Members: Jennifer Asenas (COMM), Jennifer Fleming (JOUR), Gabriel Estrada (RST), Elaine Frey (ECON), Rich Haesly (POSC), Mark Williams (ENGL), Deborah Thien (GEOG), Karen Quintiliani (ANTH), and David Whitney (PSY).

Guests: Dave Stewart (RST), Harrelson Notah (AIS), Antonia Garcia-Orozco (CHLS), Norman Carter (GEOG), Paul Laris (GEOG), Craig Stone (AIS).

  1. Approval of EPCC #18 minutes of November 18, 2014
  1. New Business – General Education

A)Tabled CHLS 415; Request to add WI – SCO III specify pg. 2 early feedback is first three weeks. SCO VI reference specific writing assignment. SCO IX specify writing; specify 5,000 words assigned, include comprehension of texts in assignments;

B)Approved R/ST 313B; Request for Category C2 with revisions– section 3 , in SCO Section IV, bump up cultural analysis; SCO VI Course Objectives – needs a writing related objective. Fix 110% of grades. Make second a Intercultural VI change to intercultural; Fix C2.

C)Approved AIS 345; Request for D2, interdisciplinary, HDwith revisions – send email to change title to Working with American Indian and Indigenous Families; SCO numerals are off; Revise Justification as SCO III and complete the whole section; Include Interdisciplinary as a Primary skill; Add 2500 word minimum for written communication capstone; add a writing-specific objective to Course Objectives; Specify differences between Indigenous groups.

D)Approved GEOG 101; Request for B1, Global

E)Approved GEOG 304; Request for Interdisciplinary, HD with amendments; SCO IV.B.2.3; specify the disciplines that make the SCO interdisciplinary in SCO IV.B.3 Objectives; specify cultures in SCO IV B.2 objectives; specify first third of the semester feedback SCO IV first paragraph

F)Tabled GEOG 318 with amendments; Request for Interdisciplinary, Global with amendments: SCO IV.B.2.a Objectives - specify the disciplines that make the SCO interdisciplinary; SCO B Intercultural skill needed in objectives; specify nature/locations of geography global SCO IV.B.3

G)Approved A/ST 393; Request to add WI with amendments; Make Interdisciplinary Learning a Primary GE Skill.

H)Approved CHLS 310; Request to add WI. SCO III Justifications – add written feedback in first three weeks and in syllabus; explain digital storytelling; use more concise language throughout e.g. specificity in rubrics are unnecessary and class seems overambitious in its detail.

  1. Adjourn. 