Sample four-year plan of study for students with the Organismal Biology And Ecology Concentration 8-24-16

Fall 1
BIOL 201 (4) or 206/206L
or BIOL 202 (4)
MATH 115 (3) if Math Placement
Scores suggest this (see * below)
TSEM (3) or ENGL 102 (3)
Plus one other course – can take CHEM 131/131L (4) if not required to take Math 115. / Spring 1
BIOL 201 (4) or 206/206L
or BIOL 202 (4)
CHEM 131/131L (4)
TSEM (3) or ENGL 102 (3)
Plus one other course, which could be a Core course or a statistics course [MATH 237 (4) or PSYC 212 (4)]. Must take a Math course (e.g., Math 237) if have no AP credit and no Math course taken in Fall 1. / Minimester 1 and Summer 1
Possibly take coursework to stay on track.
Can take BIOL 204 (1) in either minimester or summer.
Fall 2
BIOL 204 (1)
BIOL 207 (4)
BIOL 309 (4)
CHEM 132/132L (4)
Plus one other course that does not have a lab.. / Spring 2
BIOL 205 (4)
Plus three other courses, no more than one of which should have a lab. It is acceptable to take two non-lab science courses. / Summer 2
Possibly take coursework to stay on track.
Possibly take a field course at a field station.
Possibly study abroad or do an internship or obtain research experience.
Fall 3
Elective course
BIOL 405 (4) or
Physiology course, either
BIOL 325 (4) or BIOL 436 (3)
Plus two other courses (have no more than three courses with labs). / Spring 3
Elective course
Elective course or CHEM 330 (5)
BIOL 325 (4) or BIOL 436 (3)
BIOL 484 (1) recommended
Plus one other course (have no more than three courses with labs). / Summer 3
Try to obtain an internship or research experience.
Fall 4
Take 4-5 courses, including elective, Core and/or other courses required to complete the degree (no more than three courses with labs). / Spring 4
Consider BIOL 484 (1) (can be repeated for credit), and take elective, Core and other courses required to complete the degree (have no more than two courses with labs if possible).

* Students scoring 16 or below on the Basic Algebra Test and/or 10 or below on the Calculus Readiness Test should take Math 115.