Cemetery Name: Greenwich Presbyterian Church
Tax Map # N38° 44.951 W077° 77.880
Location: 15305 Vint Hill Road at the intersection with Greenwich Road
Property Owner:
Classification: Municipal Religious Family Civil War Private
Status: Abandoned Maintained, not in use currently used
Condition: Excellent Good Fair Poor
Approximate size: Deed Book 595, page 43
Approximate Number of Burials:
Markers: Tombstone Fieldstone Unmarked Other
Earliest Known Burial Date: Latest Burial Date:
Surnames Listed on Markers:
Allen, Albert Cockerille, Mary Evelyn Boley, Phillip M.
Allen, Amelia House Cockerille, Mary V. Brady, Annie Elizabeth
Allen, Charles Epp Cooper, Thurmon A. Brady, Charles Edwin
Allen, Charles W. Beauregard, Mildred F. Brady, James Clarkson
Allen, Ethel May Bell, Edward Benjamin Brady, Lucy M.
Allen, Sarah Jane Bell, Grace Dulin Brady, Norman D.
Anderson, Virginia Bell, Mamie W. Adams, Eve Garrett
Arey, Marietta S. Blackwell, Harriett Eunice Brown, Irene S.
Arey, Robert S. Blackwell, James Gordon Bucklin, Marion Cooper
Bailey, Carrington Blackwell, William Spark Bulmer, Harriet
Bailey, Dawson Bodine, Anita B. Carrington, Fannie
Bailey, James M. Bodine, Emma A. Carrington, Alexander
Bailey, Mima R. Bodine, Enoch K. Carrington, Sarah Ewell
Balch, Thomas Bloomer Bodine, Henry James Cole, Mary Taylor
Cockerille, J. Frank Boley, Elizabeth Irene Cook, Agnes E.
Cockerille, Douglas Henry Boley, Hartwell A. Cook, Sallie Beale
Cockerille, Joseph Boley, Katie Cook, T. Mitchell
Cockerille, Mary E. Boley, Minerva A. Cooper, Addie D.
Corder, E. Frances Ellis, Raymond House, Edward S.
Corder, Marion E. Ellis, Robert L. House, Fannie
Corder, Martha A. Ellis, William House, Harry F.
Corder, Phillip Ellis, William H. House, James N.
Curtis, Nellie M. Ewell, James House, James Wilmer
Darden, Rhoda Foster Finney, Anne Veeder House, John Nathan
Dennis, Franklin Roy Fisher, Arminta Elizabeth House, Lucile Taylor
Dennis, Oliver Roy Fitzhugh, G. W. House, Mae McMichael
Dennis, Wade Cleveland Fitzhugh, Isabelle House, Nathaniel P.
Dickinson, Marion Low Florence, Georgie House, Ollie Hunt
Dodd, Alice Florence, Susannah House, Sallie J.
Dodd, John William Forman, Malvina House, Walton M.
Dodd, Marshall Foster, Mary Ellen Hunton, Ann D.D.
Dowell, Lena M. Foster, Silas Casper Hunton, Jackson
Dulin, Ida Virginia Francis, Harriet H. Hunton, W. Worth
Dulin, William M. Francis, Infant Son Hammond, Bernice S.
Daniel, Allen W. Francis, Infant Daughter Heffner, Charles
Daniel, Annie Emily Garner, Dicie Irene Hershey, Achsa Corder
Daniel, Ellen Emily Garner, Elizabeth Hershey, Mason Knox
Daniel, Ida Hooe Garner, India A. Hoff, Henry
Daniel, R. A. Capt. Garner, John Hoff, Rose
Daniel, R. I. C. Garner, John William Holiday, Carrie E.
Darden, Rhoda Foster Godfrey, Lewis Lee Holiday, Joseph W.
Dennis, Franklin Roy Godfrey, Margaret Jane King, Andrew N.
Dennis, Oliver Roy Goode, Anita Lucille King, Bertha W.
Dennis, Wade Cleveland Goode, Edna B. King, Charles E.
Dickinson, Marshall L. Goode, John A. King, Mary E.
Dodd, Alice Gough, Bertran Low, Andrew
Dodd, John William Gough, Charles R. Low, Andrew H.
Dodd, Marshall Gough, Correll V. Low, Eliza Green
Dowell, Lena M. Gough, Helen M. Low, Jeanette S.
Dulen, Ida Virginia Gough, Polly Ann Low, John
Dulen, William M. Grant, Annie Low, Katherine M.
Edmonds, A. B. H. Green, Annie Hunton Low, L. Elizabeth
Edmonds, Annie M. Green, Arminta Elizabeth Low, Louise Scott
Edmonds, D. P. Green, Arminta Elizabeth Low, Marie E.
