theproposed non- J.D. program for academicyear1 and academicyear2. Address both collection development and personnel needs. Attach aseparatesheet ifnecessary.


Describe anychanges to space requirements needed forthenon-J.D. program, including student studyareas, offices for full-time faculty, part-time faculty, support staff, space for additional librarymaterials, classrooms, and student lounges, etc. Describeifthespaceis newlyadded or reallocated. Ifthespacewas reallocated, describetheprevious usageof thespace.

Academic Year 1
Academic Year 2
