Some believe mass emailing by corporations should be banned. Others find some of the information they receive to be useful and do not mind it. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
I think spam e-mails by corporations should be totally banned. Spam e-mails give a lot of trouble. For example, my father is a professor of technical college and he gives out his e-mail address on the Web. Because of it, he receives hundreds of spam e-mails every day. He has to classify such mass e-mails and throw away unnecessary ones. It is nothing but a waste of time. The spam e-mails obviously interfere with his study. Also, almost all the information we receive is useless. And we cannot trust such information. Some of the e-mails may contain virus that destroys the computer system. For these reasons, I support the idea that mass emailing by companies should be regarded as illegal.(120 words)
I think spam e-mails by corporations should be totally banned. Spam e-mails give a lot of trouble. For example, my father is a professor ofat a technical college, and he gives out his e-mail address on the Web. Because of it, he receives hundreds of spam e-mails every day. He has to classify such mass e-mails and throw away unnecessary ones. It is nothing but a waste of time. The spam e-mails obviously interfere with his study research/workの方が良い。. Also, almost all the information we receive is useless.Emailに関係なく、一般論として我々が得る殆どの情報ですか?And we cannot trust such information. Some of the e-mails may contain a virus that destroys the computer system. For these reasons, I support the idea that mass emailing by companies should be made regarded as(これは警察・裁判官・一般人等が違法と考える・判断する場合) illegal.
I agree with the former because I am not interested in most of such emails and I can't directly see the products they sell or the services they give. So, when I want something, I never buy it on the Internet in case I find the reality quite different from what I imagine.
However, not all emails should be banned. Some emails are useful for me. They are the emails I asked to send me regularly. For example, if I show the email or the copy of the email to a shop assistant, he reduces the price of the goods by half.
So emails which should be banned are what are not permitted by receivers.(115 words)
I agree with the former because I am not interested in most of such emails and I can't directly see the products they sell or the services they give provide. So, when I want something, I never buy it on the Internet in caselest I should find the reality (形式的にはここにwhich isが略されて居る事になって、文法的辻褄は合うが、to beの方が良い。) to be quite different from what I have imagined.
However, not all emails should be banned. Some emails are useful for me. They are the emails I have asked to sendbe sent to me regularly. For example(見たら分るやろ!ドアホ!!), if I show the email or the copy of the email to a shop assistant, he or she reduces the price reduces the price of the goods(goodsと言うとpricesとなるなどややこしい。単にreduces the priceのみがクリーン。ところで最近はhe or sheと殊更に言う事が多い。)by half.
So the emails which should be banned are what arethose not permittedrequested by receivers the recipients. (those the recipients did not requestでも良い。)
I think mass emailing by corporations should be banned. Because they send these emails to anybody at random, these emails are often unworthy and aren't interesting to us. And, when we receive these emails by our cell phone, we will have to pay the reception fee. Even worse, in case of personal computers, many corporations write these emails by HTML form.
Emails written by HTML form are often the best source of computer viruses. So, we may be infected with them and also may become offender. This is very anxious and perplexed to us. Think about security, I think mass emailing by corporations should be banned.(106 words)
I think mass emailing by corporations should be banned. Because they send
> these emails to anybody at random, these emails are often unworthyworthless (unworthyは~に値しない。I am unworthy of representing our shcool.「学校を代表するには相応しくない」と言う様に使うのは一例。) and
> aren't interesting to us. And, when we receive these emails by our cell
> phone, we will have to pay the reception fee. Even worse, in case of
> personal computers, many corporations write these emails by HTML form in the HTML format.
> Emails written by HTML formin that format are often the best source of computer viruses.
> So, we may bebecome infected with them and also may become offenders ourselves. This is very
anxiousworrisome and perplexedembarrassing (当惑する?) to us. Thinking about security (Due to these security concerns等の方が良い), I think mass emailing by
> corporations should be banned.
I think mass emailing is useful, because it helps economy keep going. When someone wants to buy something but he does not know where to buy, mass emailing can help him. Moreover those who do not want to buy may become willing to buy something by seeing advertizing of mass emailing. It makes the condition of economy good. However, some of the mails may be sent by those who plot to cheat us. We must have the ability to judge what kind of mail is trustworthy. I think we should be taught it when we are elementary school students. If we have such an ability, mass emailing is useful. (109 words)
I think mass emailing is useful, because it helps the economy keep going. When someone wants to buy something but he does not know where to buy it, mass emailing can help him. Moreover, those who do not want to buy may become willing to buy something by seeingdue to advertizing ofby/via mass emailing. It makes the condition of the economy good (This leads to a good economic condition.等の方が良い。). However, some of the mails may be sent by those who plot to cheat us. We must have the ability to judge what kind of mail is trustworthy. I think we should be taught it in elementary school when we are elementary school students. If we have such an ability, mass emailing is useful.
