How bombingshavechanged the landscape of Laos|Whatwillclimatechangemean for the Pacific Ocean?|Arcticseaicematchesitssecond-lowestlevel
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September 22, 2016

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Geography in Action
How bombingshavechanged the landscape of Laos
Millions of tons of bombsweredropped on Laos during the Vietnam war, leavingcraters in theirwake and affectingsoilformation and plantgrowth. Bombingis "just one component of the biggerpicture ... of howwe'reshaping the face of ourplanet," said Joseph Hupy, a geographerat the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire whois a pioneer in the field of "bombturbation."
Undark (9/20)

Whatwillclimatechangemean for the Pacific Ocean?
Researchersstudiedsedimenttaken from a lake in the Eastern Sierra Nevada to analyze the relationshipbetweenclimate, temperatures in the eastern Pacific Ocean and drought. However, the authorscautionedthatitisunclearhowoceandynamicswill be affected by climatechange in the future.
The San Diego Union-Tribune (tieredsubscription model) (9/15)

/ Whatforces drag down your business?
Whenthingsat work just work, it'scalled "flow." And increasinglyit'showyour business flowsthatseparates the high performers from the also-rans. Butoptimizingyourworkflowstarts with knowing the obstacles — the "flow killers" — thatcommonlyget in the way.

Research, Education and Global Change
Arcticseaicematcheditssecond-lowestlevel on record, set in 2007, asitshrank to itssummer minimum, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center and NASA. The lowestlevelwasrecorded in 2012.
USA Today (9/16)

Report: Urban sprawlthreatens open space in Fla.

(Matt Stroshane/Getty Images)
The Florida 2070 report saysthatrampantdevelopment in the state couldseriouslyharmfarmland and otherundevelopedregions. Itsuggests building more densely in urbanareas to preventsprawl.
Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Fla.) (9/15)

Researchersfind 2,100-year-old skeletonaboardshipwreck
Researchers from Woods HoleOceanographicInstitutionuncovered a 2,100-year-old skeletonaboard a Greekshipthatlikelysank in 65 B.C. The discoverywas made on Aug. 31 on the AntikytheraShipwreck in the Aegean Sea, whichis the largestancientshipwreckeverfound.
The Boston Globe (tieredsubscription model) (9/19)

Other News
  • Kansas isn'tasflatasyoumightthinkAtlas Obscura (9/16)
  • The origins of an imaginaryislandHyperallergic (9/20)
/ Your back-to-school guide for allthingsedtech
SmartReport on ISTE 2016 ispacked with highlights and insights from the year'sbiggest K-12 edtech show. Wediscusshow to rewrite social codes to achieveequity and transform the status quo; learnhow BYOD ismovingpastdevices to create individualizedworkspaces; and discover the myths and truths of edtechfunding.Download Now

Technology and Applications
Lidar data aids study of Khmer empire
Lidar-generatedmaps are givingresearchers a betterunderstanding of the Khmer empire, whichcoveredparts of modern-day Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam from 802 to 1431. The maps are guidingresearchers' effortsastheyjourneyinto the field.
The New York Times (free-articleaccess for SmartBriefreaders) (9/19)

Other News
  • Scientistsstudy, mapCalif. fault for future seismicactivityEast Bay Times (Walnut Creek, Calif.) (9/16)
/ Your back-to-school guide for allthingsedtech
SmartReport on ISTE 2016 ispacked with highlights and insights from the year'sbiggest K-12 edtech show. Wediscusshow to rewrite social codes to achieveequity and transform the status quo; learnhow BYOD ismovingpastdevices to create individualizedworkspaces; and discover the myths and truths of edtechfunding. ReadNow

Association News
Noam Chomsky To Receive AAG Atlas Award in Boston
The AAG hasselected Noam Chomsky as the recipient of its 2017 AAG Atlas Award, the association'shighesthonor. The AAG Atlas Award isdesigned to recognize and celebrate outstanding, internationallyrecognizedleaderswhoadvance world understanding in exceptional ways. Chomsky willengage in a conversationalinterview with AAG Executive Director Doug Richardson atthisyear's AAG Annual Meeting in Boston. This special interview with Chomsky willalso serve as the keynote session to kick off "Mainstreaming Human Rights in Geography and the AAG," one of threemainThemes of the 2017 AAG Annual Meeting. Learn more.

AAG Launches New UndergraduateStudentAffinity Group
The AAG's new UndergraduateStudentAffinity Group (USAG) is an international community of studentsstudyinggeography, offeringopportunities to network and socialize, getadvice on graduate study and careers, and take part in academicevents. Undergraduatestudents can join the AAG for just $38 and receive full membership benefits includingaccess to scholarlyjournals and publications, exclusiveaccess to the Jobs in Geographylistings, participation in the knowledgeenvironments, and reducedrates for Annual Meeting and othereventregistration. They can join USAG for an additional $1. Learn more.

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Benjamin Disraeli,
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