Ohio’s New State Tests: Transcription Guidelines
English Language Arts and Mathematics
December 2014
To help districts and schools administer Ohio’s New State Tests in English language arts and mathematics, the Ohio Department of Education has prepared this set of transcription guidelines. Ohio’s test administrators can review this document to ensure they are aware of and informed about the recommended steps to take with handling transcription for the new tests.
By following these steps, Ohio’s test administrators can prepare themselves and pave the way for a successful testing process in 2015.
What Situations Require Transcription?
There may be certain situations that will require a student’s responses to be transcribed to a standard, scorable Test Booklet. These situations may include:
· Answers were recorded in the wrong section of a Test Booklet, or in an incorrect Test Booklet.
· A student takes the test using a special test format and answers must be transcribed (e.g., Large Print, Braille).
· A student uses a speech-to-text converter, augmentative communication device, or assistive technology device to be transcribed by the scribe at a later time.
· As an accommodation, a student records answers on blank paper, instead of on the required Test Booklet.
· A Test Booklet becomes unusable (e.g., torn, wrinkled).
What Steps Must Be Followed for Transcription After Testing?
ÿ At least two persons must be present during any transcription of student responses. One of the persons will be a transcriber, and the other will be an observer confirming the accuracy of the transcription. It is highly recommended that one of the individuals be an authorized District Test Coordinator or School Test Coordinator. There may be additional guidelines. Refer to Appendix C of the Test Coordinator Manual for additional information on Ohio’s policy.
ÿ The student’s responses must be transcribed verbatim into the Test Booklet. The student’s original response in any document (Test Booklet, other accommodation document such as blank paper) should be returned with secure test materials. The District Test Coordinator or School Test Coordinator should write “DO NOT SCORE” and draw an “X” in large font on the front of the Test Booklet or other document. Do not cover the barcode. Return them with nonscorable test materials.
ÿ Braille transcription: Only an eligible Test Administrator who is a certified Teacher of Students with Visual Impairment, including Blindness, or someone working under the direct supervision of an eligible Test Administrator who is a certified Teacher of Students with Visual Impairment, including Blindness, may transcribe the student’s responses onto the paper or online form of the PARCC Assessment.
ÿ Any original student responses that were printed from an assistive technology device must be securely shredded.
How Do I Handle Computer-Based Test Transcription?
Computer-based test transcription will happen in the TestNav 8 environment and will require management of the student’s test session in order to transcribe student responses.
For selected response and technology-enhanced items, student responses must be entered into TestNav during the test session by the Test Administrator. Once the student reaches the end of the unit with all Selected Responses and Technology Enhanced Items completed, the Test Administrator should have the student EXIT the test but NOT submit the test.
During administration of computer-based PARCC assessments, students who require use of a speech-to-text converter, augmentative communication device, or assistive technology device will need constructed responses transcribed into TestNav by a Test Administrator before the online testing window closes. In these situations, the following steps must be followed:
ÿ As the student encounters constructed responses, he or she should use his or her device to respond to the questions. The student will then continue testing in TestNav, leaving these items unanswered in TestNav.
ÿ Once the student reaches the end of the unit, the Test Administrator should have the student EXIT the test but NOT submit the test.
ÿ The Test Administrator must set the test to Resumed status within PearsonAccessnext . Refer to the PearsonAccessnext Online User Guide for instructions on how to resume students.
ÿ The Test Coordinator must request the test be unlocked by calling the PARCC Support Center at 1-888-493-9888 at least 24 hours in advance of transcribing responses.
o Before calling, have the following information available.
o Full Name of Test Administrator conducting transcription
o District Name and Code as displayed in PearsonAccessnext
o School Name and Code as displayed in PearsonAccessnext
o Student Name
o Student Unique ID
o Class Name
o Test Session Name
o Grade/Course
ÿ Notify the Pearson Support Agent that you need the test unlocked to transcribe responses for an approved student accommodation.
ÿ Once the test has been unlocked, the Test Administrator must log into TestNav as the student and navigate to the items for transcription.
ÿ At least two persons must be present during any transcription of student responses. It is highly recommended that one of the individuals be an authorized District Test Coordinator or School Test Coordinator. There may be additional guidelines. Refer to Appendix C of the Test Coordinator Manual for additional information on Ohio’s policy.
ÿ For Braille transcription, only an eligible Test Administrator who is a certified Teacher of Students with Visual Impairment, including Blindness, or someone working under the direct supervision of an eligible Test Administrator who is a certified Teacher of Students with Visual Impairment, including Blindness, may transcribe the student’s responses onto the paper or online form of the PARCC Assessments.
ÿ The student’s responses must be transcribed verbatim into TestNav.
ÿ Once all items have been transcribed, the Test Administrator will submit the test.
ÿ After transcription is complete, all original student responses that were printed from an assistive technology device must be securely shredded.