C-NS Auto Class



Why would I want to run my diesel vehicle on recycled vegetable oil (RVO)?

People have many reasons for wanting to convert and run RVO in their vehicle. These range from a purely economical point of view (free fuel is hard to beat) to a deep belief in using only renewable and sustainable fuels. There is also the added benefit of actually enjoying the smell of your exhaust-it will smell like the food that was cooked in the oil you are burning.

How does the VEG POWERED SYSTEM work?

The system is a complete secondary heated fuel system. The engine is started on diesel. When the engine is up to operating temperature, you simply flip a switch installed on your dash that changes your fuel from diesel to vegetable oil. When you are nearing the end of your journey, you simply switch back to diesel to purge your fuel system of vegetable oil.

How can cooking oil power a diesel engine?
It is a simple matter of viscosity. At room temperature vegetable oil is thick, sometimes solid. When you heat it up, it gets thin, or in other words the viscosity is lowered. This system utilizes waste engine heat to lower the viscosity of the Vegetable oil similar to that of petroleum diesel, enabling it to be used in the modern diesel injection system.

What are the benefits of converting my diesel to run on straight vegetable oil?
At this time most people get their oil free from their local restaurants, so financially it is an obvious move. Most make their investment back in less than a year, and many do it in a few months. After that, it is money in your pocket. Also, the emissions from vegetable oil are significantly cleaner than that of petroleum. So not only are you saving money, you are saving the environment.

·  They emit no sulfur, and thus do not contribute to acid rain

·  Fossil fuels release carbon captured millions of years ago, upsetting the environment and causing global warming.

·  Sulfur oxide is one of the pollutants that make kids wheezy, create asthma

What kind of emissions will you get?
MUCH, much cleaner! Tests vary, but results show that running on vegetable oil produces 40% less soot than diesel, and 50 - 75% cleaner overall. Not only is vegetable oil a renewable resource that's better for your engine, but it's eco-friendly as well.

All oil is not created equal.

Forget the Fast food places and chain restaurants. They tend to have nasty oil, and are less likely to let you have it.(not that you want it.) Smaller independently owned restaurants tend to have better oil, and you have a better chance of talking with someone who will give you permission. Chinese and Japanese restaurants seem to be the best, but there are always exceptions to the rule.

Can I expect any loss of power or fuel economy while running on vegetable oil?
No, you can generally expect the same power and fuel economy you're currently getting on diesel. Tests have shown that in many cases there is a slight INCREASE in power vegetable oil. The engine will actually be QUIETER when idling or driving. There will be NO loss of horsepower or acceleration due to running vegetable oil as a fuel for your diesel.

History of the Diesel.

The first diesel engines (invented by Rudolf Diesel in the late 1800's) were actually designed to run on plant oils. Immediately after Rudolf's untimely demise, his colleagues (who were just then tapping the resources of petro-based fuel sources) swept his veggie ideas under the rug and actually converted his design to run on petro-based 'diesel' fuel (which they were nice enough to name after him).

Can you convert generators, tractors, or boats?

Yes, if it has a diesel engine, then it can be converted.

Is there maintenance on a VEG POWERED SYSTEM?

Vegetable oil filters should be inspected at intervals coinciding with the stock diesel fuel filters.

Can I just pour the oil into my VEG POWERED SYSTEMS heated tank?

NO!! The oil must be filtered before it is used in your converted vehicle. Gathering and filtering is a simple process after you have purchased your VEG POWERED SYSTEMS kit.

For More Information email Mr. Hawkins –Auto Teacher


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JPW- Riggers & Erectors, INC · Northside Collision · NAPA · Seneca Data

ESM/NS Credit Union · Burdick · Fuccillo