Edmonds, Isham Green, Charles Luke, A. E. died 1888
Edmonds, Mary Ella Green, Charles Luke, A. E. died 1906
Edmonds, Thomas W. Green, Charles Luke, Ellen Douglas
Ellis, Amanda T. Green, Gilbert Luke, Vyvyan Francis
Ellis, Catherine Eliz. Green, Lucy Ireland Mackall, Annie Hunton
Ellis, Cecelia T. Green, Mildred F. Mackall, Aminta Sorrell
Ellis, Charles Green, Sorrell Frank Mackall, Charles Green
Ellis, Elizabeth Hooe, Howson Mackall, Francis Sorrell
Ellis, Hazelwood Hopkins, Dwight L. Mackell, Karow Lester
Ellis, James G. Hopkins, Ethel C. Mackall, Porter Alexander
Ellis, John P. Hopkins, George W. Mackall, Rebecca Dulaney
Ellis, John W. Hopkins, Milton Mackall, William Whann Jr.
Ellis, Joseph W. Hopkins, Narcissa Mackall, William Whann Sr.
Ellis, Lucy S. Hopkins, Sabinia Macrae, Katherine Green
Ellis, Morton D. House, Amelia Allen Macrae, John
Ellis, Muriel V. House, Betty B. Marsteller, Ann B.
Ellis, Oscar D. House, Daniel W. Marsteller, Charlotte M.
Ellis, Purman W. House, Daniel W. Marsteller, Katie C.
Marsteller, Lewis A. Moxley, Louise Scott Thornton, James Taylor
Marsteller, Mildred M. Moxley, S. G. Douglass Thornton, James Thomas
Marsteller, Newton Myers, Darrell Sterling Thornton, Samuel H.
Marsteller, Phillip F. Myers, Daniel Lewis Thornton, T. Pringle
Marsteller, Virginia L. Piercy, Anna D. Thornton, Thomas
Matney, W. Fred Piercy, Elizabeth Townsend, Julia A.
Mayhugh, Douglas J. Piercy, John Morpott Townsend, Robert Alexander
Mayhugh, Ella V. Piercy, Mary Anne Trautman, Brett Overton
Mayhugh, George Piercy, Thomas P. Trenis, Otis Jerome
Mayhugh, James L. Pierson, Jennie Tsekeridis, John P.
Mayhugh, Jane A. Pigott, Samuel Tullos, Joseph Clark
Mayhugh, John William Poore, Lena Maude Tullos, Lena Francis
Mayhugh, Joseph Pound, Ruthann Tullos, William Rodham
Mayhugh, Josie M. Powers, Mary Tulloss Veeder, Dewitt T.
Mayhugh, Julia H. Price, James B. Veeder, William Schoetze
Mayhugh, Lula C. Price, Lena V. Wallace, Lawrence
Mayhugh, Maude Gough Pringle, Catherine P. Ward, Hazel Ellis
Mayhugh, Orvannah Pringle, Elizabeth M. Washington, Fannie
Mayhugh, Pendleton Reid, Annie Washington, Lucy Douglas
Mayhugh, William J. Reid, Annie A. Washington, Malcolm B.
Mayhugh, William T. Reid, Ernest W. Washington, Malcolm Mc
McCarthy, Cora Wade Reid, Henrietta S. Wells, Benjamin Baxter
McCarthy, E. Wade Reid, John White, Annie Eustace
McClung, Charles Hugh Reid, John M. White, Robert Baker
McIntosh, Ann M. Reid, Levi Wood, Abi E.
McIntosh, William L. Reid, Margaret Wood, Benjamin O.
McLearen, Alice V. Reid, Margaret M. Wood, Daniel D.
McLearen, Helen M. Reid, Mary Ellen Wood, Evelyn B.
McLearen, James R. Reid, Mary R. Wood, George Mazyek
McLearen, Robbie B. Reid, Shirley M. Wood, George A.
McMichael, Alexander E. Reid, William Wade Wood, J. Dillon
McMichael, Alexander J. Reynolds, L. Margaret Wood, Malinda H.
McMichael, Annie Hooe Ristedt, Ernest John Wood, Marion E.
McMichael, Anna M. Ritenour, Daniel J. Wood, Paul J.
McMichael, Elizabeth B. Ritenour, Susan C. Wood, Wallace
McMichael, Francis Earle Ritenour, William Wright. Charlie Henry
McMichael, Lawrence H. Robinson, Mary Dodd Moxley, L. Elizabeth
McMichael, Martha Malinda Robinson, Reuben Thornton, Helen V.
McMichael, Stuart A. Rutherford, Susie F. Thornton, Helen F.
Milligan, Jane Alexander Soaper, James C. Thornton, Cornelia Pearson
Moore, Ethel D. Sorrell, Frank Moxley, Harriet Eustace
Moore, Hannah E. Spittle, Henry L. Moxley, Gilbert Ireland
Moore, Harriett C. Spittle, Iolanta Boley Taylor, Richard
Moore, James A. Spittle, John M. Moxley, B. G. Douglass
Moore, John A. Spittle, John T. Taylor, Mary Catherine
Moore, John A. Sr. Spittle, Mary C. Moxley, Arminta
Morris, Mary Virginia Spittle, Rosie F. Taylor, Doris L.
Mountjoy, B. Oscar Symington, James R. Mountjoy, Mary Taylor
Surveyed by: Ron Turner 2000