2011 – 2012


Dear Student and Parent,

We want to communicate our grading policies, equipment requirements and daily participation. We want the student and the parent to understand the evaluation process and the requirements for participation.


P.E. requirements for the state are 1 credit. Each semester is .5 credits. Two (2) semesters are required to graduate. Each student must also pass a State Mandated Physical Fitness Gram.


90% Participation - including State Mandated Physical Fitness Gram.

10% Written tests, including T.A.K.S. preparation activities.



-PROFANITY IS DISRESPECTFUL. Profanity will not be tolerated. This includes slang, gang, or racial slurs. Profanity will not be tolerated regardless of who you are speaking to, another student or staff member. YOU WILL RECEIVE A DISCIPLINE REFERRAL FOR PROFANITY!!!

  1. Purchase a P.E. shirt for $7.50 and Shorts for $7.50, cash or check only. This shirt and shorts will be the uniform and the teacher will put your name on it. You must change from your school shirt to your P.E. shirt and shorts that has your name on it. Your teacher’s name and class period will also be on the shirt. You also need activity appropriate shoes for indoor/outdoor activities.
  1. You must wear the P.E. uniform stated above. Wearing these items and not participating will result in the loss of twenty (20) pointsfor that day. Not dressing out at all in the P.E. attire will also result in the loss of twenty (20) points. YOU CANNOT PARTICIPATE WITHOUT THE PROPER PHYSICAL EDUCATION SHIRT AND SHOES. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!
  1. Lockers are provided in boys and girls P.E. locker room on request. You must ask for a locker after you have purchased your shirt and shorts. You must lock any valuables in the locker. We are NOT responsible for securing your valuables. YOU ARE!!
  1. Items not allowed in P.E.:
  2. Hats, rags, bandanas, caps, etc. NO HEAD GEAR
  1. Any type of electronic or communication device including phone, (cell or any other type) laptops, gaming devices, (game boys, Nintendo, Play station, etc) I-pods or any other MP-3 player, portable DVD or CD players, cameras, radios, etc. ad infintum.


  1. No food or food supplement, no drinks, no candy, and no gum. Selling food or food type products is NOT ALLOWED!!!
  1. Tardiness will be enforced by each coach on duty. Students are expected to be in their respective locker rooms when the tardy bell rings (Not in the hallway).
  1. Students are expected to be with THEIR teacher at all times! Classes will move from gym to fields for various activities and failure to stay with their respective teacher will result in a discipline referral (truancy).
  1. Dismissal to and from the locker rooms is instructed by the coaches. Students will remain in the locker rooms until released by the coach or coaches on duty. NOBODY WILL BE STANDING IN THE HALLWAY!! You may be in the appropriate gym or locker room.
  1. This is an activity class. You are graded based on activity, not skill. You must participate in order to pass! A one (1) page essay is required daily when you cannot participate due to doctor’s note, injury, or absence. A one (1) page paper is also required for each day served in the In School Suspension (ISS). See your teacher for topics.YOU MUST PARTICIPATE IN THE STATE MANDATED FITNESS TEST!!!!
  1. You must give RESPECT to get RESPECT! Do not touch another student or use abusive language towards any individual. This will result in a discipline referral. Horse play is not appropriate or safe behavior. This includes but is not limited to striking another student with your shirt or any other object.
  • Please read these guidelines carefully and understand that the P.E. staff wants this class to be fun and helpful to students getting in better physical condition. Remember, this is an activity class! You must be active and participate in order to benefit from this class and also to receive credit for the class.

Thank you,

CCHS Physical Education Staff

Coach Malone,Coach Joiner, and Coach Joiner