Iagree with the viewpoint that mass emailing by corporations should be banned for two reasons. First, mass emails occupy much space inmy in-box and often preventme from searching for mailsI really want to read easily. Secondly, indeed there is sometimes useful information, but most of these emails have unhealthy contents including pornography, dating services and frauds. If innocent people access websites listed on such mails, they are likely to get into trouble. Therefore, in order to protect computer beginners, mass emailing should at least be regulated. Instead, I recommend safer and more effective forms of advertisement such as TV commercials and newspaper ads, through which companies cangain moretrustof the customers.(117 words)
I agree with the viewpoint that mass emailing by corporations should be banned for two reasons. First, mass emails occupy much space in my in-box and often prevent me from searching for mails I really want to read easily. 『Secondly, despite the occasional useful information they provide indeed there is sometimes useful information, but most of these emails have unhealthyundesirable contents including pornography, dating services, and frauds.』ここは構文が悪い。元のままでは、「indeed there is sometimes useful information」がメインになる。If innocent people access websites listed onin such mails, they are likely to get into trouble. Therefore, in order to protect computer beginners, mass emailing should at least be regulated. Instead, I recommend safer and more effective forms of advertisement such as TV commercials and newspaper ads, through which companies can gain more trust of the customers.
Mass emailing by corporations doesn’t have to be banned for the following reasons.
First, there are many people who want such emails. They think that such emails
give them valuable information. For example, mails from supermarkets
tell them the day when they can buy some foods at low cost. Of course,
there are people who don’t want such emails, but they can stop
receiving such mails. So mass emailing doesn’t cause any trouble.
Second, sending mass emails is the right of companies. Many ways of
advertising are allowed, so banning only one kind of them, sending mass emails,
is the obvious violation of that right.
Therefore, corporations don’t have to stop sending mass emails.(113 words)
Mass emailing by corporations doesn’t have to be banned for the following reasons.
First, there are many people who want such emails. They think that such emails
give them valuable information. For example, mails from supermarkets
tell them the day when they can buy some foodsfood items at low costs. Of course,
there are people who don’t want such emails, but they can stop
receiving such mails. So mass emailing doesn’t cause any trouble.
Second, sending mass emailsmass emailing (mass emailsはあまり言わない) is thea right of companies. Many ways of
advertising are allowed, so banning only one kind of them, sending mass emails sending emails en mass(これはOK),
is thean obvious violation of that right.
Therefore, corporations don’t have to stop sending mass emails their practice of mass emailing(こう言う言い方も有る。).
I agree with the view point that mass emailing by corporations should be banned. First, I don’t want to get useless information. It is true that some emails give me information about the latest goods and are actually useful, but they also include a lot of information which I don’t want. By surfing the internet, I can get only the information which I really want for myself. Second, I think those emails can lead us to troubles. Many of them include adult contents and dubious advertisements. Young children who don’t have the ability to judge can be deceived and involved in dangerous cases. For these reasons, I think mass emailing by corporations should be banned.(115 words)
I agree with the view pointviewpoint that mass emailing by corporations should be banned. First, I don’t want to get useless information. It is true that some emails give me information about the latest goods and are actually useful, but they also include寧ろcontain a lot of information which I don’t want. By surfing the iInternet, I can get only the information which I really want for myself. Second, I think those emails can lead us to troubles. Many of them includecontain (時と場合によるとも言えるが、includeの基本は「一つのemailを見た時、色々な事が書かれて居り、その中にadultとかも有る」のニュアンスなので。) adult contents and dubious advertisements. Young children who don’t have the ability to judge can be deceived and involved in dangerous cases. For these reasons, I think mass emailing by corporations should be banned.
I agree with the former viewpoint. This is because I have never seen any beneficial emails which are sent by corporations.
In addition, even if the email is useful, it just recommends us to buy things which the corporation supplies and which are not necessarily needed.
So, when I receive this kind of email, I always bother to remove it. I think these emails do never help people to improve their lives.
Moreover, because we are inclined to see this kind of email, it interferes with our important activities.
