Masterpiece Flower Company
ESS (Employee Self Service) Instructions
Masterpiece Flower Company has a secure, online system that enables employees with direct deposit or a pay card to view and print their pay stubs. Here are the instructions on how to do this.
Logon to the Masterpiece Flower website at
Use your ID number as the username and the word “pass” as your password. (Note: if you worked for Masterpiece in 2007, use the last four digits of your social security number as your password.)
Once logged in, select the “Info” tab and click on “Links.” SelectESS-Employee Self Service Payroll. (If your browser complains of an invalid certificate, click “continue to web site.”)
This will bring you to the following screen.
The first time you use the system, you’ll have to “First Time User Register Here” (see above).
The next screen will look like this.
- Enter your first name and last name.
- Next, enter your social security number in this format: XXX-XX-XXXX. For your security, the numbers and hyphens will show up as dots (see below). It is important that you enter the dashes between the numbers.
- Next, enter your birthdate in this format: MM/DD/YYYY.
- Finally, pick a security question and give a security answer.
If you make a mistake click “reset” to start over, otherwise click “save”.
See the next page of instructions for an example of what the screen looks like when you enter the information.
Below is an example of how you should enter your information:
Your next screen will look like the following. Your username and password is case sensitive, so be sure to write it down correctly. The password must be as stated below, with a minimum of 6 characters, a maximum of 10 and at least 1 numeric character.
When this is completed click on save. Again reset will let you start over. Please remember your user name and password.
If you’ve entered everything correctly, the next screen will look like this.
At this point you can check your personal information that is entered in payroll under “personal”. Some of these fields can be changed by you, some cannot.
The “payroll” selection lets you view/print past payroll checks as well as previous W-2 and W-4 information. Simply click on Payroll, then Pay History andyou’re your paystubs will show on the right hand side by date. Click on the “Preview” icon to open your stub and print it.
When you are finished using the ESS please logoff. This button is found at the upper right corner of the screen.
***The system will be unavailable during payroll processing. This is generally done on Tuesday afternoon.
***Your current pay period check will be available to view on Fridays.