press article origintrail app5 april 2016

Press article 500words

Slovenian smartphone app to find out where your food comes from

In 2014, a number of Slovenian food processing companies along with a farmers’ cooperative and a web developer developed OriginTrail, a free smartphone app whichconsumers can use to trace local food from farm to fork.The app is a way for farmers to provide consumers with information on where and how their produce was produced.OriginTrail currently enables consumers to trace products from three food companies back to more than 1200 meat, dairy and vegetables farmers from Slovenia. They are currently seeking to broaden the apptoa further food company and 2 farmers’ cooperatives with 400 farmers. For 2016, the group is looking to expandthe digital solution to other EU countries.

Food traceabilityas a marketing tool

Food traceability is increasingly important for consumers today. People now want to know where their meat, fruit & vegetables and dairy products come from. They also ask for certain values: specific origin like mountain farming, high animal welfare standards and fair prices for local farmers. A study found that for some shoppers, just having thiskind of traceability information available is enough to influence a purchase. It encouragesan increase in purchases of the products, and at a higher price, even if the buyer never uses the information.

With this study in mind, the OriginTrail group found a solution which would both be a marketing tool for local food producers - by differentiatingproducts based on the origin of their main ingredient - and an information tool for consumers so that they can find out more about what they are buying.

A digital solution bringing transparency to food value chains

The OriginTrail smartphone app is the result of a collaboration between a number of food processing companies, a farmers’ cooperative and a web developer from Slovenia. It is a web and mobile solution bringing transparency to food value chains. Consumers can scan a product label and find out where the beef they want to buy was produced or if the apples they fancy have a Protected Geographical Indication. Žiga Drevco-founder of OriginTrail says: “OriginTrail presents an important step forward for local food producers. They go beyond simply stating the country of primary production, instead they unveil the entire path of the product’s origin on a particular farm.”

The application also allows consumers to give their feedback on a particular product to the farmer, meaning that there is direct interaction between the shopper and the producer.

Žiga Drev concludes:“The farmers that supply milk, meat or vegetables have been very positive about OriginTrail giving consumers the ability to see where the ingredients in end products come from. The farmers are confident that the transparency the system provides will result in higher consumerconfidence and shopping preference for their products.”

Press article 250words

Slovenian smartphone app to find out where your food comes from

In 2014 a number of Slovenian food processingcompanies along with a farmers’ cooperative and a web developer developed OriginTrail, a free smartphone app whichconsumers can use to trace local food from farm to fork. OriginTrail currently enables consumers to trace products from three food companies back to more than 1200 local meat, dairy and vegetables farmers in Slovenia.They arecurrently developing the app with a fourth food company and two farmers’ cooperatives with 400 farmers.For 2016, the group is lookingto expand the digital solution to other EU countries.

People now want to know where their food comes from. They also ask for certain values: specific origin like mountain farming, high animal welfare standards and fair prices for local farmers.A study found that for some shoppers just having this information available is enough to influence a purchase.

With this study in mind, the OriginTrail group found a solution which would providelocal food producers by differentiatingtproductsbased on the origin of their main ingredient. Consumerscanfind out more about what they are buying simply by scanning a product label. The app has a feedback option, creating direct interaction between shopper and producer.

Žiga Drev concludes:“The farmers have been very positive about OriginTrail. They are confident that the transparency the system provides will result in consumer confidence and shopping preference for their products.”


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More information

This press article is based on the inspirational idea that appeared in the EIP-AGRI newsletter | issue 29 | January 2016.

Study: ‘Knowing about your food from the farm to the table: Using information systems that reduce information asymmetry and health risks in retail contexts’ published in Information & ManagementVolume 52, Issue 6, September 2015, Pages 692–709

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Background information


The European Innovation Partnership 'Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability' (EIP-AGRI) is one of five EIPs which have been launched by the European Commission in a bid to promote rapid modernisation of the sectors concerned by stepping up innovation efforts. The EIP-AGRI aims to foster innovation in the agricultural and forestry sectors by bringing research and practice closer together – in research and innovation projects as well as via the EIP-AGRI network.

EIPs aim to streamline, simplify and better coordinate existing instruments and initiatives and complement them with actions where necessary. Two specific funding sources are particularly important for the EIP-AGRI: the EU Research and Innovation framework, Horizon 2020, as well as the EU Rural Development Policy.

Contact information

Ina Van Hoye

Communication officer

EIP-AGRI Service Point

+32 486 90 77 43