This is why I believe mass emailing by corporations should be banned.(101 words)
I agree with the former viewpoint. This is because I have never seen any beneficial emails which are sent by corporations.
In addition, even if the email is useful, it just recommends us to buy things which the corporation supplies and which are not necessarily needed.
So, when I receive this kind of email, I always bother tohave to take the trouble to (?)remove it. I don't think these emails do neverever help people to improve their lives.
Moreover, because we are inclined to seeactually (read/check the content of:どちらか)this kind of email, it interferes with our important activities.
This is why I believe mass emailing by corporations should be banned.
I agree with the statement. There are three reasons. First, most of the corporations send emails too frequently. We don't buy bags, programs or houses weekly. Second, when the customers need something in their store, they get other information themselves if ever they get the emails. Third, their emails sometimes hide important messages. I often select their messages together by using Select All button in a email program, and I sometimes mistakenly delete emails from my friends. Today, some of the services on the Internet force us to subscribe to their mailing lists, but they should know that they do not need to bother us by sending ads.(108 words)
I agree with the statement. There are three reasons. First, most of the corporations send emails too frequently. We don't buy bags, programs, or houses weekly. 『Second, when the customers need something in their stores, they get other information themselves if ever they get the emails.』『』内の意味を日本語で詳しく書いて下さい。Third, their emails sometimes hide important messages 意味は?. I often select their messages all together by using Select All button in athe email program, and I sometimes mistakenly delete emails from my friends. Today, some of the services on the Internet force us to subscribe to their mailing lists, but they should know that they do not need to bother us by sending ads advertisements.
I think mass emailing is useful, because it helps the economy keep going. When someone wants to buy something but he does not know where to buyit, mass emailing can help him. Moreover, those who do not want to buy may become willing to buy something due to advertizing via mass emailing. This leads to a good economic condition. However, some of the mails may be sent by those who plot to cheat us. We must have the ability to judge what kind of mail is trustworthy. I think we should be taught it in elementary school. If we have such an ability, mass emailing is useful.
I agree with the former because I am not interested in most of such emails and I can't directly see the products they sell or the services they provide. So, when I want something, I never buy it on the Internet lest I should find the reality to be quite different from what I have imagined.
However, not all emails should be banned. Some emails are useful for me. They are the emails I have asked to be sent to me regularly. For example, if I show the email or the copy of the email to a shop assistant, he or she reduces the price by half.
So the emails which should be banned are those the recipients did not request.
I agree with the viewpoint that mass emailing by corporations should be banned for two reasons. First, mass emails occupy much space in my in-box and often prevent me from searchingfor mails I really want to read easily. Secondly, despite the occasional useful information they provide, most of these emails have undesirable contents including pornography, dating services, and frauds. If innocent people access websites listed in such mails, they are likely to get into trouble. Therefore, in order to protect computer beginners, mass emailing should at least be regulated. Instead, I recommend safer and more effective forms of advertisement such as TV commercials and newspaper ads, through which companies can gain more trust of the customers.
I think mass emailing by corporations should be banned. Because they send
these emails to anybody at random, these emails are often worthless and
aren't interesting to us. And, when we receive these emails by our cell
phone, we will have to pay the reception fee. Even worse, in case of
personal computers, many corporations write these emails in the HTML format.
Emails written in that format are often the main source of computer viruses.
So, we may become infected with them and also may become offenders
ourselves. This is very worrisome and embarrassing to us. Due to these
security concerns, I think mass emailing by corporations should be banned.
I agree with the viewpoint that mass emailing by corporations should be banned. First, I don’t want to get useless information. It is true that some emails give me information about the latest goods and are actually useful, but they also contain a lot of information which I don’t want. By surfing the Internet, I can get only the information which I really want for myself. Second, I think those emails can lead us to troubles. Many of them contain adult contents and dubious advertisements. Young children who don’t have the ability to judge can be deceived and involved in dangerous cases. For these reasons, I think mass emailing by corporations should be banned.
Mass emailing by corporations doesn’t have to be banned for the following reasons.
First, there are many people who want such emails. They think that such emails give
them valuable information. For example, mails from supermarkets tell them the day
when they can buy some food items at low costs. Of course, there are people who
don’t want such emails, but they can stop receiving such mails. So mass emailing
doesn’t cause any trouble.
Second, mass emailing is a right of companies. Many ways of advertising are allowed,
so banning only one kind of them , sending emails en mass, is an obvious violation
of that right.